Chief Complaint: Hematochezia
Chief Complaint: Hematochezia
Chief Complaint: Hematochezia
History of Present Illness
4 days PTA:
Ate a lot of Guyabano fruit
5 hours later - onset of loose watery stools, bloody in
character with no other associated symptoms, drank water
to hydrate
Total of 3-4 episodes per day.
No medications were taken, no consult was done, patient
tolerated his condition.
History of Present Illness
1 day PTA:
Symptoms improved and decided to have his stool sent to labs
for stool exam, results revealed presence of blood in his stool
Contacted their family physician and was advised for
admission and colonoscopy, thus this admission.
Past Medical History
Hyprtension (2013)
- maintenance medications:
Amlodipine 100 mg/tab, 1 tab OD
Atorvastatin 40 mg/tab, 1 tab OD
Gout (2013)
- maintenance medications:
Allopurinol 300 mg/tab, 1 tab OD
DM T2 NIR- Diet Controlled
NO asthma
NO past surgeries
Has prior hospitalization at Kaiser Hospital, California USA
Personal and Social History
Retired cook
Lives with his wife
22 years smoker: 66 pack years
Completed 2 doses of ____ vaccine. No booster
Review of Systems
General Survey: (-) Fever, (-) Dizziness, (-) Fatigue, (-) Weight loss
Skin: No rashes or other changes
HEENT: (-) Headache, (-) tinnitus
Respiratory: (-) Cough, (-) Tachypnea, (-) Dyspnea, (-) wheezing
CVS: (-) Tachycardia/Bradycardia, (-)Murmurs, (-) palpitations
Gastrointestinal: (-) Abdominal pain, (-) Vomiting
GUS: (-) Flank pain, (-) Dysuria
Rectal: (-) pain during passage of stools
Extremities: (-) Edema
Physical examination
General: patient seen and examined awake, afebrile, coherent not in
respiratory distress with the following vital signs:
BP: 130/80 mmhg
HR: 86 bpm
RR: 19 cpm
O2Sat: 99% room air