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Motivation Theories: Achievement Requires Effort

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Chapter 5

Motivation Theories

Achievement requires
Chapter Study Questions

What is motivation?
What can we learn from the needs theories of
Why is the equity theory of motivation important ?
What are the insights of the expectancy theory of
How does goal setting influence motivation?

Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5-2

What is Motivation?

 Forces within the individual forces that
account for the direction, level, and
persistence of a person’s effort expended
at work.
 Direction - an individual’s choice when
presented with a number of possible
 Level - the amount of effort a person puts
 Persistence - the length of time a person
sticks with a given action.

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What is Motivation?

Types of motivation theories

 Content theories
 Focus on individual needs – that is, physiological
or psychological deficiencies that individuals feel
a compulsion to reduce or eliminate.

 Process theories
 Focus on how cognitive processes as thoughts
and decisions within the minds of people
influence their behavior.

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What can We Learn From the Needs
Theories of Motivation?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

 Identifies five levels of individual needs.

 Assumes that some needs are more

important than others and must be
satisfied before the other needs can serve
as motivators.

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Figure 5.1 Higher-order and lower-order needs
in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

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What can We Learn From the Needs Theories of

Alderfer’s ERG
Theory of
Existence: Motivation
Desires for
physiological and
material well-being

Growth: Relatedness:
Desires for continued
personal growth and Desires for
development. satisfying

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Thematic Apperception Test (T.A.T.)
Premise: We project our unconscious needs
through stories

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What can We Learn From the Needs
Theories of Motivation?
Acquired needs theory
 Need for achievement (nAch).
 The desire to do something better or more efficiently, to solve
problems, or to master complex tasks.

 Need for affiliation (nAff).

 The desire to establish and maintain friendly and warm relations
with others.

 Need for power (nPower).

 The desire to control others, to influence their behavior, or to be

responsible for others.

Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5-9

What can We Learn from the Needs
Theories of Motivation?

Two-Factor Theory
 Identifies two different factors as primary
causes of job satisfaction and job
 Also known as the motivator-hygiene

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What can We Learn From the Needs
Theories of Motivation?

Hygiene factors
 Sources of job dissatisfaction found in the
job context or work setting.
 Job dissatisfaction occurs when hygiene
factors are poor.
 Improving the hygiene factors only
decreases job dissatisfaction.

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What can We Learn From the Needs
Theories of Motivation?

Motivator factors
 Sources of job satisfaction related to job
 Presence or absence of satisfiers or motivators
in people’s jobs is the key to satisfaction,
motivation, and performance.
 Job enrichment is a way of building more
motivator factors into job content.
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Sources of dissatisfaction and satisfaction
in Herzberg’s two-factor theory

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What is the Equity Theory of

Equity Theory
Any perceived inequity
becomes a motivating state
of mind.
 People are motivated to behave in ways that
restore or maintain equity in situations.
 Foundation of equity is social comparison.

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What is the Equity Theory of

Individual Outcomes Others’ Outcomes

Individual Efforts Others’ Efforts

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What is the Equity Theory of

Equity theory prediction:

 Felt Negative inequity.
 Individual feels he/she has received
relatively less than others in proportion to
work inputs.

 Felt Positive inequity.

 Individual feels he/she has received
relatively more than others have.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5-16
What is the Equity Theory of

Equity restoration behaviors.

 Reduce work inputs.

 Change the outcomes received.

 Leave the situation.

 Change the comparison points.

 Psychologically distort things.

 Try to change the efforts of the comparison person.

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Your experience…
You regularly work longer hours than anyone
else in your department. Yet, you do not feel
that you are being adequately recognized or
rewarded. According to equity theory, you
will most likely ….
1.Increase your efforts by working longer
2.Ask for a raise or bonus.
3.Reduce your efforts by decreasing hours.
4.Frame the situation as a learning experience
and beneficial for your future career.
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What is the Equity Theory of

Organizational justice
 How fair and equitable people view the
practices of their workplace.

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What is the Equity Theory of Motivation?

Procedural justice - degree to which the rules and

procedures specified by policies are properly followed.
Distributive justice - degree to which all people are treated
the same under a policy, regardless of race, ethnicity,
gender, age or any other demographic characteristic.
Interactional justice - degree to which the people affected
by a decision are treated with dignity and respect.
Commutative Justice – degree to which exchanges and
transactions among parties is considered free and fair.

Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5-20

What is the Expectancy Theory of

A person’s motivation is a multiplicative

function of expectancy, instrumentality,
and valence (M = E x I x V).

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What is the Expectancy Theory of

 effort will yield acceptable performance

 performance will be rewarded

 value of the rewards is highly positive

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Figure 5.3 Victor Vroom’s
Expectancy Theory

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What is the Expectancy Theory of

Motivational implications of expectancy theory.

 Motivation is sharply reduced when, expectancy,
instrumentality, or valence approach zero or are
 Motivation is high when expectancy and
instrumentality are high and valence is strongly

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What is the Goal-Setting Theory of
Goal setting
 The process of
negotiating, and
formalizing the targets
or objectives that a
person is responsible
for accomplishing.

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What is the Goal-Setting Theory of

Difficult goals are more likely to lead to

higher performance than are less
difficult ones.

Specific goals are more likely to lead to

higher performance than vague or very
general ones.

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What is the Goal-Setting Theory of

Task feedback is likely to motivate

people toward higher performance by
encouraging the setting of higher
performance goals.

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What is the Goal-Setting Theory of

Goals are most likely to lead to higher performance

when people have the abilities and the feelings
of self-efficacy required to accomplish them.

Goals are most likely to motivate people toward

higher performance when they are accepted by
the individual, and there is commitment to them.

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What is the Goal-Setting Theory of

Management by
Objectives (MBO)
 Process of joint
goal setting
between a
supervisor and a

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Figure 5.4: How the management by objectives
process works

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