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One-from-Many: Buy-Side
Marketplaces and E-Procurement
• Buy-side e-marketplace: A corporate- based acquisition site that uses reverse auctions, negotiations, group purchasing, or any other e-procurement method One-from-Many: Buy-Side Marketplaces and E-Procurement • Procurement methods – Buy from manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers from their catalogs, and possibly by negotiation – Buy from the catalog of an intermediary that aggregates sellers’ catalogs or buy at industrial malls – Buy from an internal buyer’s catalog in which company-approved vendors’ catalogs, including agreed upon prices, are aggregated One-from-Many: Buy-Side Marketplaces and E-Procurement – Conduct bidding or tendering (a reverse auction) in a system where suppliers compete against each other – Buy at private or public auction sites in which the organization participates as one of the buyers – Join a group-purchasing system that aggregates participants’ demand, creating a large volume – Collaborate with suppliers to share information about sales and inventory, so as to reduce inventory and stock-outs and enhance just-in-time delivery One-from-Many: Buy-Side Marketplaces and E-Procurement • Inefficiencies in traditional procurement management – Procurement management: The coordination of all the activities relating to purchasing goods and services needed to accomplish the mission of an organization – Maverick buying: Unplanned purchases of items needed quickly, often at non-pre- negotiated, higher prices One-from-Many: Buy-Side Marketplaces and E-Procurement
• e-procurement: The electronic acquisition
of goods and services for organizations Benefits of E-Procurement • Benefits of e-procurement – Increasing the productivity of purchasing agents – Lowering purchase prices through product standardization and consolidation of purchases – Improving information flow and management Benefits of E-Procurement – Minimizing the purchases made from noncontract vendors. Improving the payment process – Establishing efficient, collaborative supplier relations – Ensuring delivery on time, every time – Reducing the skill requirements and training needs of purchasing agents – Reducing the number of suppliers – Streamlining the purchasing process, making it simple and fast Benefits of E-Procurement – Reducing the administrative processing cost per order – Improved sourcing – Integrating the procurement process with budgetary control in an efficient and effective way – Minimizing human errors in the buying or shipping process – Monitoring and regulating buying behavior One-from-Many: Buy-Side Marketplaces and E-Procurement One-from-Many: Buy-Side Marketplaces and E-Procurement Implementing E-Procurement • Implementing e-procurement—major e- procurement implementation issues – Fitting e-procurement into the company EC strategy – Reviewing and changing the procurement process itself – Providing interfaces between e-procurement with integrated enterprisewide information systems such as ERP or supply chain management (SCM) Implementing E-Procurement – Coordinating the buyer’s information system with that of the sellers; sellers have many potential buyers – Consolidating the number of regular suppliers to a minimum and assuring integration with their information systems, and if possible with their business processes Buy-Side E-Marketplaces: Reverse Auctions • One of the major methods of e-procurement is through reverse auctions (tendering or bidding model) request for quote (RFQ): The “invitation” to participate in a tendering (bidding) system • The reverse auction method is the most common model for large MRO purchases as it provides considerable savings Reverse Auctions • Conducting reverse auctions – Thousands of companies use the reverse auction model – They may be administered from a company’s Web site or from an intermediary’s site – The bidding process may last a day or more – Bidders may bid only once, but bidders can usually view the lowest bid and rebid several times Reverse Auction: The Process Other E-Procurement Methods Other E-Procurement Methods
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