Emmanuel Abbey June 2019: Business Analysis Project Master of Business Administration
Emmanuel Abbey June 2019: Business Analysis Project Master of Business Administration
Emmanuel Abbey June 2019: Business Analysis Project Master of Business Administration
emmanuel@ftms.edu.my 2
Our Vision • Your Future
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Our Vision • Your Future
The module BAP
• Managing and understanding how a business
performs are critical tasks for management, • This module is largely self-managed and action
particularly in the context of a rapidly changing oriented. Although the emphasis is on a single
and competitive organisational environment. organisation, almost inevitably the student will
• This module focuses on both strategic and
operational aspects and integrates topics and need to consider other organisations in order to
themes from other modules.
make any findings meaningful.
• This integrative approach enables students
(managers) to develop a comprehensive • As such, it involves an awareness of values and
understanding of the issues facing an judgements managers make using both qualitative
organisation and the implications of those issues
for its well-being. and quantitative concepts and data.
• One of the main focuses for the design of this • This module will be assessed by a 3000 word
module has been the further development of assignment.
relevant employability and professional skills.
Such skills are implicit in the learning outcome.
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The module BAP
Knowledge and understanding
1. Evaluate the ways in which competitive forces
impinge on an organisation's performance;
2. Critically examine relationships between
organisational issues and strategic development;
Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable 1. Apply appropriate qualitative and quantitative tools,
skills techniques and concepts to clarify, synthesise and
evaluate an organisation's current effectiveness and
future prospects;
2. Develop a critical and practice-based insight into the
key issues facing an organisation, supported by clear
evidence-based findings and to communicate those
findings and make recommendations.
emmanuel@ftms.edu.my 5
Business Analysis Assignment
• 17th June
• 26th June • 3rd July
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Company Selection
• Must be public limited companies (listed on any stock
• Banks and other financial institution not recommended;
• Local or international companies;
• Competitors should have similar business model;
• Check data availability for at least the recent 3 years (check
Morningstar, yahoo finance, stock exchange website,
Bloomberg, etc, for data availability).
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Soft Analysis
• Qualitative Analysis
• A combination of PESTEL + Porter’s 5 Forces modified = a
good choice
• Alternatively, Balanced Scorecard/Strategy Mapping
• Or any other standard analytical framework is acceptable!
• But, SWOT is not acceptable!
• Analysis should identify any threats/issues or
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Hard Analysis
• Quantitative Analysis
• Collect 3 – 5 years of past years financial data on at least 5 selected
KEY financial indicators
• Collect data for at least 1 industry specific KPI
• Must be collected for three companies – Analysis company and the
two benchmarking companies
• Conduct analysis of the data using graphs for trend analysis
• Draw conclusions – what are the issues? Opportunities? What is the
critical one?
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Identification of Issues/Opportunities
• Issues/Opportunities identified should be justified
based on both soft and hard analysis
• Issues/opportunities should be prioritize
• Select one key issue/opportunity to focus
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Strategic Options
• Identify and justify at least 2 possible strategic options to
solve the issue or to tap the opportunity
• Justify and evaluate using SAF analysis
• Decision tree can be used
• Recommend the best strategic option out of the options
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Modelling Strategy
• The recommended strategy should be modelled using excel
• Project the KPIs used in your hard analysis to project into 2 – 3
years into future when strategy recommendation is
• Future projection should be based on three possible scenarios
(e.g., Best Case, Moderate Case and Worst case)
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General Guideline
• Read module guide assignment brief
• Report should be addressed to the CEO
• Maximum 3000 words
• Harvard Referencing Style for both in-text citations and reference list
• All non-original information (information from other sources should be cited
and listed in the Reference List)
• Academic sources should be used.
• Mainstream news portals and websites allowed
• Official website, Linkedin, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc of the selected
companies can be used.
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Module guide
• MOD001112 Business Analysis Project Module Guide TRI3 201
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Assignment Format
• Format.docx
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Financial ratios
• BAP.xlsx
• Maxis.xlsx
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Sample assignment
• Sample A.pdf
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Assignment flowchart
• BAP-flowchart.docx
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Likely issues to be identified
1. Growth issue/market share;
2. Decline in revenue/profitability;
3. Asset utilisation problem;
4. Competitive disadvantage;
5. Product quality problem.
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Questions and answers
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Contact & Appointments
• Email: emmanuel@ftmse.du.my
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