Multimedia Systems Design
Multimedia Systems Design
Multimedia Systems Design
Multimedia elements
Multimedia applications
Training and On-Line applications
manuals reference Video
CD-ROM presentations
Video karaoke
CD-ROM newspapers Interactive TV
interactive games
Games and Entertainment
Full motion digital video Multimedia applications
• Full-motion video clips should be sharable but should have only
one sharable copy
• It should be possible to attach full-motion video clips to other
documents such as memos, chapter text, presentations, and so on.
• Users should be able to take sections of a video clip and combine
the sections with sections from other video clips to form their own
new video clip
• All the normal features of a VCR metaphor, such as, rewind,
FF,play and search etc should be available.
• Users should be able to search to the beginning of a specific scene,
that is , the full-motion video clip should be indexed.
Full motion digital video
Multimedia applications
• Users should be able to place their own indexing marks to locate
segments in the video clip.
• It should be possible to view the same clip on a variety of display
terminal types with varying resolution capabilities without the
need for storing multiple copies in different formats.
• It should be possible for users to move and resize the window
displaying the video clip.
• The users should be able to adjust the contrast and brightness of
the video clip and also adjust the volume of the associated sound.
• Users should be able to suppress sound or mix sound from other
• When video clips are spliced, then sound components are also
spliced automatically.
Electronic messaging Multimedia applications
• Message store and forward facility
• Message transfer agents to route messages to their final
destinations across various nodes in a multilevel network.
• Message repositories (servers) where users may store them just as
they would store documents in a filing cabinet
• Repositories for dense multimedia components such as images,
video frames, audio messages and full-motion video clips.
• Ability for multiple electronic hypermedia messages to share the
same multimedia components residing in various repositories on
the enterprise network.
• Dynamic access and transaction managers to allow multiple users
to access, edit, and print these multimedia messages.
Electronic messaging Multimedia applications
• Local and global directories to locate users and servers across an
enterprise network
• Automatic database sync of dynamic electronic messaging
• Automatic protocol conversions and data format conversions
• Administrative tools to manage enterprise wide networks.
A universal multimedia Multimedia applications
• An application that manipulates data types that can be combined in
a document, displayed on a screen, or printed with no special
manipulations that the user needs to perform
• Full motion video messages
• Viewer interactive live video
• Audio and video indexing
Multimedia systems
• Significant reduction of the time and space needed to file, store and
retrieve documents in electronic form rather than paper form
• Increased productivity by eliminating lost or missing file conditions
using automatically maintained indexing provided by a data
management system
• Providing simultaneous document access to multiple users for
display on screen as well as hardcopy print
• Improvement of multidimensional information flow within the
• Reduction of time and money spent on photocopying by reducing
the need for distributing multiple paper copies
Multimedia Database
Multimedia Network
Database server
A Course-on-Demand System
Authoring Metadata
Tool DB
Integration Software
DB Application
Java Client
User Server
Interface Media