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Fibonacci Numbers and

the Golden Ratio

Sequence refers to an ordered list of numbers called terms, that may have
repeated values. The arrangement of these terms is set by a definite rule.
Consider the given below:
1, 3, 5, 7, …
(1st term) (2nd term) (3rd term) (4th term)
As shown above, the elements in the sequence are called terms. It is called
sequence because the list is ordered and it follows a certain kind of pattern
that must be recognized in order to see the expanse.
There are different types of sequence and the most common are the
arithmetic sequence, geometric sequence, harmonic sequence, and
Fibonacci sequence.
Arithmetic sequence

It is a sequence of numbers that follows a definite pattern. To determine if the

series of numbers follow an arithmetic sequence, check the difference
between two consecutive terms. If common difference is observed, then
definitely arithmetic sequence governed the pattern. To clearly illustrate the
arrangement, consider the example below:
Geometric sequence.

If in the arithmetic sequence we need to check for the common difference,

in geometric sequence we need to look for the common ratio.

Illustrated in the example below, geometric sequence is not as obvious as

the arithmetic sequence. All possibilities must be explored until some
patterns of uniformity can intelligently be struck. At first it may seemed
like pattern less but only by digging a little bit deeper that we can finally
delve the constancy.
• The Fibonacci sequence
Fibonacci published in the year 1202 his now famous rabbit puzzle:
A man put a male-female pair of newly born rabbits in a field. Rabbits
take a month to mature before mating. One month after mating, females
give birth to one male-female pair and then mate again. No rabbits die.
How many rabbit pairs are there after one year?
To solve, we construct Table1.1 below.
At the start of each month, the number of juvenile pairs, adult pairs, and total
number of pairs are shown. At the start of January, one pair of juvenile rabbits is
introduced into the population. At the start of February, this pair of rabbits has
matured. At the start of March, this pair has given birth to a new pair of juvenile
rabbits. And so on.
Notation: Fib (n) refers to the Fibonacci number that is in the nth position

Example: Fib (6) = 8

We can conclude that,

Fib(n+1) = Fib (n) + Fib (n-1)

This means that a Fibonacci number is the result of adding its preceding two numbers
The Fibonacci numbers can be extended to zero and negative indices
using the relation Fib(n) = Fib(n+2) − Fib(n+1). Determine Fib(0)
Certain pattern of numbers are closely related to the Fibonacci
numbers and satisfy the same recursion relation Luc(n+1) = Luc(n) +
Luc(n−1), but with starting values Luc(1)= 1 and Luc(2) = 3. Determine
the first 12 numbers.
Formula for computing the nth term in the Fibonacci Sequence

𝑛 𝑛
 −(1 −)
𝐹𝑖𝑏 ( 𝑛 ) =
Fib(n) stands for the Fibonacci number we’re looking for

n stands for the position of the number in the Fibonacci sequence

stands for the value of the golden ratio

Fibonacci in Nature
Fibonacci in Nature

Fibonacci in Nature

Fibonacci in Nature

Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio
ACTIVITY (30 minutes)
Imagine the following scenario:
You’re in math class, and the instructor passes a piece of paper to each
student. It is announced that the paper contains Study Strategies for
Students of Mathematics; you are to read it and make comments. Upon
glancing at the paper, however, you observe that it is written in a
foreign language that you do not understand!
People frequently have trouble understanding mathematical ideas: not
necessarily because the ideas are difficult, but because they are being
presented in a foreign language—the language of mathematics.
The language of mathematics makes it easy to express the kinds of
thoughts that mathematicians like to express. It is:
• precise (able to make very fine distinctions);
• concise (able to say things briefly);
• powerful (able to express complex thoughts with relative ease).
ENGLISH: nouns versus sentences
In English, nouns are used to name things we want to talk about (like
people, places, and things); whereas sentences are used to state
complete thoughts. A typical English sentence has at least one noun,
and at least one verb.
For example, consider the sentence
Carol loves mathematics.

Here, ‘Carol’ and ‘mathematics’ are nouns; ‘loves’ is a verb.

MATHEMATICS: expressions versus sentences
The mathematical analogue of a ‘noun’ will be called an expression. Thus,
an expression is a name given to a mathematical object of interest.
Whereas in English we need to talk about people, places, and things, we’ll
see that mathematics has much different ‘objects of interest’.

The mathematical analogue of a ‘sentence’ will also be called a sentence. A

mathematical sentence, just as an English sentence, must state a complete
thought. The table below summarizes the analogy. (Don’t worry for the
moment about the truth of sentences; this will be addressed later.)
Just as English sentences have verbs, so do mathematical sentences. In
the mathematical sentence ‘ 3 + 4 = 7 ’, the verb is ‘ = ’. If you read the
sentence as ‘three plus four is equal to seven’, then it’s easy to ‘hear’
the verb. Indeed, the equal sign ‘ = ’ is one of the most popular
mathematical verbs.
Translating words into symbol

• Practical problems seldom, if ever, come in equation form. The job of

the problem solver is to translate the problem from phrases and
statements into mathematical expressions and equations, and then to
solve the equations.

• As problem solvers, our job is made simpler if we are able to translate

verbal phrases to mathematical expressions and if we follow step in
solving applied problems. T
Let x be a number. Translate each phrase or sentence into a mathematical
expression or equation.
1.Twelve more than a number.

2.Eight minus a number.

3.An unknown quantity less fourteen.

4.Six times a number is fifty-four.

5. Two ninths of a number is eleven.

6. Three more than seven times a number is nine more than five times
the number.

7. Twice a number less eight is equal to one more than three times the

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