ME-313 Mechanics of Machines Velocity Analysis - Part A: by Adnan Munir
ME-313 Mechanics of Machines Velocity Analysis - Part A: by Adnan Munir
ME-313 Mechanics of Machines Velocity Analysis - Part A: by Adnan Munir
Mechanics of Machines
Lecture 7
velocity Analysis – Part a
By Adnan Munir
C = - 6.8b
• Four-bar mechanism - 6 instant centers
• Six-bar mechanism – 15 instant centers
• Eight-bar mechanism – 28 instant centers
• Figure 6-5 shows four-bar mechanism in arbitrary position
• Linear graph useful for keeping track of known ICs also shown
Instant Center of Velocity
Instant Center of Velocity
• Kennedy’s Rule
• Any three bodies in the plane will have exactly three instant centers, and they
will lie on the same straight line
Instant Center of Velocity
Instant Center of Velocity
Instant Center of Velocity
Instant Center of Velocity
Instant Center of Velocity
Instant Center of Velocity
Velocity Analysis using Vector Loop Method
• Representation
of position vector RPA as complex number in polar form
RPA = p ejθ - 6.2
where p is scalar length of the vector
• Velocity
• Always perpendicular to radius of rotation
• Tangent to path of motion
Velocity Analysis using Vector Loop Method
• Substituting Euler identity into 6.3
VPA = p j (cosθ + j sinθ) = p (- sinθ + j cosθ) - (6.4)