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Job Site Analysis

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Job Safety Analysis

Training Objectives
• Explain the need for JSAs
• Explain the benefits of JSAs
• Provide the information necessary to
properly complete JSAs
• Provide the tools necessary to properly
complete JSAs
What Is Job Safety Analysis?
• Method used to break a job task into
separate and distinct steps
• Evaluate the hazards associated with each
• Determine the appropriate controls
needed to control each of the identified
Benefits of Job Safety Analysis
• Identifies unsafe work practices before an
accident occurs
• Decreases injury rates
• Increases quality
• Increases productivity
• Alternative to using rates as an Incentive
Uses Of Job Safety Analyses
• Evaluate existing jobs
• Set up new jobs
• Training and re-training tool
• Prioritize jobs needing re-design
• Ties in closely with other job analyses
(quality & productivity studies, RTW)
• Reference in accident investigations
No JSA = Bad
• The report found that risk assessment was
“often incomplete,” that business units did not
understand or address major hazards, and that
competency in risk and hazard assessment was
poor. BP March 2004 audit finding.
“Many [people] reported errors due to a lack of
time for job analysis, lack of adequate staffing, a
lack of supervisor staffing, or a lack of resident
knowledge of the unit in the supervisory staff.”
2005 Telus survey
Definition Of Key Words

• Job task
• Job step
• Hazard
• Exposure
• Control
• Accident / Incident
Definition Of Key Words -
• Job Task - change a light bulb
• Job Step - climb ladder
• Hazard - defects on ladder
• Exposure - injury from ladder fall
• Control - inspect ladders before use
and remove from service if defective
• Accident / Incident - fall with or
without injury
One JSA Process, Three Goals




Where To Start?

• Pick 3!
• Accident history
• Employee complaints
• Jobs with close calls
• Potential Jobs with serious injuries
• What else?
Involve Employees

• Discuss what you are going to do

and why
• Explain that you are studying the
task, not employee performance
• Involve the employees in the entire
Important Tips
• Evaluate all aspects of the job task,
even if performed infrequently
• Observe more than one employee
doing a specific job task
• Observe more than one shift
• Take enough time observing the job
• Observe a worker actually doing the
job, not just describing job
Boxed Paper Handling
Boxed Paper Handling
• From Madison
• Receipt of boxes from
• Hazards Identified Back
Injury; Muscle
• Control: Request delivery
person to place boxes
close to their intended
storage location.
• If moving of full boxes is
necessary, use dolly/cart.
Boxed Paper Handling
• Lifting boxes
• Hazards Identified Back
Injury; Muscle
• Control: Remove at least
4 reams of paper
(reduces weight to 32
lbs.)(each ream of paper
weights approx. 5 lbs.)
• Use proper lifting
Boxed Paper Handling
• Cutting boxes open.
• Hazards Identified:
• Control: Utilize
properly guarded
tools and safe cutting
techniques (i.e.,
scissors or retractable
utility knife)
Boxed Paper Handling
• Place reams on shelf.
• Hazards Identified
Back Injury; Muscle
• Control: Place box to
minimize twisting,
bending and other
hazardous movement
as much as possible.
• Use of proper lifting
Boxed Paper Handling
• Storage of boxes
• Back Injury; Muscle
strain/sprain (full
boxes weigh 52 lbs)
• Control: Store boxes
with at least 4 reams
of paper removed.
Do you Critique JSA’s?
• My attitude is, if
someone's going to
criticize me, tell me to
my face.
Simon Cowell
Exercise: Parts deburring
• Define the job task to
be studied
• Observe task and
break into major steps
• Record results
• Let’s dissect this JSA
from a company
• What is missing?
Job Hazard Analysis Exercise
Break the job task into steps.



1. Reach into box to the
right of the machine,
grasp casting and carry
to wheel.
2. Push casting against
wheel to grind off burr.
3. Place finished casting
in box to the left of the
Instructions For Conducting A Job
Hazard Analysis
Identify the hazards of each step. For each hazard, ask:

• What can go wrong?

• What are the consequences?
• How could it happen?
• What are other contributing factors?
• How likely is it that the hazard will occur?
Job Hazard Analysis Exercise


1. Reach into box to the Strike hand on edge of
right of the machine, metal box or casting; cut
grasp casting and carry hand on burr. Drop casting
to wheel. on toes.
2. Push casting against Strike hand against wheel,
wheel to grind off burr. sparks in eyes. Wheel
breakage, dust, sleeves
get caught.
3. Place finished casting Strike hand against metal
in box to the left of the box or casting.

Do you agree?
Instructions For Conducting A Job
Hazard Analysis
Eliminate or Reduce Hazards with Protective Measures

Hierarchy of controls
• Elimination
• Substitution
• Engineering controls
• Administrative controls
• Personal protective equipment
Job Hazard Analysis Exercise


1. Reach into box to the Strike hand on edge of Provide gloves and safety
right of the machine, metal box or casting; cut shoes.
grasp casting and carry hand on burr. Drop casting
to wheel. on toes.
2. Push casting against Strike hand against wheel, Provide larger guard over
wheel to grind off burr. sparks in eyes. Wheel wheel. Install exhaust
breakage, dust, sleeves system. Provide safety
get caught. goggles. Instruct employee
to wear short sleeved shirts.
3. Place finished casting Strike hand against metal Provide tool for removal of
in box to the left of the box or casting. completed stock.

Are these good protective


Change a
Light Bulb
Three Step Procedure &
• Identify each major step of the job task
• List the hazard(s) to each major step
• Determine the control(s) that would
prevent an accident for each hazard
• Break into groups
• List only three steps, hazards, control for
changing a light bulb
• Go!!!
Changing A Light Bulb
• Event Date: 08/19/2009
• An employee was on an aluminum ladder over
twenty five feet from the ground when working
on replacing a ballast for a 400 watt mercury
light bulb.
• The power supply line was energized.
• The circuit breaker for the lighting fixture was
• The employee fell off the ladder.
• The employee was taken to a hospital where he
was pronounced dead.
Changing A Light Bulb
• Event Date: 01/31/2008
• Changing 277/480v light bulbs in the parking lot lamps
• Outside the store using an aerial lift.
• The lamps had been energized to discover which bulbs needed to be replaced.
• The lamps were not de-energized prior to the deceased working on it.
• The deceased was using a screw driver (a 8.5-inch phillips head screw driver) that
was not insulated, and he was not using any type of electrical protective equipment.
• The deceased was having difficulty in opening the light housing on the lamp
because the lid to the housing had two stripped screws.
• The deceased apparently reached into the light housing to replace the light bulb and
was electrocuted.
• The bulb was found broken after the accident.
• According to the medical examiner's report, the deceased died from cardiac
ventricular dysrhythmia due to electrocution.
• He had an electrical burn on his right palm.
Post Job Hazard Analysis

What do I do next ?

• Correct the unsafe conditions and

 Train all employees who do the job on the
 Make sure they understand the changes
 Assign additional needed actions/follow-ups
Job Safety Analysis - Blank form - Copy for use at the workplace

Item Work activity Hazard Risk control Persons responsible Completion

Number Break the job down into steps What could harm someone? What can be done to make Who will make sure it Date and signoff

the job sale? happens?

Summary – JSA Training Steps
1) Define meaning of JSA
2) Benefits and why JSAs are important
3) Select the job to be analyzed
4) Prepare the JSA form
5) Break the job task into steps
6) Identify the hazards
7) Identify the controls
8) Correct unsafe conditions and processes
9) Assign additional needed actions/follow-ups
10) Review JSAs
11) Use JSAs for training and accident
Training Objectives?

• Explain the need for JSAs?

• Explain the benefits of JSAs?
• Provide the information necessary to
properly complete JSAs?
• Provide the tools necessary to
properly complete JSAs?

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