Ped Anesth 16 (504-13) 2006
Ped Anesth 16 (504-13) 2006
Ped Anesth 16 (504-13) 2006
Review article
Anesthetic considerations in the management
of Wilms’ tumor
Department of Pediatric Anesthesia, British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital, Oak Street,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Table 4
Chemotherapy agents used in the treatment of Wilms’ tumor
Vincristine Vinca alkaloid from Vinca rosea (periwinkle). Peripheral neuropathy (reversible)
Binds microtubules of mitotic spindle and Minimal myelosuppression and immuno-suppression
causes metaphase arrest. Hepatic metabolism; SIADH; convulsions; CNS depression (rare)
biliary and fecal excretion. Toxicity enhanced by liver impairment
Doxorubicin Anthracycline antibiotic from Streptomyces peucetius. Acute toxicity: myelosuppression (maximal at 1–2 weeks);
Inhibits nucleic acid synthesis, binds DNA thrombocytopenia; cardiac dysrhythmias.
and inhibits topoisomerase II. Hepatic metabolism Radiosensitizing.
(<5% excreted in urine). Toxicity enhanced by hepatic impairment.
Chronic toxicity: decreased cardiac contractility,
progressing to cardiac failure, may be seen above total
cumulative doses of 200 mgÆm2. Reversibility of changes
unknown. Cardiac damage is exacerbated by cardiac
irradiation. Monitor with serial ECGs and ECHO at
baseline, 2–3 weeks after receiving 200 mgÆm2,
and after every further 100 mgÆm2 thereafter.
After completion of therapy, monitor with clinical
assessment and Holter monitoring every 3 years and
at times of increased physiological stress (e.g. pregnancy).
Cyclophosphamide Alkylating agent. Prodrug activated by liver Myelosuppression, maximal at 1–2 weeks
phosphamidases. Exclusive renal extraction. Hemorrhagic cystitis
Nausea and vomiting
Pulmonary fibrosis (rare)
Myocardial necrosis, dysrhythmias and renal toxicity
at very high doses and short treatment intervals
DXT, radiotherapy; ECG, electrocardiogram; ECHO, echocardiogram; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; MESNA, sodium-2-mercaptoethane
sulphonate; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion.
high-dependency or intensive care unit monitoring, opioid regimens being the main alternative; the risks
as well as postoperative ventilation. We discuss the and benefits of these options need to be presented to
potential need for allogeneic blood transfusion. parents in a way that allows them to make an
Epidural anesthesia is an excellent strategy for informed choice for their child and to feel actively
postoperative analgesia in these patients, with i.v. involved in care decisions.
Ó 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 16, 504–513
Table 5
Anesthesia considerations with intravascular extension of Wilms’ tumor
Consideration Notes
Extent of intravascular extension Hepatic venous congestion, hepatic dysfunction and ascites may be
present if hepatic venous drainage is impaired.
If atrial extension, is there any Pleural effusions may be present and can affect respiratory reserve.
tricuspid valve obstruction?
Prenephrectomy chemotherapy Check preoperative tests of hepatic, coagulation, and cardiac function
Surgical plan Will cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) be needed?
Intravenous access Potential for extensive hemorrhage and the need to intermittently clamp
the IVC. Place large bore IV access in the upper limbs.
CVP monitoring Desirable because of potential for intraoperative embolization. However,
the benefit of siting the line must be weighed against the risk of dislodging
fragments of tumor. A surgical venous access device (VAD) may already
have been inserted for chemotherapy. Any percutaneous approach should be
ultrasound-guided and the location of catheters should, where necessary,
take into consideration the anticipated positioning of venous cannulae for CPB.
Epidural placement The IVC obstruction results in expansion of retroperitoneal venous collaterals to conduct
lower body venous return. Such collaterals communicate with epidural venous plexuses,
so the risk of inserting an epidural catheter may be anticipated to be greater,
especially if full heparinization is planned for CPB.
Transesophageal echocardiography May be appropriate for establishing the presence of flow across a persistent
foramen ovale or atrial septal defect, and for monitoring for emboli during those
parts of the procedure in which the IVC is being manipulated in non-CPB approaches.
patients are therefore treated aggressively. Initial A number of surgical approaches have been
management is somewhat controversial; primary described to manage the resection of intravascular
surgical tumor resection in the presence of intravas- tumor thrombus. Infrahepatic extension only can
cular extension is associated with an increased usually be extracted via the abdominal incision, by
incidence of surgical complications (odds ratio 2.2), controlling the proximal and distal IVC. Supra-
the most common being intestinal obstruction and hepatic extension and beyond requires mobilization
extensive hemorrhage. Complications are greater in of the liver and control of hepatic venous return,
those with atrial rather than just caval extension. For whilst atrial thrombectomy is usually resected with
these reasons, prenephrectomy chemotherapy is the aid of CPB, to reduce the likelihood of tumor
usually recommended, as it reduces the surgical embolization. Viable tumor is still present in 50% of
complication rate and causes significant regression thrombus resected after chemotherapy. In the pres-
of atrial extension, reducing the need for cardiopul- ence of persistent intracardiac extension, simulta-
monary bypass (CPB). It may, however, increase the neous intra-abdominal and intracardiac resection
preoperative complication rate, increase adherence has been successfully performed using the partial
of the tumor to the IVC and prevent accurate CPB (13). Resections under mild hypothermic CPB
histological staging. In a retrospective review of without cardioplegia and under full CPB with deep
165 patients with intravascular extension enrolled hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) have been
within NWTS-4, the incidence of surgical complica- advocated, with each technique having advantages
tions was 26% in the primary surgery group (25/96) and disadvantages (14,15). The presence of a per-
vs 13% in the prenephrectomy chemotherapy group sistent intra-atrial communication may necessitate
(8/68), a difference that was marginally significant. deep hypothermic arrest, in order to prevent pul-
However, five patients sustained complications monary venous return to the left atrium flooding the
whilst on presurgery chemotherapy, one of which surgical field.
was a fatal pulmonary embolus, so the incidence of Specific anesthetic considerations for the child
all complications between the two groups (26% vs with intravascular extension of Wilms’ tumor are
18.8%) was not statistically different (9). summarized in Table 5.
Ó 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 16, 504–513
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Accepted 1 December 2005
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