Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
NIM : 20211050006
1. Definition:
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a state of infection characterized by the growth and
proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract, including infection of the renal parenchyma to
the bladder with a significant amount of bacteriuria (Soegijanto, 2005).
Pemeriksaan fisik diperoleh : Suhu badan 39,9oc, nadi: 122 bpm, Blood
Pressure: 130/77, Respiratory : 21 rpm dan SP02: 96%.
Pasien memiliki riwyat penyakit yakni, Daibetes meilitus dan Batu ginjal. 20
tahun lalu . Batu ginjalnya hanya diobati secara tradisional.
No Nama Obat
1 Ural Effervescent granules 4g per sachet : 2 scachet unspecified Three Times a
day for 3 day
2 OMEprazole : 20 Mg capsule ONCE a day for 1 week
3 cefTRIAXone : 2g injection ONCE a day for 1 week
4 Insulin recombinant neutral human SHORT ACTING 100 IU/ml in Vial
(ACTRAPID) : 6U injection when reguired (PRN) for 1 week
5 Paracetamol 500mg : 1000mg tablet single dose (STAT) for 1 Day
6 cefUROXime sodium : 150 mg injection single dose (STAT) for 1 Day
7 Insulin recombinant neutral human SHORT ACTING 100 IU/ml in Vial
(ACTRAPID): 6U injection Single dose (STAT) for 1 Day
Nursing Care
Tanggal Data Fokus Etiologi Masalah Keperawatan
Hyperthermy is associated with inflammatory
Nursing Care
Pain associated with infection After nursing action for 3×24 Identify characteristics,
of the urinary tract hours, it is expected that the duration, frequency,
respiratory status will be quality, intensity-
Definition: Sensory and normal with the result Identification of pain
emotional unpleasant criteria: scales
experiences able to control pain dentification of non-verbal
Reports that pain is pain responses
Limitations Characteristics: reduced by using pain identify factors that
Changes in blood pressure management aggravate and improve
Reports of cues expressing Able to recognize pain pain
behavior ( restlessness, (Scale, intensity, frequency, Monitor side effects of
whining, crying)-Report and signs of pain analgesic use
pain verbally Give nonpharmacological
acts ( Relaxation of a deep
Analgesic collaboration
Hyperthermia After 3×24 hours of nursing Assess the presence of
Definition: Increase in body care are expected complaints or signs of a
temperature above the change in body
normal rangeLimitations normal respiratory status temperature
Characteristics: with result criteria: TTV observations,
Increase in body Body temperature within especially body
temperature above the normal rangeP temperature according to
the normal range ulse and RR in the normal indications
Normal Tachycardia range Compress warm water on
Normal Tachypnea No skin discoloration and the forehead and both
Skin feels warm no dizziness axilla
Related Factors : Course of Collaboration on the
Disease administration of
antipyretic drugs
Pain Deep Breath
Diagnosis Relaxation