Oral Communication in Context 11: (Unit 1. Understanding The Communication Process)
Oral Communication in Context 11: (Unit 1. Understanding The Communication Process)
Oral Communication in Context 11: (Unit 1. Understanding The Communication Process)
In Context 11
(Unit 1. Understanding the Communication Process)
Prepared by:
SHS Teacher
Module 1
Nature and Elements
of Communication
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson the learners
should be able to:
• Defines communication
• Explains the nature, elements and types of
What is your idea/insight
when you heard the word,
What is Communication?
• Communication is a process of conveying messages
or information from one person to another within
and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures.
Speaker/Sender Receiver
Message Feedback
Encoding Context
Channel Barrier
• The one who convey the message or
information. The sender/speaker also
known as the encoder decides on the
message to be sent, the most effective way
that it can be sent.
The content of the communication.
This is also the subject matter of the
communication, this may be an
opinion, attitude,, feelings, views,
orders, or suggestions.
Since the subject matter of communication
is theoretical and intangible, its further
passing requires use of certain symbols
such as words, actions, or pictures etc.
Conversion of subject matter into these
symbols is the process of encoding.
The channel is responsible for the
delivery of the chosen message form.
The information is transmitted to the
receiver through certain channels
which may be either formal or
The person who receives the message
or symbol from the communicator
tries to convert the same in such a way
so that s/he may extract its meaning to
his/her complete understanding.
The person who receives the message
or from whom the message is meant
for. It is the receiver who tries to
understand the message in the best
possible manner in achieving the
designed objectives.
Feedback is the process of ensuring that
the receiver has received the message
and understood in the same sense as
sender meant it.
The context of any communication act is
the environment surrounding it. This
includes, among other things, place, time,
event and attitudes of sender and
receiver. Simply saying, it is where the
conversation takes place.
There are many barriers in the process of
communication. These barriers may occur
at any stage or moment of conversation
which may lead to your message becoming
destroyed or distorted, and you therefore
risk wasting both time and/or money by
causing confusion and misunderstanding.
Common Barriers Example
to Effective Communication
Differences in perception and viewpoint.
The use of jargon.
Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance
to the receiver.
Language differences and the difficulty in
understanding unfamiliar accents.
Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or
speech difficulties.
Types of Communication
• Intrapersonal Communication
- Intrapersonal communication can be
defined as communication with one’s self, it
involves self-talk or simply talking to
yourself, acts of imagination, visualization,
and even recall of the memory.
• Interpersonal Communication
– it involves talking to one or a limited
number of people.
According to Dyad, an interpersonal
communication is a communication between
two people
Small Group – is an interpersonal
communication between three or more people.
• Public Communication
- Involves communicating to a wide
group of people with very varied
traits, background, interests and
• Intercultural
- Involves communicating with person
of group of people who may not share
same assumptions, values allegiances
as that of yours and may have different
associations with the symbols you take
for granted for having a particular
Get ½ Crosswise
Drill A. TRUE or FALSE. Write True if the statement is correct
and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. (1/2 Crosswise)