Optical Properties of Materials
Optical Properties of Materials
Optical Properties of Materials
Optical Properties
of Materials
c v (21.2
Frequency: hertz (Hz), and 1 Hz=1 cycle per second
From a quantum-mechanical perspective, rather than
consisting of waves, radiation composed of groups or
packets of energy, which are called photons ( particle )
. Energy E of a photon.
E hv (21.3)
h: Planck’s constant, 6.63×10-34 J-s
E hv (21.6)
h: Planck’s constant
• the energy states for the atom are discrete, only specific
ΔE’s exist between the energy levels; only photons of freq
uencies corresponding to the possible ΔE’s for the atom c
an be absorbed by electron transitions.
• all of a photon’s energy is absorbed in each excitation ev
• stimulated electron cannot remain in an excited state ind
efinitely; after a short time, it falls or decays back into its gr
ound state (or unexcited level)
• for solid materials: electron band structure
R (21.11)
ns 1 2
R( ) (21.13)
ns 1
The index of refraction of air is very nearly unity. The higher
the index of refraction of the solid, the greater is the reflectivity.
The reflectivity vary with wavelength. Reflection losses for
lenses and other optical instruments are minimized significantly
by coating the reflecting surface with very thin layers of
dielectric materials such as magnesium fluoride (MgF2).
Nonmetallic materials may be opaque or transparent to visible
light; and, if transparent, they often appear colored . Light
radiation is absorbed by two basic mechanisms:
•electronic polarization (Section 21.4): important only at light
frequencies in the vicinity of the relaxation frequency of the
constituent atoms.
•valence band-conduction band electron transitions: depends on
the electron energy band structure.
absorption of a photon of light by the promotion or excitation
of an electron from the nearly filled valence band, across the
band gap, and into an empty state within the conduction band.
hc > E
hν > Eg(21.14) λ
The maximum band gap energy Eg (max) for which absorption of
visible light is possible
E g max
4.13 10 15
eV s (3 108 m / s ) (21.16a)
4 107 m
3.1eV F21.5
No visible light is absorbed by nonmetallic materials having band
gap energies greater than about 3.1eV; these materials, if of high
purity, will appear transparent and colorless.
The minimum band gap energy Eg (min) for which there is
absorption of visible light is a
E g max
4.13 10 15
eV s (3 108 m / s )
7 10 m
All visible light is absorbed for those semiconducting
materials that have band gap energies less than about
1.8eV; these materials are opaque. Only a portion of
the visible spectrum is absorbed by materials having b
and gap energies between 1.8 and 3.1 eV; consequently,
these materials appear colored.
F3.17 F20.20
For example, high-purity and single-crystal aluminum
oxide or sapphire is colorless. Ruby, which has a b
rilliant red color, is simply sapphire to which has
been added 0.5 to 2% of chromium oxide (Cr2O3). Cr3+
ion substitutes for the Al 3+ ion in the Al2O3 crysta
l structure and introduces impurity levels within th
e wide energy band gap of the sapphire. Nonabsorbed
or transmitted light mixed with reemitted light impa
rts to ruby its deep-red color.
Inorganic glasses are colored by incorporating tran
sition or rare earth ions while the glass is still
in the molten state: blue-green; Co 2+ , blue-violet
; Cr3+, green; Mn2+, yellow; and Mn3+ , purple. The
se colored glasses are also used as glazes ( 釉料 ),
decorative coatings ( 彩色鍍層 ) on ceramic ware
( 陶瓷器件 ).
Many dielectric materials that are intrinsically transparent may be
made translucent or even opaque because of interior reflection and
refraction: multiple scattering events. Opacity results when the
scattering is so extensive. F21.10
Internal scattering: •polycrystalline specimens in which the index
of refraction is anisotropic normally appear translucent. Both
reflection and refraction occur at grain boundaries.
• scattering of light also occurs in two-phase materials
• The greater difference in the refractive index difference, the
more efficient is the scattering
Residual porosity in the form of finely dispersed
pores. Also effectively scatter light radiation.
Luminescence applications:
Oxides (conventional):
•Y2O3 : Eu+3
•Y3Al5O12 : Ce+3 (YAG)
•Tb3Al5O12 : Ce+3
Fig.2 The Jablonski diagram: (1) light absorption, (2) vibrational relaxation, (3) internal conversion (IC),
(4) intersystem crossing (ISC), (5) radiative transition, and (6) nonradiative transition.
Typical photoluminescence excitation (ìmon ) 649 nm) and emission (ìex ) 460 nm)
spectra of Ca0.98Eu0.02AlSiN3 (a) and the schematic picture of the influence of the envi
ronment of a Eu2+ on the positions of electronic states (b).