Tugas Kelompok 1 Pem
Tugas Kelompok 1 Pem
Tugas Kelompok 1 Pem
Medical diagnosis
Medical Nutrition Diagnosis : Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (E43)
EMD Diagnosis : Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus + Neck Abscess + Left Lung Tumor+
Multiple Nodular Lymphadenopathy
(History taking)
(History taking)
Defecation Urination
Via toilet, this morning, once a day, Via urinary pot, 1500 ml/ 24hours,
normal consistency, yellowish. yellowish
Patient Family
Cerebrovascular Disease Cerebrovascular Disease
No history No History
02 Patient denies consuming cigarettes
• 2 months ago, He ate 3 times/day 3/4 portion of white rice with 1 medium chunk of varied animal side
dishes, 1/2 medium chunk of derived plant side dishes, 2 x 1/2 small bowl of vegetables.
• 2 weeks ago, He ate 3 times/day, 1/2 portion of porridge with 1 medium chunk of varied animal
side dishes, 1 medium chunk of derived plant side dishes, 1 small bowl of vegetables.
• 24 hours ago, He ate regularly 3 times/day 3 tablespoons of porridge with ¼ portion of animal side
dishes and 1/3 portion of vegetables, 2 x ¼ portion of plant side dish,1 ½ portion of fruit per day.
• Neither food allergies nor lactose intolerance
400 kcal 16 g 71 g 5g
24 hours
(21.05%) (16%) (71%) (11.25 %)
Vital signs
01 02 Anthropometry
Blood pressure : 150/80 mmHg Body Height : 162 cm
MAP : 103.3 mmHg Ideal Body Weight : 55.8 Kg
Pulse : 98 beats/minute MUAC : 24 cm
Respiratory rate : 20 times/minute Estimated MUAC BW : 50.9 Kg
Temperature : 36.6 0C
SpO2 : 98% without modality
03 Functional Status
Handgrip Strength : 25.6 Kg (right),
Physical examination
Normocephalic, conjunctiva was not anemic, sclera was not
icteric, NGT was not inserted. Oxygen was not supported.
There was no enlargement of thyroid gland and lymph nodes.
There is a mass with a size of about 16 x 11 cm with a reddish
color compared to the surrounding skin. There was wounds
appear and crusts. There was tenderness. The borderlines are
difficult to evaluate because they are covered with a bandage.
Inspection : Symmetrical, there was loss of subcutaneous fat
Palpation : No tenderness.
Percussion : Sonor.
Auscultation : vesicular breathing sounds, there was no rhonchi, no
wheezing. Regular heart sound, no murmur.
Inspection : Flat appearance
Palpation : No tenderness. Liver and Spleen were not palpable, no ascites
Percussion : Tympanic
Auscultation : Normal Bowel Sound
Physical examination
There was warm acral, no edema, CRT<2
seconds. There was wasting in all extremities.
Laboratory October 2nd , 2023 Normal Value
Monitoring Plan
- Monitor general condition and vital signs
- Checking fasting blood glucose in morning time
- Target of random blood glucose : 140-180mg/dl
- Target of fasting blood glucose 80-130 mg/dl
October 2nd, 2023
Leucocytosis 11.200
Normochromic normocytic anaemia 11.8
Mild depletion of immune system 1220.8
Increased NLR 7.3
Vitam : Dubia
Functionam : Dubia
Sanactionam : Dubia
Correction of hyponatremia with target of 140 mmol/L (deficit 213.78 mEq + daily requirement 101.8
mEq, total requirement 315.58 mEq )
Nutritional medical therapy was given based on high risk of refeeding syndrome 10 kcal/kg MUAC
BW/day = 509 kcal (26.7%TEE) via enteral
regular blenderized food 3 x 50 cc (246.675 kcal)
ONS peptisol 150 kcal
VCO 80 kcal
Nutrition education:
- Nutritional intake according to schedule
- nasogastric tube and urine catheter insertion