Askep Tumor Wilms: Ni Nyoman Udiani, S.Kep - Ns.,M.Kep
Askep Tumor Wilms: Ni Nyoman Udiani, S.Kep - Ns.,M.Kep
Askep Tumor Wilms: Ni Nyoman Udiani, S.Kep - Ns.,M.Kep
Ni Nyoman
Tumor ganas ginjal yang berasal dari sisa
jaringan embrional primitive di ginjal
Sinonim :
Embrioma Ginjal
Adenosarkoma Ginjal
Karsinosarkoma Ginjal
Tumor ganas campuran ginjal
Amerika :
- Insiden TW : 7,8/1 juta populasi usia 1-14 tahun.
- Setiap tahun terdapat 500 penderita baru
- 77% usia penderita ≤ 5 th
- 90% usia penderita ≤ 7 th
- Penderita ♂∽♀
- Faktor Ras ⊝
- Faktor lingkungan ⊝
V Tumor bilateral.
Penanganan multimodal : operasi, kemoterapi dan
Pada stadium dini : kesembuhan dapat 100%
1. Pembedahan :
Nephrektomi transperitoneal
Bila N ⊕ → Remove
Bila tumor besar atau operabilitasnya
meragukan → kemoterapi preoperatif →
me ↓spillage intraoperatif
Long term:
Bowel adhesions
Infertility (females > males) or future
pregnancy complications
Greater in females treated with whole
abdomen with both ovaries and uterus in
the field.
Scoliosis/vertebral body foreshortening
Secondary to fibrosis of contralateral renal
Renal failure (low incidence if treating
CHF –risk is ~4% in patients receiving
Liver failure (chemotherapy associated)
2ndmalignancy (1.6% cumulative risk)
Asuhan Keperawatan
Tumor Wilms???
Nursing Assesment
Assess for bleeding.
Assess for bleeding from any site and
febrile episodes; Monitor WBC, platelet
count, hematocrit, absolute neutrophil
Assess the oral cavity.
Perform handwashing prior
giving care, utilize mask and gown when
needed, provide a private room, monitor
for any signs and symptoms of infection.
Prevent oral trauma.
Instruct the use of a soft-sponge
toothbrush or sponge toothette or gauze
when rinsing the mouth; instruct to avoid
foods which are hot, spicy, or high
in ascorbic acid (vitamin C); provide oral
hygiene 30 minutes prior or after meals;
instruct to refrain from eating or drinking
for 30 minutes after completion of oral
hygiene; and offer moist, soft, bland foods.
Prevent anxiety.
Have the parents to stay with the child or
encourage open visitation, provide a telephone
number to call for information; explain all
procedures and care in simple, direct, honest
terms and repeat as often as necessary;
reinforce physician information if needed and
provide specific information as needed; and
provide consistent nurse assignment with the
same personnel; encourage parents to
participate in care.
Prevent anxiety.
Have the parents to stay with the child or
encourage open visitation, provide a telephone
number to call for information; explain all
procedures and care in simple, direct, honest
terms and repeat as often as necessary;
reinforce physician information if needed and
provide specific information as needed; and
provide consistent nurse assignment with the
same personnel; encourage parents to
participate in care.
Prevent injury.
Avoid any palpation of abdominal mass; post
sign on bed stating not to palpate
preoperatively; assess incision site for
redness, swelling, drainage, intactness,
and healing and change dressing when soiled
or wet; assess oral and perineal area; and
encourage parents to appropriately dress
child based on weather conditions and to
refrain from participating on rough activities
or sports.
Goals are met as evidenced by: