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Lecture 2-Earthquake Waves and Their Effects On Structures

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Lesson 2:
Earthquake Waves and Their Effects on Structures
PhD. Structural Engineering - on progress

Ass. Lecturer
Dept. of Structural and Construction Engineering
College of Engineering and Technology
University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Email: hjmtyana@gmail.com
Cell Phone: +255 (0) 655 004212
Topics to be covered
2.1 Types of Earthquakes and their

2.2 Types of Earthquake Waves and

their Behavior

2.3 Classification of Earthquakes

2.4 Seismic Zones in Tanzania

2.1 Types of Earthquakes and their Causes

 An earthquake is a violet or oscillation
of the earth’s surface caused by
sudden movement of rocks beneath its
surface (Mtyana, 2012).
 From Wikipedia, an earthquake (also
known as quake, tremor or temblor) is
the perceptible shaking of the surface
of earth, resulting from the sudden
release of energy in the earth’s crust.
Earthquake Vocabulary

By looking at this picture, try to come up with a definition

of “epicenter” and “focus”
• Focus — Location of EQ inside Earth

• Epicenter — Location directly above focus on Earth’s

How do we feel earthquakes?
If earthquakes start at the focus deep inside earth,
how do we feel it on the surface?
Why do earthquakes occur?

 Earth movements
 Fractures, faults
 Energy released and propagates
in all directions as seismic waves
causing earthquakes

How Earthquakes Travel
• Seismic waves — vibrations that travel through
Earth caused by EQs
2.1 Types of Earthquakes and their Causes

Tectonic earthquakes

Volcanic earthquakes

Collapse earthquakes

Explosion earthquakes
2.1 Types of Earthquakes and their Causes
Tectonic earthquakes
These occur when rocks in the earth’s crust break due to geological forces created
by the movement of tectonic plates.
2.1 Types of Earthquakes and their Causes

Volcanic earthquakes
Occur in conjunction with volcanic eruptions.
They are caused by sudden violet displacement of lava within or beneath the
conduit of volcano.
2.1 Types of Earthquakes and their Causes

Collapse earthquakes
Are small earthquakes in underground caverns and mines.

Explosion earthquakes
Result from the explosion of nuclear and chemical devices.
2.2 Types of Earthquake Waves and their Behavior
Body Waves and their Behavior
Compression Wave (P-Wave) Animation
1. P-waves (Primary waves)
• Fastest of the three
waves and the first
detected by
• Can travel through Earth’s interior
in less than an hour
• Pass through solids & liquids
• As they pass through the liquid of the Deformation propagates.
outer core they change directions Particle motion consists of alternating compression and
• As they return to Earth’s dilation.
surface they cause back-and- Particle motion is parallel to the direction of propagation
forth motions of rock
Material returns to its original shape after wave passes.
Shear Wave (S-Wave) Animation
2. S-waves (Secondary waves)
• Travel slightly slower than P waves
• When they reach Earth’s surface
they cause it to move up and down
• They can travel ONLY through solids
• When they pass through the mantle
to the liquid core they lose their
energy and do not return to the
surface Deformation propagates. Particle motion consists of alternating transverse
motion. Particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of propagation
(transverse). Transverse particle motion shown here is vertical but can be in
any direction. However, Earth’s layers tend to cause mostly vertical (SV; in the
vertical plane) or horizontal (SH) shear motions. Material returns to its original
shape after wave passes.
Surface Waves and their Behavior

1. Love waves – that move Love Wave (L-Wave) Animation

like S waves but only
Deformation propagates.
Particle motion consists of alternating
transverse motions.
Particle motion is horizontal and
perpendicular to the direction of
propagation (transverse).
To aid in seeing that the particle motion is
purely horizontal, focus on the Y axis (red
line) as the wave propagates through it.
Amplitude decreases with depth. Material
returns to its original shape after wave
Surface Waves and their Behavior
2. Rayleigh waves– that move both Rayleigh Wave (R-Wave) Animation
horizontally and vertically in a
vertical plane pointed in the
direction of travel

Deformation propagates.
Particle motion consists of elliptical
motions (generally retrograde
elliptical) in the vertical plane and
parallel to the direction of
Amplitude decreases with depth.
Material returns to its original shape
after wave passes.
Seismic Waves-summary

Characteristics of Seismic Waves
Type (and names) Particle Motion Typical Velocity Other Characteristics

P,Compressional, Alternating compressions VP ~ 5 – 7 km/s in typical P motion travels fastest in materials, so the P-
Primary, Longitudinal (“pushes”) and dilations Earth’s crust; wave is the first-arriving energy on a
(“pulls”) which are directed in     >~ 8 km/s in Earth’s seismogram.  Generally smaller and higher
the same direction as the wave is mantle and core;  1.5 km/s frequency than the S and Surface-waves.  P
propagating (along the raypath); in water; 0.3 km/s in air waves in a liquid or gas are pressure waves,
and therefore, perpendicular to including sound waves.
the wavefront

S,   Shear, Secondary, Alternating transverse motions VS ~ 3 – 4 km/s in typical S-waves do not travel through fluids, so do not
Transverse (perpendicular to the direction of Earth’s crust; exist in Earth’s outer core (inferred to be
propagation, and the raypath);     >~ 4.5 km/s in Earth’s primarily liquid iron) or in air or water or molten
commonly polarized such that mantle;  ~  2.5-3.0 km/s in rock (magma).  S waves travel slower than P
particle motion is in vertical or (solid) inner core waves in a solid and, therefore, arrive after the P
horizontal planes wave.
Characteristics of Seismic Waves
Type (and names) Particle Motion Typical Velocity Other Characteristics
L,  Love, Surface Transverse horizontal motion, VL ~  2.0 - 4.5 km/s in the Love waves exist because of the Earth’s surface. 
waves, Long waves perpendicular to the direction of Earth depending on They are largest at the surface and decrease in
propagation and generally frequency of the amplitude with depth.  Love waves are
parallel to the Earth’s surface propagating wave dispersive, that is, the wave velocity is dependent
on frequency, with low frequencies normally
propagating at higher velocity.  Depth of
penetration of the Love waves is also dependent
on frequency, with lower frequencies penetrating
to greater depth.

R,   Rayleigh, Surface Motion is both in the direction of VR ~  2.0 - 4.5 km/s in the Rayleigh waves are also dispersive and the
waves, Long waves, propagation and perpendicular Earth depending on amplitudes generally decrease with depth in the
Ground roll (in a vertical plane), and  frequency of the Earth.  Appearance and particle motion are
“phased” so that the motion is propagating wave similar to water waves.
generally elliptical – either
prograde or retrograde
• Landsides

• Building damage

• Liquefaction
Effects of Earthquakes on Structures
EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE Turkey - August 17, 1999 

Building damage

Bukoba -Tanzania, 2016

Haiti, 2010

Taiwan - February 7, 2018

2.3 Classification of Earthquakes

Earthquake size: two ways to measure

1) Magnitude: Richter Scale

• Measures the energy released by fault movement related to the maximum
amplitude of the S wave measured from the seismogram
• Logarithmic-scale; quantitative measure
• For each whole number there is a 31.5 times increase in energy
eg. an increase from 5 to 7 on the Richter scale = an increase in energy of 992
Earthquake Intensity
measures damage to man-made structures at certain location

Modified Mercalli scale =measurement of damage to structures

• From I to XII
(Roman numerals)

Descriptive, changes with distance from epicenter

• Can change from location to location

What you need:

• Your senses!
Frequency of Occurrence of Earthquakes
Descriptor Magnitude Average Annually
Great 8 and higher 1¹
Major 7 - 7.9 17 ²
Strong 6 - 6.9 134 ²
Moderate 5 - 5.9 1319 ²
Light 4 - 4.9
Minor 3 - 3.9
Very Minor 2 - 2.9
¹ Based on observations since 1900.
² Based on observations since 1990.
2) Intensity: Mercalli Scale:

 What did you feel?

 Assigns an intensity or rating to measure an earthquake at a particular
location (qualitative)
 I (not felt) to XII (buildings nearly destroyed)
 Measures the destructive effect

 Intensity is a function of:

 Energy released by fault
 Geology of the location
 Surface substrate: can magnify shock waves e.g. Mexico City (1985) and
San Francisco (1989)
2.4 Seismic Zones in Tanzania
(Measured in Richter Scale)

Notable records:

7th July, 2005 Lake Tanganyika ……….. 6.8

9th June, 2007 Dodoma ………………….. 4.9
Source: GAPS Guidelines, 2015

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