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Pop Magazines Analysis

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Pop Magazines

Billboard magazine
We Love Pop magazine
Rolling Stone magazine
• Neutral black and simple font may appeal to a vast age
range and both genders
• Coloured masthead may indicate inclusivity with the
colours of the rainbow – the rainbow is also quite
frequently associated with LGBT+. The bright colours may
also appeal to a younger age demographic – the idea of
the colours being associated with fun and being young
• The ‘billboard hot 100’ is an official record chart for
songs, therefore it may be instantly recognisable as a
music magazine

• Easily recognisable and remembered for brand loyalty

• Black with pink heart makes the pink heart stand out – simple yet
eye grabbing, pink often is associated with femininity
• ‘We’ - an inclusive pronoun, connotes that it’s a magazine for
• The masthead is in the shape of a speech or text icon which is
something most teenagers will be very familiar with – this helps
identify and attract the target audience
• Simple font and the use of the love heart instead of the word
‘love’ emphasises the fact that it’s to be read easily by a
younger audience
• The red font may stereotypically appeal to a more male
• Font is quite a classic and simple style and so may
appeal to a vast age range and both genders
• Red is quite an eye-catching colour so draws attention
from the reader and is easy to remember for brand
• Name may also be associated with the band ‘The Rolling
Stones’ so may entice loyal fans of the band
Sell Lines…Headline/Feature-line(Teaser
• Headline in pink – matches the colour scheme while also being a
brighter pink than the rest s as to stand out
• Italic/ calligraphy font which stands out against the other
more rigid fonts, the word “Miley” is the largest on the page
(excluding the masthead)
• Teaser line: “UNPLUGGED” – almost a sense of exclusivity;
seeing a side to her that you wouldn’t usually. Grabs readers

• Headline simply names the artist

• The headline is smaller than the teaser line, this may be
because the teaser line is intriguing to readers to find out
who’s playing to win
• Teaser line: “PLAYS TO WIN” – intrigues readers as to what
she’s done that’s so extraordinary
• Headline is in bold, block capitals – simply names the featured
• Text dominates the page insinuating it’s the main attraction of
the magazine and grabs readers attention
• Headline in bright pink – grabs readers attention and also
conforms to the female stereotypes of liking pink, this may
attract their target audience
GO GAGA” – suggests elicit, intimate information that suggests to
the reader they’re going to have a closer relationship with her
and suggests a sense of exclusivity from reading this magazine

• Headline is in bold, block capitals – simply names the featured

• Text dominates the page insinuating it’s the main attraction of
the magazine and grabs readers attention
• Headline in bright pink – grabs readers attention and also
conforms to the female stereotypes of liking pink, this may
attract their target audience
• Teaser line: “UNLEASHED” – shows a side to the artist that they
may not be used to seeing before, this suggest a sense of
exclusivity from reading this magazine
• Teaser line is in a blue font which
• Headline is in bold, block capitals – simply names the featured
• Text dominates the page but not obtrusively
• Teaser line: “HOT READY LEGAL” – statement that will grab
readers attention, quite a presumptuous and assertive
statement; the idea that people would want to sleep with him

• Headline is in bold, block capitals – simply names the featured

• Text dominates the page insinuating it’s the main attraction of
the magazine and grabs readers attention
• Teaser line: “Taking a look behind the real reason of his lies,
betrayles and regrets” – suggests elicit, intimate information
that suggests to the reader they’re going to have a closer
relationship with him
Costume Lighting and
Fashion choices Background
adhere to the Does vary but
fashions at the largely mid
time so are key light on
desirable for coloured
the audience. background.
Pose style to
Unique to the emphasise the
individual artist on the
magazine cover, front.
conforming to Shot Type
the idea of the C.A.G.E. (REPRESENTATION)
Class – Middle Class Close up/M.C.U
teaser line. for single
Age – Mid teens to young adults (14 - 20)
All use direct shots allows a
mode of address Gender – Represents both genders, sense of
to connect the therefore may be targeted towards both intimacy.
artists to the genders M.L.S. for
audience. Ethnicity – Mostly white representations group shot
but there also are BAME representations allows us to
Proxemics as well, I think this represents quite a see the pose.
Close together lot of different ethnicities and
Artist is
for groups. therefore reflects the demographic of the
Single shots readers as being inclusive of different
ethnicities inferior.
dominate page.
Fashion choices Lighting and
adhere to the Background
fashions at the Does vary
time so are occasionally but
desirable for largely high key
the audience. light on white
Pose Minimalist style
All smiling and to emphasise the
looking happy, artist and other
inviting to the taglines on the
audience. All front.
use direct mode C.A.G.E. (REPRESENTATION)
of address to Class - Working Class
Shot Type
connect the Age - Young to mid teens (8 – 13ish)
Close up/M.C.U
artists to the for single shots
audience. Gender – Is an archetype of being a
‘girly’ magazine allows a sense
Ethnicity – Mainly white of intimacy.
representations, this may suggest the M.L.S. for group
Proxemics shot allows us
audience is mainly white
Close together to see the pose.
for groups/ Artist is never
overlapping. inferior.
Single shots
dominate page.
Fashion choices
are quite basic
and stay true
to the artists Lighting and
identity, this Background
may insinuate Does vary but
to the reader largely mid key
that they’re light on plain
going to get a monochrome
true version of background.
the artist in Minimalist style
the magazine to emphasise the
artist on the
Pose front.
Unique to the
individual C.A.G.E. (REPRESENTATION)
Shot Type
magazine cover, Class - Middle Class
all use direct
Close up/M.C.U
Age – late teens to adults (17 – 35ish)
mode of address for single shots
to connect the Gender – represents both genders, allows a sense
artists to the therefore may be targeted towards both of intimacy.
audience. genders M.L.S. for group
Ethnicity – mainly white representations, shot allows us
Proxemics this may suggest the audience is mainly to see the pose.
Close together white Artist is never
for inferior.
Single shots
dominate page.
Mastheads match the theme of the magazine –
pink, cream

Looking down at readers

The artists is – emphasises her
surrounded by nature superiority and connotes
and plants, this this idea of her being
connects with the idea strong and ‘playing to
of her being win’.
‘unplugged’ and
becoming her more
natural self. Nails match the colour
scheme of the magazine-
red, white/cream and
blue. This emphasises
the point that she’s got
her life together and is
‘playing to win’. These
colours are
stereotypically more
masculine and are
stronger, bolder colours
which insinuates that
she’s strong. This also
is visually appealing to
Pose emphasises the feeling of being Direct mode of address the reader and may
“unplugged” and being free with yourself, connects artist to entice them to read it
letting go of her cares and showing herself audience/ suggests if they like the look of
as vulnerable personal relationship the cover.
Headline colour matches the masthead – these
grab the attention of the reader

The artist’s pose

Puff draws attention connotes the idea
- is an incentive that she’s being
for the reader “unleashed” as
she’s standing
with her hands
open as if she’s
shouting out,
this insinuates
to the reader
that they’re
going to get
elicit or
information from
Pull quote to entice reading the
the reader magazine. This is
noticeable with
the placement of
the sell lines/
pull quotes as
it’s almost like
she’s saying
Teaser line entices readers Puff draws attention them, draws the
and insinuates there’s - is an incentive reader’s
exclusive information for the reader attention.
The artist is covering the masthead which may indicate
the popularity of the artist

The outfit of the

revealing vest
connects with the
idea of the teaser

Teaser line connotes you’ll get

exclusive information, draws in the

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