History of Philosophy
History of Philosophy
History of Philosophy
Group Activity
Teacher: Mr. Carl Angelo Suarez
01 What is Philosophy?
02 Philosophy in Life
Difference between Western
and Eastern Philosophy
05 Branches of Philosophy
What is Philosophy?
01 What is Philosophy?
Quite literally, the term "philosophy" means,
"love of wisdom." In a broad sense, philosophy
is an activity people undertake when they seek
to understand fundamental truths about
themselves, the world in which they live, and
their relationships to the world and to each
Nathaniel M. Badiola Honeylynne S. Banaag Raiph Joseph Pili Eric Bartolo Jacinta Miranda
“It’s just “If you can’t do “Making a progress is "Life is simple but if “Hardwork betrays
pathetic to give up something, then a great opportunity there is a problems none,but dreams
on something before don’t. Focus on what to overcome your and issues, Don't Jump betrays many.”-
you even give it a you can do.”- Shiroe problems and issues to the conclusions Hachiman
shot”- Reiko in real life.” first.”
Difference between
and Eastern Philosophy
03 Western
1 2
Western Philosophy (Ancient Greeks, Europeans and
Individualism is highly praised in the
Western Americans) usually focused on five catergories.
west but a lot of people get better
the borderline of individualism and
Metaphysics - the study of existence
conformity. Mostly in the west, there
Epistemology - the study of knowledge
is a great amount of importance on
Ethics - the study of action
being your own person and deciding
Politics - the study of force
things for yourself.
Aesthetics - the study of art
3 4
In western philosophy the They tend to break down the
philosophers tend to use a ideas as much as they could.
lot of logic, reasoning and They also focused on the
categorization. ideas in parts rather than
the whole idea.
03 Eastern
1 2
Eastern philosophy focuses on
Eastern Philosophy (Mostly China and India)
Eastern the similarities.
also explored the five main categories, but
they didn't really make a distinction
between certain catergories.
Medieval Philosophy is
conventionally construed as
the philosophy of Western
Europe between the decline Modern Philosophy emphasized the value of
of classical pagan culture human beings (see Oration on the Dignity of
and the Renaissance. Man) and opposed dogma and scholasticism.
02 Honeylynne Banaag
04 Eric Bartolo
05 Jacinta Miranda
• https://philosophy.fsu.edu/undergraduate-study/why-philo
• https://prezi.com/xsscgbxkaojr/the-difference-between-we
• https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ancient_Philo
• https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/medieval-philosophy/
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_philosophy
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_philosophy
• https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/metaphysics/
• https://www.britannica.com/topic/epistemology
• https://www.britannica.com/topic/epistemology
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_logic#:~:text=Philo