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Falling Head Permeability Lab Report

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Kod & Nama Kursus

Course Name & Code
Tajuk Ujikaji
Title of Experiment
Nama Pensyarah/Pengajar
Lecturer/Instructor’s Name
Nama Ketua Kumpulan MUHAMMAD ZULHILMI BIN No. Matrik : AA181059
Name of Group Leader MOHAMAD NAZLI Matric No.

Ahli Kumpulan No. Matrik

Group Members Matric No.




Tarikh Ujikaji
8 MARCH 2020
Date of Experiment
Date of Submission
1. Introduction
The falling head permeability test involves flow of water through a relatively short soil
sample connected to a standpipe which provides the water head and also allows measuring
the volume of water passing through the sample. The diameter of the standpipe depends on
the permeability of the tested soil. The test can be carried out in a Falling Head permeability
cell or in an oedometer cell.

1.1 Objective
The objectives of this experiment are to determine permeability of soils of intermediate and
low permeability (less than 10-4 m/s), i.e. silts and clays.

1.2 Theory
In the falling head test a relatively short sample is connected to a standpipe which provides
both the head of water and the means of measuring the quantity of water flowing through the
sample. Several standpipes of different diameters are normally available from which can be
selected the diameter most suitable for the type of material being tested.

In permeability tests on clays, much higher hydraulic gradients than are normally used with
sands can be applied, and are often necessary to induce any measurable flow. The cohesion of
clays provides resistance to failure by piping at gradients of up to several hundred, even
under quite low confining or surcharge pressures. Dispersive clays however are very
susceptible to erosion at much lower gradient.

The falling head principle can be applied to an undisturbed sample in a sampling tube and to
a sample in an oedometer consolidation cell. The equations used in determine the
permeability of fine grained soils is given in Equation (1).

aL h
Permeability , k=
A (t 2−t 1 ) ()
log e 1
………..Equation (1)

The time difference (t2-t1) can be expressed as the elapsed time, t (minutes). The heights h1
and h2 and the length, L are expressed in millimeters, and the areas A and a in square
millimeters. Equation (1) then becomes Equation (2).
aL h1
Permeability , k=
Ax 60 t ( )
log e
(mm/s )
………..Equation (2)

To convert natural logarithms to ordinary (base 10) logarithms, multiply by 2.303. If k is

expressed in m/s, the above equation becomes Equation (3).

2 .303 aL h
Permeability , k=
1000 xAx 60 t ()
log 10 1 (m/ s)
………..Equation (3)

Where: a = area of cross-section of standpipe tube,

A = area of cross section of sample
h1 = heights of water above datum in standpipe at time t1
h2 = heights of water above datum in standpipe at time t2
L = heights of sample
t = elapsed time in minutes

1.3 Instrument
1. Permeameter cell, comprising:
i. Cell body, with cutting edge (core cutter), 100 mm diameter and 130 mm long.
ii. Perforated base plate with straining rods and wing nuts.
iii. Top clamping plate.
iv. Connecting tube and fittings.
Figure 1: Compaction permeameter

2. Procedures
1. Assemble apparatus,
a. The apparatus was set up as shown in figure 2. The volume of water passing
through a sample of low permeability was quite small and a continuous supply
of de-aired water was not necessary, but the reservoir supplying the de-airing
tank should be filled with distilled or de-ionised water
2. Calibrate manometer tubes,
a. The areas of cross-section of the three manometer tubes should be determined
as follows for each tube:
i. The tube filled with water up to a known mark near the top of the
scale, observed to the nearest mm,
ii. Runoff water from the tube into a weighted beaker, until the leveled
in the tube had fallen by about 500mm or more,
iii. The new water leveled on the scale was read, to the nearest mm,
iv. Weight the beaker containing water from the tube (weighing should
be to the nearest 0.01g)
v. The diameter of the manometer could be calculated as follows:
1000 mw
diameter , a=
h1 −h2 mm2
Where, mw = mass of water (g), h1 = initial leveled in tube (mm), h2 =
final leveled in tube (mm), and A = area of cross-section of tube
vi. The measurements was repeated two or three times for each tube, and
average the results.

3. Prepare cell,
a. Dismantle the cell,
b. Check the cell body is clean and dry, and weigh it to the nearest 0.1g,
c. Measure the mean internal diameter (D) and length (L) to the nearest 0.5mm
4. Prepare sample,
a. Undisturbed sample could be taken by means of core cutter.
b. Make sure that the sample was a tight fit in the body and there were no
cavities around the perimeter through which water could passed,
5. Assemble cell
6. Connect cell
7. Saturate and de-air sample
8. Fill manometer system
9. Run test
a. Open screw clip at inlet to allowed water to flow down through the sample,
and the water level in the standpipe observed,
b. As soon as it reaches the leveled h1, start the timer clock,
c. The time when the level reaches h3, and when it reaches h2 observed and
recorded, then stop the clock,
d. Screw clip at inlet was closed
10. Repeat test
11. Calculate permeability
12. Report result
Figure 2: Falling head permeability cell with manometer tubes

3. Data
Falling Head Permeability Test
Location: Makmal Teknologi Kejuruteraan Sample no:
Operator: Date: 8 March 2020

Soil description:
Method of

Sample diameter, D: 100 mm Sample length, L: 130 mm

Sample area, A: 7853.98 mm2 Sample volume, V: 1021 cm3
Mass of mould: 960 g Mass of sample+mould: 2670 g
Mass of sample: 1710 g

S.G. measured/assumed: Voids ratio:

Bulk density, : 16.43 kN/m3 Dry density, : 14.94 kN/m3
Mositure content: 10 % Test temperature: 25 c

Standpipe diameter: 4.05 mm Standpipe area, a: 12.07 mm2


Reference Height above Height above Test

point datum, y outlet, h No. Time, t Height ratios
(mm) (mm) (min)

1 1300 1200 1 0.15 1.08

2 1200 1100 2 0.16 1.09
3 1100 1000 3 0.17 1.10
4 1000 900 4 0.18 1.11


Reference Time, t Height ratios

Point (Convert sec to min)
1 9.00 / 60 = 0.15 1300 / 1200 =1.08
2 9.60 / 60 = 0.16 1200 / 1100 = 1.09
3 10.2 / 60 = 0.17 1100 / 1000 = 1.10
4 10.8 / 60 = 0.18 1000 / 900 = 1.11

References point no. 1:

2 .303 aL h
Permeability , k=
1000 xAx 60 t ()
log 10 1 (m/ s )

2.303(12.07)(130) 1300
=( )(log 10 )( 1200 )(m / s)
1000 ( 7853.98 ) 60(0.15) ¿
= (5.11 x 10−5 ¿ (2.59x10−3 )
= 1.32 x 10−7 m/s

References point no 2:

2 .303 aL h
Permeability , k=
1000 xAx 60 t ()
log 10 1 (m/ s)

2.303(12.07)(130) 1200
=( )(log 10 )( )(m / s)
1000 ( 7853.98 ) 60(0.16) 1100
=(4.79 x 10−5 ¿ (2.80 x10−3 )
= 1.34 x 10−7 m/s

References point no 3:

2 .303 aL h
Permeability , k=
1000 xAx 60 t ()
log 10 1 (m/ s)
2.303(12.07)(130) 1100
=( )(log 10 )( 1000 )(m / s)
1000 ( 7853.98 ) 60(0.17) ¿
=(4.51 x 10−5 ¿ (3.04 x10−3 )
=1.37 x 10−7 m/s

References point no 4:

2 .303 aL h
Permeability , k=
1000 xAx 60 t ()
log 10 1 (m/ s)

2.303(12.07)(130) 1000
=( )(log 10 )( )(m / s)
1000 7853.98 60(0.18)
( ) 900
=(4.26 x 10−5 ¿ (3.33 x10−3 )
=1.42 x 10−7 m/s

4. Question and Discussion

1. Determine the coefficient of permeability for the given sample of soil.
The coefficient of permeability for the sample of soil that we do are k1= 1.32 x 10−7
m/s, k2= 1.34 x 10−7 m/s, k3= 1.37 x 10−7 m/s and k4= 1.42 x 10−7
m/s. While the average is = 1.36 x 10−7 m/s. So we can know that sample
of the soil type is mixture of sand, silt and clay (moderate).
2. Discussion
The passage of water through porous material is called seepage. A material with
continuous voids is called a permeable material. Hence permeability is a property of a
porous material which permits passage of fluids through inter connecting conditions.
The objective of falling head permeability is to determine permeability of soils of
intermediate and low permeability (less than 10-4 m/s), i.e. silts and clays. For civil
engineering we know soil permeability classes are based on the coefficient of

2 .303 aL h1
Permeability , k=
1000 xAx 60 t ()
log 10
(m/ s)

Where: a = area of cross-section of standpipe tube,

A = area of cross section of sample
h1 = heights of water above datum in standpipe at time t1
h2 = heights of water above datum in standpipe at time t2
L = heights of sample
t = elapsed time in minutes

From there, we know soil types for our laboratory test is clay. Clay is a particular type
of sediment made up of very fine grains. It has a surprising ability to hold water. If we
touched wet clay, we probably noticed how heavy, thick, and sticky it was. This is
because of how much water it can hold, and the fine grain size of the sediment in it.
Clay is impermeable, or at least it has a very low permeability because the grains in
clay are so fine that the spaces between the grains are extremely close.
Soil permeability classes for civil engineering
Coefficient of permeability (K in m/s)
Soil permeability classes
Lower limit Upper limit
Permeable 2 x 10 2 x 10-1
Semi-permeable 1 x 10-11 1 x 10-5
Impermeable 1 x 10-11 5 x 10-7

5. Conclusion and recommendation

Soil permeability is a property of soil that allows the flow of fluid through its interconnected
void spaces. It is a measure of how easily a fluid like water can pass through the soil. There
are several factors affecting the permeability of soil like particle size, impurities in water,
void ratio, the degree of saturation, and adsorbed water to entrapped air and organic material.
Particle size. The permeability of soil is directly proportional to the particle size therefore, the
permeability of coarse grained soil is very large as compared to that of the fine grained soil.
Impurities in water. Any foreign matter in water has a tendency to plug the flow passage and
reduce the effective voids and its permeability. Void ratio. For a given soil, the greater the
void ratio, the higher the value of the coefficient of permeability
From the permeability test, there are several factors that affecting the permeability of soil like
particle size, impurities in water, void ratio, the degree of saturation, and adsorbed water to
entrapped air and organic material.
During test there should be no volume change in the soil, there should be no compressible air
present in the voids of soil i.e. soil should be completely saturated. The flow should be
laminar and in a steady state condition. This is because the coefficient of permeability is used
to assess drainage characteristics of soil, to predict rate of settlement founded on soil bed.

6. References
1. http://www.fao.org/tempref/FI/CDrom/FAO_Training/FAO_Training/General/x6706e
2. Properties of soil permeability
3. Permeability test
4. Geotechnical falling head

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