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Engineering Mechanics: Equilibrium Problems

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Engineering Mechanics

 For equilibrium:
  Fx = 0 and
  F y = 0.
 Note: Considering Newton’s first law of
motion, equilibrium can mean that the
particle is either at rest or moving in a
straight line at constant speed.
3D Particle Static Equilibrium
 Because the resultant force is
balanced, the following situation
 ΣFx = 0
 ΣFy = 0
 ΣFz = 0

2D Static Equilibrium:
  Using
 F  0Components:

F x  0; F y  0; Fz 0

F1 
 Graphically:
   
 F  0  F1  F2  F3 
F3 4

FBD at Since particle A is in equilibrium, the net
A force at A is zero.
30 So FB + FC + FD = 0
FD A A ˚ x
or F=0
FC = 392.4
N FBD at A
In general, for a particle in equilibrium,
 F = 0 or
 Fx i +  Fy j = 0 = 0i + 0j (a vector equation)

Or, written in a scalar form,

Fx = 0 and  Fy = 0
These are two scalar equations of equilibrium (E-of-E). They
can be used to solve for up to two unknowns.


FBD at A
A ˚ x

FC = 392.4
Note : Cylinder mass = 40 Kg
Write the scalar E-of-E:

+   Fx = FB cos 30º – FD = 0
+   Fy = FB sin 30º – 392.4 N = 0

Solving the second equation gives: FB = 785 N →

From the first equation, we get: FD = 680 N ←


 The crate below has a weight of 50 kg.

Draw a free body diagram of the crate, the
BD and the ring at B.

B ring C

(a) Crate
FD ( force of cord acting on crate)

50 kg (wt. of crate) 45 o

(b) Cord BD
FB (force of ring acting on cord)

FD (force of crate acting on cord)

Solution Contd.

(c) Ring
FA (Force of cord BA acting along ring)

FC (force of cord BC acting on ring)

FB (force of cord BD acting on ring)

Solution Contd.

F A C s in 7 5
F B C   3 .7 3 F A C .............(1 )
o o
 F y = 0 i. e . F B C s in 7 5 - F A C cos 75 - 1962 = 0
1 9 6 2  0 .2 6 F
F B C  A C
 2 0 3 1 .2  0 .2 7 F A C ......(2 )
0 .9 6 6
F r o m E q u a t io n s ( 1 ) a n d ( 2 ) , 3 . 7 3 F A C = 2 0 3 1 .2 + 0 .2 7 F A C

F A C = 587 N

F ro m (1 ), F B C = 3 .7 3 x 5 8 7 = 2 1 9 0 N

T1 T2

Spring Force = spring constant * With a frictionless pulley,

deformation, or T1 = T2= T

See HO 12

Given: Cylinder E weighs 30

lb and the geometry
is as shown.
Find: Forces in the cables
and weight of
cylinder F.

1. Draw a FBD for Point C.

2. Apply E-of-E at Point C to solve for the unknowns (FCB & FCD).
3. Knowing FCB , repeat this process at point B.

y (continued)

30 x A FBD at C should look like the one at the

left. Note the assumed directions for the
two cable tensions.
30 lb

The scalar E-of-E are:

+  Fx = FBC cos 15º – FCD cos 30º = 0
+  Fy = FCD sin 30º – FBC sin 15º – 30 = 0

Solving these two simultaneous equations for the two

unknowns FBC and FCD yields:
FBC = 100.4 lb
FCD = 112.0 lb


Given: The box weighs 550 lb and

geometry is as shown.
Find: The forces in the ropes AB
and AC.

1. Draw a FBD for point A.
2. Apply the E-of-E to solve for the
forces in ropes AB and AC.

PROBLEM (continued)

y FC FBD at point A
5 3
30 4
˚ A x

FD = 550 lb

Applying the scalar E-of-E at A, we get;

+F x = FB cos 30° – FC (4/5) = 0

+F y = FB sin 30° + FC (3/5) - 550 lb = 0
Solving the above equations, we get;
FB = 478 lb and FC = 518 lb

Sample Problem
• Create a free-body diagram for
the crane.
• Determine B by solving the
equation for the sum of the
moments of all forces about A.
Note there will be no
contribution from the unknown
reactions at A.
• Determine the reactions at A
A fixed crane has a mass of by solving the equations for
1000 kg and is used to lift a the sum of all horizontal
2400 kg crate. It is held in force components and all
place by a pin at A and a vertical force components.
rocker at B. The center of • Check the values obtained for
gravity of the crane is the reactions by verifying that
located at G. the sum of the moments
about B of all forces is zero.
4 - 17
the components
of the reactions at A and B.
Sample Problem
• Determine B by solving the
equation for the sum of the
moments of all forces about A.

M  
A  0 :  B 1.5m  9.81 kN 2m 
B  107.1 kN  23.5 kN 6m   0

• Determine the reactions at A by

solving the equations for the sum
• Create the free-body
of all horizontal forces and all
 F  0 forces.
: A B0
x x
Ax  107.1 kN

 Fy  0 : Ay  9.81 kN  23.5 kN  0
Ay  33.3 kN

4 - 18 • Check the values obtained.

Sample Problem
• Create a free-body diagram for
the car with the coordinate
system aligned with the track.

• Determine the reactions at the

wheels by solving equations
for the sum of moments about
points above each axle.
• Determine the cable tension
A loading car is at rest on an by solving the equation for the
inclined track. The gross sum of force components
weight of the car and its load parallel to the track.
is 5500 lb, and it is applied at • Check the values obtained by
at G. The cart is held in verifying that the sum of force
position by the cable. components perpendicular to
the track are zero.
4 - 19 the tension in the
cable and the reaction at each
Sample Problem
• Determine the reactions at the
 M A  0 :   2320 lb  25in.   4980 lb  6in.
 R2  50in.  0
R2  1758 lb

 M B  0 :   2320 lb 25in.   4980 lb  6in.

 R1  50in.  0
R1  562 lb
• Create a free-body
diagram • Determine the cable
W x   5500 lb  cos 25
 4980 lb  Fx  0 :  4980 lb  T  0
T  4980 lb
W y   5500 lb  sin 25
 2320 lb
4 - 20
Sample Problem
• Create a free-body diagram
for the frame and cable.
• Solve 3 equilibrium equations
for the reaction force
components and couple at E.

The frame supports part of the

roof of a small building. The
tension in the cable is 150 kN.
Determine the reaction at the
fixed end E.

4 - 21
Sample Problem
• Solve 3 equilibrium equations
for the reaction force
components and 4.5 couple.
 Fx  0 : E x  150 kN   0
E x  90.0 kN

 Fy  0 : E y  4 20 kN   150 kN   0
E y  200 kN

• Create a free-body  M E  0 :  20 kN 7.2 m   20 kN 5.4 m 

diagram for the frame
 20 kN 3.6 m   20 kN1.8 m 
and cable.
 150 kN  4.5 m  M E  0
7. 5
M E  180.0 kN  m
4 - 22
Sample Problem
• Create a free-body diagram of the
joist. Note that the joist is a 3
force body acted upon by the
rope, its weight, and the reaction
at A.
• The three forces must be
concurrent for static equilibrium.
A man raises a 10 kg Therefore, the reaction R must
joist, of length 4 m, by pass through the intersection of
pulling on a rope. the lines of action of the weight
Find the tension in the and rope forces. Determine the
rope and the reaction at direction of the reaction force R.
• Utilize a force triangle to
A. determine the magnitude of the
reaction force R.

4 - 23
Sample Problem
• Create a free-body diagram of the
• Determine the direction of the
reaction force R.
AF  AB cos 45   4 m  cos 45  2.828 m
CD  AE  12 AF  1.414 m
BD  CD cot(45  20)  1.414 m  tan 20  0.515 m
CE  BF  BD   2.828  0.515 m  2.313 m
CE 2.313
tan    1.636
AE 1.414

  58.6

4 - 24
Sample Problem
• Determine the magnitude of the
reaction force R.
T R 98.1 N
 
sin 31.4 sin 110  sin 38.6

T  81.9 N
R  147.8 N

4 - 25
Problem 3-40
Find the forces in all five cables.

Since there are 5 unknowns, we’ll need at least 3



Problem 3-14
Spring AB is stretched 3m. What is the mass
of the suspended block?

Determine the forces in cables AC and AB needed to hold Practice
the 20-kg ball D in equilibrium. Take F = 300 N and d = 1 Problem 1

Determine the tensions developed in wires CD, CB and BA Practice
and the angle  required for equilibrium of the 30 lb cylinder Problem 2
E and 60 lb cylinder F.

Determine the stretch in springs AC and AB for equilibrium Practice
of the 2-kg block. The springs are shown in the equilibrium Problem 3

Sample Problem
• Construct a free-body diagram for
the particle at the junction of the
rope and cable.

• Apply the conditions for equilibrium

by creating a closed polygon from
the forces applied to the particle.

• Apply trigonometric relations to

determine the unknown force
In a ship-unloading operation, a magnitudes.
3500-lb automobile is
supported by a cable. A rope is
tied to the cable and pulled to
center the automobile over its
intended position. What is the
tension in the rope?
2 - 39
Sample Problem
• Construct a free-body diagram for
the particle at A.

• Apply the conditions for equilibrium.

• Solve for the unknown force

T AB T AC 3500 lb
 
sin 120 sin 2 sin 58
T AB  3570 lb
T AC  144 lb

2 - 40
Sample Problem
• Choosing the hull as the free
body, draw a free-body diagram.

• Express the condition for

equilibrium for the hull by writing
that the sum of all forces must be
It is desired to determine the drag zero.
force at a given speed on a • Resolve the vector equilibrium
prototype sailboat hull. A model is equation into two component
placed in a test channel and three equations. Solve for the two
cables are used to align its bow on unknown cable tensions.
the channel centerline. For a
given speed, the tension is 40 lb in
cable AB and 60 lb in cable AE.
Determine the drag force exerted
on the hull and the tension in
cable AC.
2 - 41
Sample Problem
• Choosing the hull as the free
body, draw a free-body diagram.

• Express the condition for

equilibrium for the hull by writing
that the sum of all forces must be
It is desired to determine the drag zero.
force at a given speed on a • Resolve the vector equilibrium
prototype sailboat hull. A model is equation into two component
placed in a test channel and three equations. Solve for the two
cables are used to align its bow on unknown cable tensions.
the channel centerline. For a
given speed, the tension is 40 lb in
cable AB and 60 lb in cable AE.
Determine the drag force exerted
on the hull and the tension in
cable AC.
2 - 42
Sample Problem
• Choosing the hull as the free
body, draw a free-body diagram.

• Express the condition for

equilibrium for the hull by writing
that the sum of all forces must be
It is desired to determine the drag zero.
force at a given speed on a • Resolve the vector equilibrium
prototype sailboat hull. A model is equation into two component
placed in a test channel and three equations. Solve for the two
cables are used to align its bow on unknown cable tensions.
the channel centerline. For a
given speed, the tension is 40 lb in
cable AB and 60 lb in cable AE.
Determine the drag force exerted
on the hull and the tension in
cable AC.
2 - 43
Sample Problem
• Resolve the vector equilibrium equation
into two component equations. Solve for
the two unknown cable tensions.
  
   
T AB   40 lb sin 60.26 i  40 lb cos 60.26 j
 
  34.73 lb  i  19.84 lb  j
  
T AC  T AC sin 20.56 i  T AC cos 20.56 j
 
 0.3512 T AC i  0.9363T AC j
 
T   60 lb  i
 
FD  FD i


   34.73  0.3512 T AC  FD  i

 19.84  0.9363T AC  60 j
2 - 44
Sample Problem


   34.73  0.3512 T AC  FD  i

 19.84  0.9363T AC  60 j

This equation is satisfied only if each

component of the resultant is equal to
  Fx  0 0  34.73  0.3512 TAC  FD
  Fy  0 0  19.84  0.9363TAC  60
T AC  42.9 lb
FD  19.66 lb

2 - 45
Equilibrium of rigid bodies
1. Find the moment at B
The End

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