Edit 02 Eka, Wanty, Maya-PPT Konfrens 14 Juni
Edit 02 Eka, Wanty, Maya-PPT Konfrens 14 Juni
Edit 02 Eka, Wanty, Maya-PPT Konfrens 14 Juni
Medical diagnosis
Clinical Nutrition Diagnosis : Moderate Protein Energy Malnutrition (SGA Score B)
Neurology Diagnosis : Non Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage + Hemiplegia affecting right
non dominant side + Dysarthria
Nephrology Diagnosis : Acute On CKD + Essential Hypertension + Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(History taking)
Since 4 days ago due to swallowing disorder.
Chief Complaint There was history decreased of oral intake since
History taking
Decreased of oral intake a year ago due to pain at right upper abdomen
and feeling his stomach early satiety
No history Swallowing Pain and swallowing
Nausea & Vomiting He had swallowing disorder since 4 days ago
No history
Epigastric Pain
Fever and Seizure No history
No history Weight loss
There was history of unintentional weight loss
Cough and Shortness of Breath
since a year ago for about 21 %
No history
(History taking)
Defecation Urination
Last defecation was 4 days ago. He urinated via diapers, changed 2-3
Seemed to be normal times/day
Patient Family
Cerebrovascular disease Cerebrovascular disease
No history His brother had stroke
There was history of hepatitis since 1 year
ago. No history
History of PRESENT Illness
A year 4 days 2 days
ago ago ago
He complained pain
He suddenly feel
at his right upper
weakness at the
abdomen and feeling
right hand and leg.
his stomach early He referred to
He had difficulty to
satiety. He brought Wahidin
speak and
to Polewali Hospital Sudirohusodo
swallowing disorder.
and diagnosed Hospital, for further
Then he brought to
Hepatitis. Then he treatment
Mamuju Hospital
underwent outpatient
and treated for 2
treatment at that
01 Job and Occupation
He is a retired of civil servant
Psychosocial history
02 Smoking
Active smoker since he was young (1 pack per
day), stopped since 4 days ago
A year ago, he ate 3 times per day, ½ portion of white rice with ½ portion of side dishes, no
4 days ago, he ate 3 times per day, ½ portion of porridge with ½ portion of side dishes, no vegetables
No history of food allergy and lactose intolerance
Moderate illness appearance
Inspection : Symmetric, there was loss of subcutaneous fat
Palpation : no tenderness
Percussion : sonor
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound. There were no rhonchi or wheezing
Physical examination
Inspection : Flat appearance
Auscultation : Peristaltic normal
Palpation : No tenderness
Percussion : Tympanic
There was wasting at the lower extremities
There was no edema at all extremities
Laboratory June 10th, 2021 June 9th, 2021 Normal Value
Clinical Nutrition Diagnosis : Moderate Protein Energy Malnutrition (SGA Score B)
Neurology Diagnosis : Non Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage + Hemiplegia affecting right non dominant
side + Dysarthria
Nephrology Diagnosis : Acute On CKD + Essential Hypertension + Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Macronutrient Composition :
• Protein 0.8 g/kg IBW/day = 46.8 g/day (10.4%)
• Carbohydrate 50% = 225 g
• Fat 39.6% = 79.2 g
Nutritional therapy was given 50% of TEE (900 kcal) via enteral
• DM Blenderized food 447.15 kcal
• ONS Nephrisol 405 kcal
• Fluid requirements 1800 ml/24 hours Planning
• Correction of hyperkalemia with low potassium intake and kalitake 1 sachet/8hours/enteral (By Nephrologist)
• Suplementation via enteral :
- Zinc 20 mg/24 hours
- B Complex 2 tab/8 hours
- Curcuma 400 mg/8 hours
- Folic Acid 1 mg/24 hours
• Nutritional education : Insert Nasogastric tube, Follow the meal plan according to schedule