Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation
Volume 1
Aerodrome Design and Operations
The 5 W’s
ICAO Assembly
189 Member States
(related to the specifications of this Annex)
Aerodrome Design Manual (Doc 9157)
Part I - Runways
Part 2 - Taxiways, Aprons and Holding Bays
Part 3 - Pavements
Part 4 - Visual Aids
Part 5 - Electrical Systems
Part 6 - Frangibility
Historical background
[Standards have been printed in light face roman and the operative verb
“shall” is used.
Example: The systems shall be suitable for both day and
night operations.]
Dec 8, 2021 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 19
Annex Components
1. SARPs (continued)
Recommended Practice
“Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration,
material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform
application of which is recognised as desirable in the
interest of safety , regularity or efficiency of international air
navigation, and to which Contracting States will endeavour
to conform in accordance with the Convention”.
Recommended Practices have been printed in light face italics and the
operative verb “should” is used.
2. Appendices
Comprise of materials grouped separately for convenience but
forming part of the Standards and Recommended Practices adopted
by the Council.
3. Definitions
Definitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended
Practices which are not self-explanatory in that they do not have
accepted dictionary meanings. A definition does not have
independent status but is an essential part of each Standard and
Recommended Practice in which the term is used, since a change in
the meaning of the term would affect the specification.
1.2 Applicability
The specifications, unless otherwise indicated in a
particular context, shall apply to all aerodromes open to
public use in accordance with the requirements of Article
15 of the Convention.
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