Bedah 21 Nov 2022 + FU 19 Nov 22 + Patof.
Bedah 21 Nov 2022 + FU 19 Nov 22 + Patof.
Bedah 21 Nov 2022 + FU 19 Nov 22 + Patof.
Medical diagnosis
Medical Nutrition Diagnosis: Moderate Protein Energy Malnutrition (E44)
Digestive Diagnosis : Obstructive Jaundice et causa Stone Common Bile Duct
Subjective since 5 months ago due to abdominal pain,
(History taking) nausea and vomiting, worsened in the last 2
weeks due to continuous vomiting with
Chief Complaint frequency more than 5 times, contained fluid
Decreased of oral intake and food left over
Nasogastric Tube
Headache No History
No history
Swallowing Disorders
Nausea & Vomiting No history
There was nausea since 2 weeks ago, but no
vomitting at this time. Last vomitting was 7 days ago
Abdominal Pain
There is upper right abdominal pain since 2
Fever and Seizure
weeks ago
No history
Weight loss
Cough and Shortness of Breath There was history of unintentional weight loss
No history approximately 7 kg ( 7.5 % of initial weight, 95
kg) since 5 months ago
(History taking)
Defecation Urination
Last defecation was 2 days ago, soft Via toilet, 2 times/day, seems to be
consistency, gray color normal
Patient Family
Cerebrovascular disease Cerebrovascular disease
No history
No History
Cardiovascular disease, DM Cardiovascular disease, DM
No history No History
Others Others
No History) No history
History of PRESENT Illness
• Patient complained upper right abdominal pain accompanied with nausea
and vomiting brought to Kolonedale Hospital, there he treated for 4 days
5 months with a diagnose chronic cholelithiasis and cholelithiasis of cystic duct, then
ago referred to Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital for further treatment. At Wahidin
Hospital he treated for 3 weeks diagnosed with obstructive jaundice et
causa distal CBD stone, undergone laparotomy exploration procedure of
CBD. And outpatient at polyclinic for several times.
Psychosocial history 02
No History
Functional Status
Handgrip Strength: 11,1 kg
Physical examination
Conjunctiva was not anemic, Sclera was icteric.
Oxygen was not supported
Nasogastric tube was not inserted
There was no enlargement of lymph nodes and thyroid gland
Inspection : Symmetric ,there was loss of subcutaneous fat.
Palpation : No tenderness
Percussion : Sonor
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound. No Rhonchi and
wheezing, regular heart sounds and no murmurs
Inspection : flat appearance
Auscultation : Normal Bowel Sound
Palpation : No tenderness
Percussion : Tympanic
Physical examination
There was no wasting and edema at all extremities
Fatty liver
Metabolical status
November 14th, 2022
• Hyperbilirubinemia 48.5/ 36.6
• Hyponatremia 128, ESO 26.5
• Prolonged Coagulation Time 13/104/36.3
Vitam: Dubia ad bonam
Functionam: Dubia ad bonam
Sanactionam: Dubia ad bonam
Basal Energy Expenditure : 1420 Kcal
Total Energy Expenditure : 2200 Kcal (1.2/1.3)
Macronutrient Composition:
• Protein 1.8 g/kgIBW/day : 105 g (17.6%)
• Carbohydrate 55% : 302 g
• Fat 26% : 63 g
Medical Nutrition Therapy is given equivalent to 40% TEE = 880 Kcal via enteral:
- Liver Blenderized food 380 Kcal
- ONS Hepatosol 300 Kcal
- Fruit Juice 100 Kcal
• Nutritional education:
Follow the meal according to the schedule
Insert NGT if there is no contraindications
Intake via oral, ngt General Condition :MODERATE ILLNESS GCS E4M6V5 November 14th, 2022 Basal Energy Expenditure : 1420 Kcal
was not inserted. Vital sign :
There were nausea Blood pressure : 120/80 mmHg • Hyperbilirubinemia 48.5/ Total Energy Expenditure : 2200 Kcal (1.2/1.3)
Pulse : 90 beats/minute
and Vomiting 2 times,
Respiratory rate : 20 times/minute
contained liquid and Temperature : 37.1°C
food leftover. There • Moderate Hyponatremia 128,
was epigastric pain, Macronutrient Composition:
Anhtropometry ESO 265
patient fasted due to
Body Length : 165 cm • Protein 1.8 g/kgIBW/day : 105 g (19%)
MRI procedure • Prolonged Coagulation Time
Ideal Body Weight : 58.5 kg 13/104/36.3 • Carbohydrate 55% : 302 g
Defecation was Estimated MUAC BW : 71.17 kg
yesterday, seem to be • Fat 26% : 63 g
normal MUAC : 32 cm
Medical Nutrition Diagnosis:
IBM : 32.32 Moderate Protein Energy
Urination : Via Toilet,
seems to be normal Malnutrition (E44)
Food Recall 24 hours via Oral Medical Nutrition Therapy is given equivalent to
Energy : 209 Kcal (9.5%) Digestive Diagnosis : 40% TEE = 880 Kcal via oral:
Protein : 3.8 gr (3.8%) Obstructive jaundice et causa
Carbohydrate : 45.2 gr (86%)
Stone CBD - Low Fat soft standard food with chopped side dishes
Fat : 1.4 gr (6%) 575 kcal
1st day
Follow Up Physical Examination:
- ONS Hepatosol 300 Kcal
(November 17th,
2022) - Fruit Juice 100 Kcal
Conjunctiva was not anemic, Sclera was icteric
Oxygen was not supported
Nasogastric tube was not inserted - Egg whites 112.5 kcal
There was no enlargement of lymph nodes and thyroid gland
Fluid requirements 2000 cc/24 hours
Inspection : Symmetric, There was loss of subcutaneous fat Correction of hyponatremia with sodium intake & NaCl
Palpation : No tenderness 0.9%/ 1000 ml/ 24 hours (Total Deficit 528 + daily
Percussion : Sonor Requirement 176 = 704 mEq) target 138 mmol/L
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound.There was no rhonchi and
wheezing, regular heart sounds and no murmurs
Supplementation via Oral :
ABDOMEN -Zinc 20mg/24jam/oral
Inspection : Flat Appearance - B comp 2 tab/8 hours
Auscultation : Normal Bowel Sound
Palpation : No Tenderness
Percussion : Tympanic Monitoring and evaluation
EXTREMITY -Daily intake
There was not wasting and edema in all extremities -Gastrointestinal tolerance
Nutritional education:
Follow the meal according to the schedule & Waiting for
Routine Hematology , Albumin, Profile Lipid , HbA1c,
Laboratory Normal Value
17th, 2022
WBC 10.06 4,0 - 10,0 x 103/μL
TLC 1.166 1.5 - 4 x 103/μL
PLT 145.000 150-400 x 103 /μL
HGB 13.9 12.0 -16.0 gr/dl
MCV 94 80 – 100 μm3
MCH 33 27.0 – 32.0 pg
MCHC 35 32.0-36.0 g/dl
Neutrofil 80.3 52.0-75.0%
Lymfosit 11.0 20.0-40.0%
HbA1c 4.2 4-6%
Albumin 4.2 3.5-5.0 gr/dl
Total Cholestrol 123 200 mg/dL
Laboratory Normal Value
18th, 2022
UUN 8 12-20 gr/ 24 hours
Subjective Objective Assessment Planning
Intake via oral, There General Condition :MODERATE ILLNESS GCS E4M6V5 November 14th, 2022 Basal Energy Expenditure : 1420 Kcal
was no nausea and Vital sign :
Vomiting. There was Blood pressure : 90/60 mmHg • Hyperbilirubinemia 48.5/ Total Energy Expenditure : 2200 Kcal (1.2/1.3)
Pulse : 68 beats/minute
Respiratory rate : 16 times/minute
abdominal pain Temperature : 36.4°C
• Moderate Hyponatremia 128, Macronutrient Composition:
Anhtropometry ESO 265
Defecation was
Body Length : 165 cm • Protein 1.8 g/kgIBW/day : 105 g (19%)
yesterday, seem to be • Prolonged Coagulation Time
normal Ideal Body Weight : 58.5 kg 13/104/36.3 • Carbohydrate 55% : 302 g
Estimated MUAC BW : 71.17 kg
Urination : Via Toilet, • Fat 26% : 63 g
seems to be normal MUAC : 32 cm
November 17th, 2022
IBM : 32.32
-Leukocytosis 10,600
Food Recall 24 hours via Oral Medical Nutrition Therapy is given equivalent to
Energy : 779 Kcal (35%) - Increased NLR 7.3 50% TEE = 1100 Kcal via oral:
2nd day Protein : 29.4 gr (15%)
Follow Up Carbohydrate : 146.2 gr (75%) - Moderate Deplession of Imune - soft standard food with chopped side dishes ( hepar
(November 18th, Fat : 7.5 gr (8.6%) System 1166 diet) 575 kcal
Physical Examination:
HEAD AND NECK -Hypertriglycerides 408 - ONS Hepatosol 300 Kcal
Conjunctiva was not anemic, Sclera was icteric - Fruit Juice 100 Kcal
Oxygen was not supported
Nasogastric tube was not inserted Medical Nutrition Diagnosis: - Egg whites 112.5 kcal
There was no enlargement of lymph nodes and thyroid gland Moderate Protein Energy
Malnutrition (E44) Fluid requirements 2000 cc/24 hours
Inspection : Symmetric, There was loss of subcutaneous fat Correction of hyponatremia with sodium intake & NaCl
Palpation : No tenderness
Digestive Diagnosis :
Obstructive Jaundice et causa 0.9%/ 1000 ml/ 24 hours (Total Deficit 528 + daily
Percussion : Sonor Requirement 176 = 704 mEq) target 138 mmol/L
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound.There was no rhonchi and Stone CBD & waiting for lab result
wheezing, regular heart sounds and no murmurs
Nutritional education:
Follow the meal according to the schedule
Subjective Objective Assessment Planning
Intake via oral, There General Condition :MODERATE ILLNESS GCS E4M6V5 November 18th, 2022 Basal Energy Expenditure : 1420 Kcal
was no nausea and Vital sign :
Vomiting. There is Blood pressure : 100/60 mmHg -UUN 8 BN -7 Total Energy Expenditure : 2200 Kcal (1.2/1.3)
minimal abdominal Pulse : 68 beats/minute
Respiratory rate : 16 times/minute
pain Temperature : 36.5°C
- Mild Hyponatremia 131 <-128
November 17th, 2022 Macronutrient Composition:
Defecation was 2
Body Length : 165 cm - Leukocytosis 10,600 • Protein 1.8 g/kgIBW/day : 105 g (19%)
days ago, seem to be
normal Ideal Body Weight : 58.5 kg
• Carbohydrate 55% : 302 g
Estimated MUAC BW : 71.17 kg - Increased NLR 7.3
Urination : Via Toilet, • Fat 26% : 63 g
seems to be normal MUAC : 32 cm - Moderate Deplession of
IBM : 32.32 Immune System 1166
Food Recall 24 hours via Oral - -Hypertriglycerides 408 Medical Nutrition Therapy is given equivalent to
Energy : 1162 Kcal (52%) 70% TEE = 1540 Kcal via oral:
3rd day Protein : 52.5gr (18%) November 14th, 2022
Follow Up Carbohydrate : 204 gr (70%) - soft standard food with chopped side dishes ( hepar
(November 19th, Fat : 13.8 gr (10%) • Hyperbilirubinemia 48.5/ diet) 575 kcal
2022) 36.6
Physical Examination:
- ONS Hepatosol 300 Kcal
• Moderate Hyponatremia
Conjunctiva was not anemic, Sclera was icteric 128, ESO 265 - Fruit Juice 100 Kcal
Oxygen was not supported
Nasogastric tube was not inserted • Prolonged Coagulation - Egg whites 112.5 kcal
There was no enlargement of lymph nodes and thyroid gland Time 13/104/36.3
Fluid requirements 2000 cc/24 hours
Inspection : Symmetric, There was loss of subcutaneous fat Correction of hyponatremia with sodium intake & NaCl
Palpation : No tenderness 0.9%/ 1000 ml/ 24 hours (Total Deficit 475 + daily
Percussion : Sonor Requirement 176 = 651 mEq) target 140 mmol/L
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound.There was no rhonchi and
wheezing, regular heart sounds and no murmurs
Medical Nutrition Diagnosis:
Moderate Protein Energy Supplementation via Oral :
ABDOMEN Malnutrition (E44) -Zinc 20mg/24jam/oral
Inspection : Flat Appearance - B comp 2 tab/8 hours
Auscultation : Normal Bowel Sound Digestive Diagnosis :
Palpation : No Tenderness Obstructive Jaundice et causa
Percussion : Tympanic Monitoring and evaluation
Stone CBD -Haemodynamic
EXTREMITY -Daily intake
There was not wasting and edema in all extremities -Gastrointestinal tolerance
Nutritional education:
Follow the meal according to the schedule
Genetik, Jenis Obesitas, pola hidup,
Biosintesis kolesterol berlebihan
Kelamin, Usia merokok
nia Gangguan
Respon inflamasi
(IL-1,IL6,TNF α Batu CBD
Stres hormon
Hiperbilirubinemia Ikterus
Deplesi Obst.ekstrahepatik
sedang system oleh CBD
vit B, vit C,
imun Leukositosis Kembali ke
zinc sirkulasi
Aliran bil, garam Nyeri Mual dan
Hiperkatabolik empedu / hasil perut muntah
Peningkatan NLR
eksresi hepatic