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Computer Virus: Detected By, M.Nitin Kumar (0701204138) Sagar Kumar Sahu (0701204150)

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Detected by,
M.Nitin kumar (0701204138)
Sagar kumar sahu (0701204150)
Why are they called so?
 A biological virus is not living.
 It’s a fragment of DNA inside a protective jacket.
Unlike a cell, a virus has no way to do anything or to
reproduce by itself -- it is not alive.
 Computer viruses also can not reproduce by
 Virus : A true virus is capable of self replication
on a machine. It may spread between files or
disks, but the defining character is that it can
recreate itself on it’s own with out traveling to a
new host.
 The first virus was made by Farooq alvi
brothers of pakistan.
 The virus was named dubbed brain©.
 It was a boot sector virus.
 Due to the spreading of use of personal
computers,virus started spreading from
different systems.
CLASSIFICATION OF Malicious programs:
How does a virus affect a system?

A typical virus goes through following stages:

 1. Dormant phase :these remian in dormant state i.e.

they get activated by some event.

 2. Propagation phase: The virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk.
 3. Triggering phase: The virus is activated to

perform the function for which it was intended

 4. Execution phase: The function may be harmless,

such as a message on the screen, or damaging, such

as the destruction of programs and data files.
Types of virus

Parasitic virus: It attaches itself to executable files and

replicates, when the infected program is executed, by finding
other executable files to infect.
 Memory-resident virus: Lodges in main memory as part of
a resident system program.
 Boot sector virus: Infects a master boot record or boot record
and spreads when a system is booted from the disk
containing the virus.
 Stealth virus: A form of virus explicitly designed to hide
itself from detection by antivirus software.
 Polymorphic virus: A virus that mutates with every
infection, making detection by the “signature” of the virus
Classification of virus:

 1. Boot virus: The boot virus affects the booting

process of the infected computer system thus
causing slow start and shut down process.
 2. DOS virus: This virus affects the disk operating

system of the infected computer system.

 3. Windows virus:Due to windows virus following

problems are encountered in the infected computer

* Unusual entries in the Task Manager list
* Unusual slowdown of system.
* Increase in file size of infected files
4. Macro virus: Macro viruses take advantage of a
feature found in office application, such as Microsoft
Excel or Microsoft Word. This feature is the macro.
5. Script virus: These malicious scripts utilize scripting
host execution capabilities of browsers and mail
systems. These viruses are scripted in the web
6. Java virus: These virus codes are written in java
programming language. These have the extension as
(*.class).There are two types of java viruses:
* Java Applet
* Java Application
7. Palm virus: These viruses include the Trojans and
download from internet to the computer systems.

A virus runs first when a legitimate program is

executed. The virus loads itself into memory and
looks to see if it can find any other programs on
the disk. If it can find one, it modifies it to add
the virus's code to the new program. Then the
virus launches the "real program."The user has
no way to know that the virus ever ran.
Unfortunately, the virus has now reproduced
itself, so two programs are infected. The next
time either of those programs gets executed, they
infect other programs, and the cycle continues

1. Don’t open files that you are not expecting

2. Suspect messages that appear more than once
in your Inbox
3. Learn file extensions
4. Anti-virus installation
Advanced Antivirus Techniques:
1. Generic Decryption.

2. 2. Digital Immune System.

Ratings of some known anti-virus software

Product Editor's Member's

(rated by PC Magazine) Rating Rating
Norton Anti Virus 2002 5 3
McAfee Security Suite No rating No rating
Trend PC-Cillin 2002 3 4
Panda Antivirus Platinum 6.0 4 No rating
Norman Virus Control 5.2 3 No rating
McAfee Virus Scan 6.0 3 4
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 3 No rating
F-Secured Anti-Virus Pesonal Edition 3 No rating
ETrust EX Armor Suite 3 No rating

1. W32.Nimda.A@mm

 Discovered on: September 18, 2001

 W32.Nimda.A@mm is a new mass-mailing worm that
utilizes email to propagate itself. The threat arrives as
readme.exe in an email. It is a virus infecting both local
files and files on remote network shares.
 Type: Worm.
 Nimda is the first worm to modify existing web sites to
start offering infected files for download. Also it is the
first worm to use normal end user machines to scan for
vulnerable web sites.
2. Melissa:
 Discovery Date: 3/26/1999

 Origin: Newsgroup Posting

 Length: varies depending on variant

 Type: Macro/Worm
 Subtype: Macro
 Risk Assessment: High
 Category: Companion.
3. Bubble boy:
 Discovery Date: 11/8/1999

 Origin: Argentina (?)

 Type: Worm/Macro
 Subtype: VbScript
 Risk Assessment: Low
 Category: Stealth/Companion.
4. Back Orifice:
 Discovery Date: 10/15/1998

 Origin: Pro-hacker Website

 Length: 124,928

 Type: Trojan
 Subtype: Remote Access
 Risk Assessment: Low
 Category: Stealth.
 1. www.howstuffworks.com/virus.htm how

computer viruses work

 2. www.en.weikipedia.org/computervirus

 3. www.symantec.com/avcenter/
Thank U
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