Group 03 - Trip Advisor
Group 03 - Trip Advisor
Group 03 - Trip Advisor
Alternatives Framework
1. Use Review Management Softwares
and Tools like LocalClarity, Okenda
and Djubo etc.
2. Manually handle the reviews while
providing incentives like coupon
codes on booking when someone
uploads a review with photographs
Evaluation of Alternatives
Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Use Review Management Softwares and Manually handle the reviews while
Tools like LocalClarity, Okenda and providing incentives like coupon codes
Djubo etc. on booking when someone uploads a
Pros: review with photographs etc.
• Gain insights into customer feedback trends Pros:
• Drive additional local web traffic. • Organically increase the volume of reviews
• Automatically identify Spam reviews • Encourage the customers to upload images which
• Can handle large number of reviews increases credibility of the reviews
• Quick Response Rate • Low Cost
Cons: • Human Emotional Touch
• Expensive to use • Can identify overly positive or overly negative
• Lacks Emotional Aspect and hence can’t identify reviews.
paid/fake reviews Cons:
• Difficult to handle large number of reviews
• Slow Response Rate
Recommended Action
• To Handle this problem, they can use AI and ML based tools, which are more
effective in giving personal touch to the review response .