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Risk Management
Change Management: Goal

The goal of change is to improve the organization by altering

how work is done. When you introduce a change to the
organization, you are ultimately going to be impacting one or
more of the following:
• Processes
• Systems
• Organization structure
• Job roles
Change Management: Definition

Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the

people-side of change to achieve the required business outcome.

Change management incorporates the organizational tools that can be utilized

to help individuals make successful personal transitions resulting in the
adoption and realization of change.
Any change to processes,
systems, organization
structures and/or job roles
will have a 'technical’ side
and a 'people' side that
must be managed. Think

Project management & Change

management have evolved as
Think You! disciplines to provide both the
structure and the tools needed to
realize change successfully on
the technical and people side.
Common Reasons for Resistance

• Self-interest
• Fear of the Unknown
• Conscientious Objection or Differing Perceptions
• Suspicion
• Conservatism
• Mixture of Emotion and Rationalization
• Don’t assume others will respond the same or that you will, under different

• Past history in putting changes in place
• Degree of sponsorship
• Authenticity of sponsorship (Walk the Talk?)
• Organizational and individual current Stress
• Who will be impacted by the change
• Cultural fit of the change
• Addressing “What’s in it for me”
• Communication of the change and its progress
• Skill sets of the change agents
Change = Motivation X Vision X Next Steps

• Motivation – Some good reason to give up the status quo

• Vision – A Clear and practical vision of the desired future state
• Next Steps – an understanding of the next steps required to
progress toward the vision

If one is missing, little change will take place!

Best Practices/Lessons Learned
# 1: Develop a Compelling Vision

• How things will be better with the change

• More than sloganeering
• Leaders change agents need to know how their vision fits
into the organization’s vision
• People need to see how they fit into that vision
Change Agent : A person from inside or
outside the organization who helps an
organization transform itself by focusing
on such matters as organizational
effectiveness, improvement, and
# 2: Change Is a Journey, Not a Blueprint

• Develop detailed, multi-dimensional Need to Balance

“Preparing for” and “Implementing”
 change description • Need to develop a comprehensive plan for
 business objectives the change
 human objectives • Need to get the organization ready for the
 key role map change
 vision • If it takes too long, people lose interest and
 detailed activities, resources, timelines
 Measurements Plan for short projects that will engage the people

• Recognize that this is a journey

 will need to adapt plan as needs
# 3: Understand and Own the Past

• The past bounds future success

• Identify critical success factors from previous successful
changes in the organization
 surveys
 interviews
 lessons learned sessions
• Acknowledge past failures
• Explicitly plan on countermeasures
# 4: Build a Strong, Committed Management Coalition

At all levels within the organization

 Teach them their job

 Establish a clear vision
 Articulate that vision
 Communicate with the affected groups
 Focus energies on their direct reports
 Monitor progress
 Eliminate obstacles
 Recognize and reward short-term wins
 Stick with it for the long haul
# 5: Identify All the People Who Are Affected or Who
Need to Be Involved

• Create a key role map of the formal organization

 sponsors (at all levels)
 change agents
 targets
• Augment with identification of informal organization key people (understand
why they have this influence)
 opinion shapers
 gate keepers
 idea champions
• Develop an understanding of their
 level of influence
 level of commitment to the change
# 6: Analyze Their Readiness for Change

• Assess the organization on their readiness for this particular

 Surveys
 One-on-one discussions
• Understand where people are
 Early adopters
 Late adopters
 Laggards
• Are there outside organizations that are influencers?
• Understand their frames of reference and develop
communication strategies
# 7: Start Where People Are Most Receptive

• Avoid the dedicated resistors, focus on early adopters.

• Helps to get some early wins

# 9: People Don’t Resist Their Own Ideas

• Get people involved early in the planning

• Even if they can’t plan “what”, they can plan “how”
• They are changed by the act of participating in planning the
• Surfaces resistance early and can potentially manage it
# 10: Manage the Driving Forces As Well As the
Restraining Forces
Driving forces – Restraining forces - Psychological
Dealing only with this side will defenses or group norms embedded
immediately generate counterforces in the organizations.
Changes at the top Career-based organization

Powerful external influences Low turnover

Powerful leader Success
Acceptance of need to change Stable environment

Externally focused Criteria of success not visible

Crisis of opportunity Lack of clear authority
# 11: Establish a Darn Good Reason to Change

• Substitute One Fear for Another

 Make the anxiety associated with not changing greater than
the anxiety of changing
 Intentionally create disorder

• Remove the mechanisms that allow people to stay the same

# 12: Say It Once, Say It Twice, and Say It
• Keep it simple – no jargon
• Use language of the people
• Use storytelling
• Use different mediums
 Memos
 Group meetings
 Stories in newsletters
 One-on-one meetings
(have different levels of impact)
• Change style of communication depending upon
 Where you are in the change
 Who you are communicating with
• Walk the talk, be honest
# 13: But Monitor the Communications

Memo from director general to manager:
today at 11 o'clock there will be a total eclipse of the sun. This is when the sun disappears behind the
moon for two minutes. As this is something that cannot be seen every day, time will be allowed for
employees to view the eclipse in the car park. People should meet in the car parking area at ten to
eleven, when i will deliver a short speech introducing the eclipse, and giving some background
information. Safety goggles will be made available at a small cost.
Memo from manager to department head:
today at ten to eleven, all staff should meet in the car parking area. This will be followed by a total
eclipse of the sun, which will disappear for two minutes. For a moderate cost, this will be made safe
with goggles. The director general will deliver a short speech beforehand to give us all some
background information. This is not something that can be seen every day.
Memo from department head to floor manager:
the director general will today deliver a short speech to make the sun disappear for two minutes in
an eclipse. This is something that can not be seen every day, so people will meet in the car parking
area at ten or eleven. This will be safe, if you pay a moderate cost.
Memo from floor manager to supervisor:
ten or eleven staff are to go to the car parking area, where the director general will eclipse the sun for
two minutes. This doesn't happen every day. It will be safe, but it will cost you.
Memo from supervisor to workers:
some workers will go to the car parking area today to see the director general disappear. It is a pity
this doesn't happen every day!
# 14: Encourage the Heart

• In terms that have meaning to individuals and teams

[ask them what a reward would look like to them]
• Highly visible
• Reward throughout the change, not just at the end
# 15: Show Results – Early and Often

• Plan for goals that are measurable, tangible and clear

(explicitly tied to vision)
• Not a count of activities
# of people trained in cmmi
# of procedures written
• Performance results that matter to customers, employees or
 Reduction in delivered defects
 Reduction in cycle time
 Reduced escaped defects resulting in reduced rework
# 16: Prepare for “Implementation Dip”

• Things often get worse before they get better

• Increase the communication
 Change the medium and words
 Focus on what is ahead
 Provide as much information as possible
• Allow resistance to surface and manage it
# 17: Validate the Feelings of People

• Resistance can be at systemic or behavioral level

 Systemic – lack of appropriate knowledge, information,
skills and managerial capacity (cognitive)
 Behavioral – reactions, perceptions and assumptions
• Acknowledge the pain of changing
# 18: Deal With the Four “F’s of Loss and Change”

• Letting go of familiar past Familiar

• Confronting feelings about an
uncertain future
• Dealing with loss of face Uncertain
• Redesigning a focus on new realities

Loss of
Working on these in public, facilitated
forums allows people to constructively
express their anxiety and anger and
helps to reduce passive-aggressive Redesigning a
inertia and sabotage Focus
# 19: Don’t Resist Resistance

• Resistance is
 Inevitable
 A natural function of change
 Manageable

• Resistance is not
 Necessarily logical
 A sign of disloyalty
 To be taken personally
 A sign that the change project is out of control
# 20: Facilitate, Rather Than Just Train
• Train managers as facilitators for the change
 Helps them to demonstrate active commitment to the change
 Can immediately reinforce the training on the job
• Trainers are generally not held accountable for achieving results
• Development and delivery are much less important than group
dynamics and the perception that leadership is interested
# 21: Use a Variety of Mediums to Build
Competency in the Change
• Study groups
• “on-the-dash” coaching
• Web-based
• Classroom training
# 22: Recognize Every Person Is a Change
• Educate leaders of the change as well as the targets of their
roles in the change
 To be open to change
 To anticipate change, not just react to it
 To accept that change causes stress and to developing
coping mechanisms
# 23: Change Agents Must Be Able to Work
With Polar Opposites
• Simultaneously pushing for change while allowing self-learning
to unfold
• Being prepared for a journey of uncertainty
• Seeing problems as sources of creative resolution
• Having a vision, but not being blinded by it
• Valuing the individual and the group
• Incorporating centralizing and decentralizing forces
• Being internally cohesive, but externally oriented
• Valuing personal change agency as the route to system change
What to Watch Out for

• Virtual change management… "sure we can do that for you…

what exactly did you have in mind?"
• Change management lite…good communication and training
to the masses. You can sort out these pesky role changes later
on while you're trying to get your work processes adjusted
• Changemanagement.com…web enabled change management
through your company's own special portal. "what we'll put on
that web site will have so much sizzle that your guys are really
gonna' go for the change."
Final Thoughts

“The ultimate measure of a man 1

is not where he stands in
moments of comfort, but
where he stands at times of
challenge and controversy”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Variance Analysis

A technique for determining the cause and degree of difference

between the baseline and actual performance.

Project performance measurements are used to assess the

magnitude of variation from the original scope baseline.
Important aspects of project scope control include determining
the cause and degree of variance relative to the scope baseline
and deciding whether corrective or preventive action is
Change Control Management

A major element of the risk control

Things do not go always as expected.

Sources: Project customer, owner, project manager

Main Categories

1. Scope changes
 Design or additions on customer requests.
 Redesign for improvement
2. Implementation of contingency plans
 Driven by risk response plan
3. Improvement changes
 Suggested by project team members
Change Management Systems

Change management system involve:

• Reporting,
• Controlling, and
• Recording
changes to the project baseline.
Change Management Systems: Objectives

1. Identify proposed changes.

2. List expected effects of on schedule and budget.
3. Review, evaluate, and approve or disapprove changes
4. Negotiate and resolve conflicts of change, conditions, and cost.
5. Communicate changes to parties affected.
6. Assign responsibility for implementing change.
7. Adjust master schedule and budget.
8. Track all changes that are to be implemented.
Change Request Form
Decision Making

Often solutions to immediate problems have adverse

consequences on other aspects of a project.

Implications of changes are assessed by people with

appropriate expertise and perspective

Construction projects: Architecture firm

Software development projects: Project architects
Plan of Record

The current official plan in terms of

scope, budget, and schedule.
It serves as a change management benchmark and
the baseline for evaluating project progress.

PMBOK: Record Management system

Integration: Documentation

Approved change must be identified and integrated

into the plan of record through changes in the
project WBS and baseline schedule.
Change Control Systems: Benefits

1. Inconsequential changes are discouraged.

2. Costs of changes are maintained in a log.
3. Integrity of the WBS and performance measures is maintained.
4. Allocation/ use of budget/ management reserve funds are
5. Responsibility for implementation is clarified.
6. Effect of changes is visible to all parties involved.
7. Implementation of change is monitored.
8. Scope changes will be quickly reflected in baseline and
performance measures.
Change Requests

Change requests may include:

• Corrective action,
• Preventive action, and
• Defect repairs.
Project Change Management
Project Change Management

Change management refers to the tools and processes you use to

manage change within a project and its project team, and
refers to overseeing your team to successfully incorporate
change into their work to achieve the overall project

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