Lecture # 3 Description of An Assemblage of Particles
Lecture # 3 Description of An Assemblage of Particles
Lecture # 3 Description of An Assemblage of Particles
Description of an Assemblage
of Particles
(Head, 1992)
(Das, 1998)
2.2 Grain Size Distribution (Cont.)
Log scale
Effective size D10: 0.02 mm
(Holtz and Kovacs, 1981)
D30: 0.6mm D60: 9 mm (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981)
2.2 Grain Size Distribution (Cont.)
• Describe the • Criteria
D 0.02 mm (effective size )
10 Well graded soil
• Example: well graded
D 30 0.6 mm
D 60 9 mm
1 C c 3 and C u 4
Coefficien t of uniformity (for gravels )
D 60 9 1 C c 3 and C u 6
Cu 450
D10 0.02 (for sands )
Coefficien t of curvature
(D 30 ) 2 (0.6) 2
Cc 2
(D10 )( D 60 ) (0.02)(9)
Grain Size Distribution (Cont.)
• Engineering applications
- It will help us “feel” the soil texture (what the soil is)
and it will also be used for the soil classification
(next topic).
- It can be used to define the grading specification of
a drainage filter (clogging).
- It can be a criterion for selecting fill materials of
embankments and earth dams, road sub-base
materials, and concrete aggregates.
- It can be used to estimate the results of grouting
and chemical injection, and dynamic compaction.
- The grain size distribution is more important to
coarse-grained soils.
- Effective Size, D10, can be correlated with the hydraulic
conductivity (describing the permeability of soils).
(Hazen’s Equation). (Note: controlled by small particles)
Particle Shape
Coarse- Rounded
Subangular Angular
-Important for granular soils (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981)
· Angular soil particle higher friction
· Round soil particle lower friction
· Note that clay particles are sheet-like.
Atterberg Limits
Consistency Indices
Atterberg Limits
• The presence of water in fine-grained soils can
significantly affect associated engineering behavior, so
we need a reference index to clarify the effects.
Ip = PI
=ws =wp = wl
In percentage
LI =(w-PL)/PI
N=25 blows
Closing distance =
12.7mm (0.5 in)
wL =LL
N Das, 1998
Influence of Clay fraction
On Soils Atterberg Limits
Origin of USCS:
This system was first developed by Professor A.
Casagrande (1948) for the purpose of airfield construction
during World War II. Afterwards, it was modified by
Professor Casagrande, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to enable the system
to be applicable to dams, foundations, and other
construction (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981).
Four major divisions:
(1) Coarse-grained
(2) Fine-grained
(3) Organic soils
(4) Peat
Definition of Grain Size
No specific
grain size-use
Atterberg limits
0.075 mm
Passing No.200 sieve 30 % LL= 33 PI= 12
Example: Passing No.4 sieve 70 %; Consider 1000g
LL= 33
PI= 12
SC 0.73(LL-20), A-line
Coarse Fine
75 mm No.4 No.200
4.75 mm 0.075
No.40 mm
0.425 mm
General Guidance
– 8 major groups: A1~ A7 (with several subgroups) and
organic soils A8
– The required tests are sieve analysis and Atterberg
– The group index, an empirical formula, is used to
further evaluate soils within a group (subgroups).
A1 ~ A3 A4 ~ A7
Using LL and PI separates silty materials Using LL and PI separates silty materials
from clayey materials (only for A2 group) from clayey materials
Das, 1998
4.4 Classification (Cont.)
The first group from the left to fit the test data is the Das, 1998