CH 3.2: Fundamental Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Equations
CH 3.2: Fundamental Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Equations
CH 3.2: Fundamental Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Equations
y0 y2 (t0 ) y1 (t0 ) y0
y0 y2 (t0 ) y1 (t0 ) y0
c1 , c2
y1 (t0 ) y2 (t0 ) y1 (t0 ) y2 (t0 )
y1 (t0 ) y2 (t0 ) y1 (t0 ) y2 (t0 )
The Wronskian Determinant (3 of 3)
Recall that
y1 t 1/ 2 , y2 t 1
To show that y1 and y2 form a fundamental set of solutions,
we evaluate the Wronskian of y1 and y2:
y1 y2 t 1/ 2 t 1 1 3 3
W 1 1/ 2 t 3 / 2 t 3 / 2 t 3 / 2
y1 y2 t t 2 2 2 2 t3
S1 et , e t , S 2 cosh t , sinh t
both form fundamental solution sets to the differential
equation and initial point
y y 0, t0 0
In general, a differential equation will have infinitely many
different fundamental solution sets. Typically, we pick the
one that is most convenient or useful.
To find a general solution of the differential equation
y p(t ) y q(t ) y 0, t
we first find two solutions y1 and y2.
Then make sure there is a point t0 in the interval such that
W(y1, y2)(t0) 0.
It follows that y1 and y2 form a fundamental set of solutions
to the equation, with general solution y = c1y1 + c2 y2.
If initial conditions are prescribed at a point t0 in the interval
where W 0, then c1 and c2 can be chosen to satisfy those