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Informative Communication: Topics - Informative Speaking - Methods of Delivering An Informative Speech

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Chapter 2

Informative Communication
• Informative Speaking
• Methods Of Delivering an Informative Speech
When people share knowledge about world
which they live, they are participating in the
process of informative communication.

02 There are many communication situations

we encounter everyday when people
explain or describe facts, truts and
principles in a way that stimulates interest
, facilities , understanding and increases
the likelihood of remembering
03 In other words,
informative speeches is
designed to educate

Informative Speeches answer
questions about a topic such
as who, when, what, where,
why, how to and how does.
Informative Speaking is
different from other speech
forms (such as speaking to
persuade, to entertain) in that
the goal is simply to achieve
mutual understanding about an
object, person, place, process,
event, idea, concept or issue
haracteristics of Effective Informative Speakin
1. The speaker seeks 2. When you speak to inform,
to raise awareness, you want audience members
increase knowledge, or to learn something from your
deepen understanding speech. t this, you share
about a topic. information with them.

4. Your skill as a speaker is

the mechanism that allowa 3. You want to do more than
you to transfer information just share information, you aim
accurately in oder to create to turn facts into knowledge.
knowledge-your own and
that of your audience.
- At the root of all human communication is the
social connection people make when they share in
formation. when you speak informatively, you mak
e this conncetion with your listeners. For this
to happen, your audience must find the speech in
tellectually stimulating, relevant, creative, me
morable and address diverse learning styles.
1. Intellectually Stimulating
Your audience will determine information to be
intellectually stimulating when it is new to them
and when it is explained in a way that stimulates
their curiosity and excites their interest..
2. Relevant
you have a general rule to remember when preparing
your informative speeches which is: Don't assume
your listeners will recognize how the information you
share is relevant to them .
3. Creative 4. Memorable
• Your audience
If your speech is really
willl interpret
your informative, your
information to audience will hear a
lot of new information
creative when it
but will need your hep
different in remebering the
or original ideas most important.
and insights.
Ways to use presentational aids, repetition, trans
itions, humor and mnemonics and acronyms to help y
our audience remember information you believe to b
e most important .
Technique Use Example

Presentational aids To provide audience members A diagram of the process of

with a visual or auditoey making ethanol from
memory of important or sugarcane.
difficult material.

Repetition To give the audience a second “ One of the dimensions of

or third chance to retain love is respect: that is, it
important information by can't really be love if there is
repeating or paraphrasing it. no respect”
Transitions To help the audience “So the three characteristics of love are
understand the relationship mutual respect, trust and acceptance.
between the ideas being Now let's look at each of the five ways
presented including primary you can keep love alive. The first is
through communication.
and supporting information.

Humor and other To create on emotional “True love is like a pair of socks,
emotional memory link to important you have to have two, and they
anecdotes ideas. have got to match. So you and
your partner need to be mutually
committed and compatible.”

Mnemonics and To provide an easy memory “As you can see, useful goals are
Acronyms prompt for a series or alist. SMART: S for specific, M for
measurable, A for action-oriented,
R for relevant and T for time-
bound. Thats SMART.”
5. Address Diverse Learning

Because the members of your audience

learn differently, you will be most
successful at informing all your audience
when you present your information in
ways that appeal to all styles of learning.
Methods of
We can inform through description, definition, comparison and
contrast, narration and demonstration. Let us look more
closely at each of these patterns.
is the informative method used to
create an accurate, vivid verbal
picture of an object, geographic
feature, setting, event,person or
This method usually answers who,
what or where questions. To
describe something effectively, you
can explain it's size, shape, weight,
color, composition, age, condition
and spatial organization.
• is a method of informing that explains the meaning of something.
there are four ways to define something.

1 Define a word or idea by 3 Define a word by

classifying it and
explaining its use or
differentiating it from
similar ideas. function.

Define a word by
2 explaining it's
4 Define something by
derivation or history. using a familiar synonym
or antonym.
Comparison and Contrast
- It is a method of informing that
focuses on how something is
Enter title
similar to and different from other
things Example: In a speech on vegas,
Enter title
you might tell your audience how
vegans are similar and different
It can be figurative or literal, you from other typesof vegetarians.
can use metaphors and analogies You can point out that like
as well as making direct vegetarians , vegans don't eat
comparisons. meat.
Enter title
is a method of informing that recounts an autobiographical or biographical event,
a myth, a story, or some other account. Narration usually have four parts:

First Part
-orients the listener by describing Second Part
when and where the event took 1 2 -explains the sequence of events that le
place and by introducing the to a conflict or problem, including details
important people or characters. that enhance the development.

Fourth Part Third Part

- recounts how the 4 3 - Discusses how the conflict or
conflict or the problem problem affected the main
was solved. characters in the narrative
Characteristics of Good Narration

2. Use of descriptive 4. Effective use of

language dialogue

1. A strong 3. Detail that 5. Pacing that

story line. enhance the plot, builds suspense.
charactes, setting (Baerwald,n.d.)
and events.
- is a method of informing to show how something is
done, displays the stages of process, or describes how
something works. Demonstrations range from very
simple with a few easy-to-folloe steps(such as how to
iron a shirt) to a very complex(such as explaining how
acomputer operating system (OS) functions.
Visual Communication
There is an old saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Life would indeed be
difficult without paintings, photographs, diagrams, charts, drawings, and graphic symbols.
these are some of the reasons why SHOWING is such an important form of communication.

1. Most people understand things 4. Visuals can be used to

communicate tnge of people with
better when they have seen how TEXT different backgrounds.
they work.
2. Complex ideas can be
5. Visuals are useful when
presented clearly and quickly trying to condense
using visual aids. information into a short
time period.
3. People retain information
longer when it is presented TEXT
to them visually.
Visual aids when used imaginatively and appropriately will help your audience
remember more. Consider the following;

01 04
• People think in terms of images, • Visuals may be useful in
not words, so visuals help them presenting technical
retain and recall technical information to a nontechnical
information. audience.

• Visuals attract and hold the 02 03 • Visuals simplify technical

attention of observers.

• Visual materials can be broken into

two categories written information and
images. to increase the maximum impact
from any medium that projects visual
material, follow these guidelines:
Keep it simple. Keep the number of images
you present manageable.
Emphasize only key
Combine variety with
Show what you can't coherence.

Use close-up photographs Use large lettering.

and other images.
Using Other Visual and Audio Media
Loading up on presentation media, especially poorly
designed digital slides, can destroy your relationship with the
audience, get in the way of your pf speakong and lessen the
impact of your speech. The latest and most complicated
technology is not always your best choice. your topic, the size
of the audience and the room, and the public speaking event
should dictate which presentation media you eill want to use
if any.
Advantages and limitations of Present
ation Media
Type Description Advantages Limitations

Presentation Synonymous with Blends text, images, Overused, boring,

software or digital poerpoint but other video, sound into speech content
slides digital slide software speech. neglected, speaker
is available from tends to talk to and
apple. read screen

Document It is often referred Projects images with Must manage order

Camera to by their brand great detail; can of items to be
name like “ELMO” zoom in, capture projected, speaker
or “SMART Camera”. images, display wide tends to talk to
range of items. screen.
A large pad of paper Records spontaneous Best for brainstorming
Flip Chart propped up on an easel
placed near the
thought encourages
audience participation.
but not for presenting
difficult material for
speaker. everyone to see.

Traditional Should be use only

when brainstorming
Records spontaneous
Unprofessional looking;
writing takes away from
Whiteboard with the audience speaking time; speaker
about ideas, never for turns back on audience.
presenting materials.

Interactive Sometimes called

“smart boards”.
Encourages audience
participation; enjoyable
Best used for
instructional and
whiteboard to use; capture and professional group
save boards; serves as activities, not
screen, intes with presenting, expensive.
polling technology.
Video It is available on video sites Evokes emotions in Interferes with speaking
such as You Tube and Hulu audience; portrays pace and audience focus.

Handout You might use handouts to Enhaces audience recall Disrupts continuity of
provide alist of website after speech; reinforces key presentation; wasteful.
addresses where audience ideas.
members can make
donations to a charity or
give your audience a
diagram illustrating how to
administer emergency
Physical model Representation of the topic Provides specific, Can be too small or
being discussed (e.g. a memorable reference; helps detailed; not suitable for
model of a proposed audiences comprehend large audiences unless
building in the community abstract materials and projected by document
or campus, molecular concepts. camera.
structure of an atom.
Human Assistant Asking someone to play Helps demonstrate two Close coordination with
a supportive part in a person activities; assistant required; can
speech . realistic; stokes appear unprofessional
audience interest. human failure.

Sound and music Some public speakers Set context or mood Decrease speaking
briefly sing or play an trigger imagination; time/ distracting sound
acoustic instrument as entertainment value. quality and volume;
part of their speeches. must be carefully

Real-time web access You navigate in real Fresh, current Connection and
time through web pages information. download speed,
associated with your absence or change of
topic. web sites, access
systems can be
2. Practice with your 4.Speak to your
1. Consider the media. audience nour
Select, design, and edit
3. Set up early.
room. Arrive early and media.
the digital slides or
Become more verify that the Whatever
any other
completely technological technical
components of your equipment you media you use,
familiar with the
presentation well
need is working.. always keep your
location where before the day of your focus on the
you will speak. speech. audience..
Informative Presentations:Delivery Me
Often the success of your presentation depends
on the delivery method you choose: impromptu
speaking, extemporaneous speaking, manuscript
speaking and memorized speaking. When deciding
on a delivery style, choose one that enhances the
content of your speech and doesn't distract your
Method Brief Definition Advantages Typical
Impromptu Speaking without Flexibility; Not rehearsed; can Responding to
preparation complete be disorganized; audience
spontaneity speaker has little, if questions.
any time to

Extemporaneous Giving a speech Allows speaker to Researching, Most classroom

that has been develop expertise organizing and professional and
planned, on a topic; allows practicing a speech community
researched, structured is time consuming. presentations.
organized and spontaneity; allows
practice. speaker to adjust
to audience
Manuscript Giving a speech Allows speaker Speaker uses Political
that has been to choose each written rather speeches
written out word word precisely than langauage,
for word. and time exactly. difficult to
modify based on
audience impact.

Memorized Giving a speech Allows speaker Can seem Short ceremonial

that has been tp present artificial; speeches.
committed to speech without requires
memory. notes; same intensive
speech can be practicing.
presented many
Impromptu Speaking
• At times, you may be called to speak on the
spot. An impromptu speech is one that is d
elivered without prior preparation. this me
thod is usually presented without referring
to notes of any kind. Impromptu speaking i
s simply another way to use the basic com
munication skills you already have and use
Extemporaneous Speaking
• Most speeches whether in the wo
rkplace, in the community, or in cl
ass, are delivered extemporaneou
sly. An extemporaneous speech is
rehearsed and planned ahead of
time, but the exact wording is not
scripted and will vary from prese
ntation to presentation.
Manuscript Speaking
• When politician and world leade
rs give speeches, they usually ap
pear to be speaking from just a f
otes as they look directly at the
audience and the camera. Howe
ver, they are often reading from
the teleprompter that displays a
manuscript speech- a speech wr
itten out word for word.
Memorized Speaking
• When delivering a memorized speech,
the speaker commits the entire speech
to memory and then presents it to the
audirnce. it can be useful and appropri
ate in certain situations. For short spee
ches, such as wedding toast or accepta
nce of an award, knowing exactly what
you are going to say reduces the chanc
es that you will sound unprepared or
make comments you will regret later.
Prepared By: Abacsa, Lyca Mae C.
Dote, Gherlyn
Armendarez, Rica Inah
Magyawe, Ericka
Date: 02/21/2020

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