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Lead-Acid Battery Components

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Battery components

Dr. P G B
Although the electrolyte does not come under this category
in the case nickel-cadmium cells, it is actually taking part in
the reaction in the lead-acid cell and, in fact, the sp. gr. of
sulphuric acid is an indicator of state of charge in the case
of lead acid battery. The passive components are:
 Grid (Current carrier)
 Small parts
 Bus bar (or connector strap)
 Pillar post
 Intercell connectors
 Terminal post
 Container (including cover and
vents and
 Separator
Components of an SLI Battery
Different designs of grids for flat plate
Properties of α and β-Lead-dioxide

Sl No: Parameter α –Lead dioxide β -Lead dioxide

Orthorhombic Tetragonal (Rutile
1 Crystal habit
(Columbite) type)
2 Colour Bluish Grey Brownish Red
3 Coefficient of Utilization (Lower) 60% (Higher )73%
4 Surface Area Lower Higher
5 Molar Vol. ( Å3) 40.3( Å3) 41.7( Å3)
0.135 0.164
6 Ah g-1
0.35 0.022
Ah m-2
7 O2-over voltage Lower High
Equilibrium potential (V)
8 in 4.4 M H2SO4 Higher 1.7085 Low 1.7015

9 Self Discharge Higher Lower

10 O2 Content PbO1.94-2.2 PbO1.87-2.02
11 Strength. of Plates Strong Less Strong
12 Density g cc-1 9.873 9.696
13 Life Longer Lower
Reaction rate in H2SO4
14 2 Times 1 time
15 Formation In alkaline pH In higher sp.gr. acid
16 Stability Metastable Stable
17 Lower Higher
18 Source of formation Alkaline Oxidation of PbSO4
19 Passivation by PbSO4 Easy Absorbs sulphate ions
20 Tafel Slope 0.08 V/decade 0.15V/decade
21 Initial Amount. In Plates ~30% ≤ 70%
a = 4.938 Å b= a = 4.945 Å b=
22 Lattice Parameters
5.939Å c = 5.486 Å 3.378
Coup de fouet (Spannunsack) Occurs during initial
23 Does not occur
voltage dip. periods of discharge
Conventional Rectilinear pattern grid
Radial grid with corner lug
Expanded Metal Grid
Mapping of resistance of the grid area [1]

Resistanc Grid Grid (5.3.b) Grid (5.3.c) Grid

e 5.3.a 5..4
Percentage of Grid area in the range of
Up to 2 10 19 34 3
1.Improved conductivity 1. Superior HRD
2. Distribution of Pb in with weight
proportion to local equivalent to
current density conventional battery
3. Improved HRD 2. equivalent HRD
4.Improved corrosion with lesser weight.
>5 -- -- -- 38
The results of current density vs. terminal voltage
Globe “Combo” Grid
Polycarbonate grid with lead spines
Double Decker cell
Tubular plate cell
Illustrates schematically the positive grid. The
spines carry, in addition to the cross-piece, the
usual centering wings
shows a schematic cross-section, at the height of the
cross-piece, of the new flat-plate tubular electrode, in
comparison with the cross-section through a
conventional tubular-plate electrode
Platé positive and pasted negative plates
(Courtesy: Exide Industries Ltd., Kolkata, India)
Planté cell
(Courtesy: Exide Industries Limited, India)
Cylindrical lead/acid cell developed by the Bell
Telephone Co., cutaway and exploded view
Element of 420 Ah Bell cell
Batteries with cylindrical cell
Schematic Cross-Section of the TMFTM Cell
Schematic Bipolar Plate cell
Cathanode battery
Schematic view of Dunlop pulsar lead/acid battery design
Properties of cathode and anode materials

Anode Cathode

1 Low ionization potential or energy High electro negativity

e.g. Li → Li+ 5.4eV; Pb → Pb2+
7.4 eV
2 High negative values for the electrode Good oxidizing agent
3 Good reducing agent High overpotential for
oxygen evolution
4 Should not form any undesirable Should not form any
passive layers inducing delayed action undesirable passive layers.
as in the case of Mg, Al, Li etc.
5 High overpotential for hydrogen High overpotential for
evolution oxygen evolution
Properties of reaction materials and products of lead-acid cell [27 Barak]

Active Type Relative Sp. Density kg

Material of material molar Resist. L-1
mass -cm
Massive 2 x10-4 9.4
PbO2 Porous Active 239.2
74 x10-4 8.8
Pb Dense Material 207.2 0.2 x10-4 11.3
PbO 223.2 9.5
Sp.gr. 1.250 or
1.230 1.250
H2SO4 4.3 Molar
Solution 1.070 or 1.1
2.000 1.070

PbSO4 Heavy white

303.3 4x1010 6.3
Liquid -- 1.0
Water 18.02
Solid -- 0.9
Different types of Intercell Connector
Schematics of different types of intercell connector
Cover design evolution
Growth of plate made form lead-calcium
Structure of stub foot for absorbing elongation of the plate
An example of connection for dividing method
Vent plug to prevent spillage of electrolyte, normal and inverted positions
VR Vent
P.E Separator Manufacturing
Manufacture of AGM

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