Frameworks For Analysis
Frameworks For Analysis
Frameworks For Analysis
Approaches to Content Analysis
• 1) Formal content analysis • 2) Thematic analysis
A systematic sample of 'The idea is to understand the
texts is used in the study, encoding process, especially the
intentions that lie behind the
and classification systems production of mass media
are devised to identify documents. The usual strategy is
different features of the to pick on a specific area of
text, which are then reportage and subject it to a
counted with an emphasis very detailed analysis in the
on objectivity and hope of unearthing the
reliability. underlying purposes and
intentions of the authors of the
communication.' (Pawson, R.,
Approaches to Content Analysis
3) Textual analysis • 4) Audience analysis
The analysis of the use of Considers the response
words and phrases within a
text - and the consideration of
of the audience of mass
if and how words and phrases media - whether they
may be used to influence the accept or reject the
reader. content and what it
Textual analysis often involves means to them.
semiology or semiotics, which
is the analysis of signs.
Types of Content Analysis
• Conceptual analysis can • Relational analysis goes
be thought of as one step further by
establishing the examining the
existence and relationships among
frequency of concepts – concepts in a text.
most often represented
by words of phrases – in
a text.
How to do content analysis
Sample Questions for Media Content
• How do children’s TV programs portray violence, racial or
gender differences?
• What types of news stories are prevalent in the evening news,
on the front page, on magazine covers?
• What percentage of (TV or newspaper) news is … crime,
accidents, promotional, human interest?
• How do commercials differ between different types of
• To what extent do different (magazines, TV shows) reflect the
target market of advertisers?
• What categories or subject matter are prevalent among…
bestselling books, hit movies or music, popular video games?
Developing a Coding Scheme for Media
Content Analysis
• In order to minimize research bias, categories must
be developed fully before the coding of data
• Performing a literature review and a preliminary
reading of a sample of texts to capture important
variables before the
codebook/codesheets are finalized.
Neuendorf (2002)
Sample Media Content Analysis:
Analyzing Public Discourse: Using Media Content Analysis to
Understand the Policy Process
By Nancy Green Saraisky