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Decision Support, Data

Warehousing, and OLAP

Anindya Datta
Director, iXL Center for E-Commerce
Georgia Institute of Technology
 Terminology: OLAP vs. OLTP
 Data Warehousing Architecture
 Technologies
 Products
 Research Issues
 References
Decision Support and OLAP
 Information technology to help the knowledge worker
(executive, manager, analyst) make faster and better
• What were the sales volumes by region and product category
for the last year?
• How did the share price of computer manufacturers correlate
with quarterly profits over the past 10 years?
• Which orders should we fill to maximize revenues?
• Will a 10% discount increase sales volume sufficiently?
• Which of two new medications will result in the best
outcome: higher recovery rate & shorter hospital stay?
 On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is an element of
decision support systmes (DSS).
 60’s: Batch reports
• hard to find and analyze information
• inflexible and expensive, reprogram every new request
 70’s: Terminal-based DSS and EIS (executive information
• still inflexible, not integrated with desktop tools
 80’s: Desktop data access and analysis tools
• query tools, spreadsheets, GUIs
• easier to use, but only access operational databases
 90’s: Data warehousing with integrated OLAP engines and
User  Clerk, IT Professional  Knowledge worker
Function  Day to day operations  Decision support
DB Design  Application-oriented (E-R  Subject-oriented (Star,
based) snowflake)
Data  Current, Isolated  Historical, Consolidated
View  Detailed, Flat relational  Summarized, Multidimensional
Usage  Structured, Repetitive  Ad hoc
Unit of work  Short, Simple transaction  Complex query
Access  Read/write  Read Mostly
Operations  Index/hash on prim. Key  Lots of Scans
# Records accessed  Tens  Millions
#Users  Thousands  Hundreds
Db size  100 MB-GB  100GB-TB
Metric  Trans. throughput  Query throughput, response
Data Warehouse
 A decision support database that is maintained separately
from the organization’s operational databases.
 A data warehouse is a
• subject-oriented,
• integrated,
• time-varying,
• non-volatile
collection of data that is used primarily in organizational
decision making
Why Separate Data Warehouse?
 Performance
• Op dbs designed & tuned for known txs & workloads.
• Complex OLAP queries would degrade perf. For op txs.
• Special data organization, access & implementation methods
needed for multidimensional views & queries.
 Function
• Missing data: Decision support requires historical data, which op dbs do not typically
• Data consolidation: Decision support requires consolidation (aggregation, summarization) of
data from many heterogeneous sources: op dbs, external sources.
• Data quality: Different sources typically use inconsistent data representations, codes, and
formats which have to be reconciled.
Data Warehousing Market
 Hardware: servers, storage, clients
 Warehouse DBMs
 Tools
 Market growing from
• $2B in 1995 to $8 B in 1998 (Meta Group)
• 1.5B today to $6.9B in 1999 (Gartner Group)
 Systems integration & Consulting
 Already deployed in many industries: manufacturing,
retail, financial, insurance, transportation, telecom.,
utilities, healthcare.
Data Warehousing Architecture
Monitoring & Administration
OLAP servers

Repository Analysis

Transform Reporting
Load Serve
Refresh Data
dbs Mining

Data Marts
Three-Tier Architecture
 Warehouse database server
• Almost always a relational DBMS; rarely flat files
 OLAP servers
• Relational OLAP (ROLAP): extended relational DBMS that maps
operations on multidimensional data to standard relational operations.
• Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP): special purpose server that
directly implements multidimensional data and operations.
 Clients
• Query and reporting tools.
• Analysis tools
• Data mining tools (e.g., trend analysis, prediction)
Data Warehouse vs. Data Marts
 Enterprise warehouse: collects all information about subjects
(customers, products, sales, assets, personnel) that span the entire
• Requires extensive business modeling
• May take years to design and build
 Data Marts: Departmental subsets that focus on selected subjects:
Marketing data mart: customer, products, sales.
• Faster roll out, but complex integration in the long run.
 Virtual warehouse: views over operational dbs
• Materialize some summary views for efficient query processing
• Easier to build
• Requisite excess capcaity on operational db servers
Design & Operational Process
 Define architecture. Do capacity planning.
 Integrate db and OLAP servers, storage and client tools.
 Design warehouse schema, views.
 Design physical warehouse organization: data placement,
partitioning, access methods.
 Connect sources: gateways, ODBC drivers, wrappers.
 Design & implement scripts for data extract, load refresh.
 Define metadata and populate repository.
 Design & implement end-user applications.
 Roll out warehouse and applications.
 Monitor the warehouse.
OLAP for Decision Support
 Goal of OLAP is to support ad-hoc querying for the
business analyst
 Business analysts are familiar with spreadsheets
 Extend spreadsheet analysis model to work with
warehouse data
• Large data set
• Semantically enriched to understand business terms (e.g., time,
• Combined with reporting features
 Multidimensional view of data is the foundation of OLAP
Multidimensional Data Model
 Database is a set of facts (points) in a multidimensional space
 A fact has a measure dimension
• quantity that is analyzed, e.g., sale, budget
 A set of dimensions on which data is analyzed
• e.g. , store, product, date associated with a sale amount
 Dimensions form a sparsely populated coordinate system
 Each dimension has a set of attributes
• e.g., owner city and county of store
 Attributes of a dimension may be related by partial order
• Hierarchy: e.g., street > county >city
• Lattice: e.g., date> month>year, date>week>year
Multidimensional Data

Juice 10
as a
Cola function
of time,
city and
Cream 12 product
3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4
Operations in Multidimensional
Data Model
 Aggregation (roll-up)
• dimension reduction: e.g., total sales by city
• summarization over aggregate hierarchy: e.g., total sales by
city and year -> total sales by region and by year
 Selection (slice) defines a subcube
• e.g., sales where city = Palo Alto and date = 1/15/96
 Navigation to detailed data (drill-down)
• e.g., (sales - expense) by city, top 3% of cities by average
 Visualization Operations (e.g., Pivot)
A Visual Operation: Pivot (Rotate)


Juice 10
Cola 47

Milk 30
Cream 12 Product

3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4

Approaches to OLAP Servers
 Relational OLAP (ROLAP)
• Relational and Specialized Relational DBMS to store and manage warehouse
• OLAP middleware to support missing pieces
– Optimize for each DBMS backend
– Aggregation Navigation Logic
– Additional tools and services
• Example: Microstrategy, MetaCube (Informix)
 Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
• Array-based storage structures
• Direct access to array data structures
• Example: Essbase (Arbor), Accumate (Kenan)
 Domain-specific enrichment
Relational DBMS as Warehouse
 Schema design
 Specialized scan, indexing and join techniques
 Handling of aggregate views (querying and
 Supporting query language extensions beyond
 Complex query processing and optimization
 Data partitioning and parallelism
Warehouse Database Schema
 ER design techniques not appropriate
 Design should reflect multidimensional
• Star Schema
• Snowflake Schema
• Fact Constellation Schema
Example of a Star Schema
Order No ProductNO
Order Date ProdName
Fact Table ProdDescr
OrderNO Category
Customer No CategoryDescription
Customer Name UnitPrice
Address ProdNo Date
City DateKey DateKey

CityName Date
Quantity City
SalespersonName Total Price
Star Schema
 A single fact table and a single table for each dimension
 Every fact points to one tuple in each of the dimensions
and has additional attributes
 Does not capture hierarchies directly
 Generated keys are used for performance and maintenance
 Fact constellation: Multiple Fact tables that share many
dimension tables
• Example: Projected expense and the actual expense may share
dimensional tables
Example of a Snowflake Schema
Order No Category
Order Date ProdName CategoryName
Fact Table
ProdDescr CategoryDescr
Customer No Category
Customer Name UnitPrice
Customer CustomerNO
Address Date
City DateKey
DateKey Month
Salesperson CityName Year
SalespersonID Quantity City
SalespersonName State
Total Price CityName
City StateName
Quota Country
Snowflake Schema
 Represent dimensional hierarchy directly by
normalizing the dimension tables
 Easy to maintain
 Saves storage, but is alleged that it reduces
effectiveness of browsing (Kimball)
Indexing Techniques
 Exploiting indexes to reduce scanning of data
is of crucial importance
 Bitmap Indexes
 Join Indexes
 Other Issues
• Text indexing
• Parallelizing and sequencing of index builds and
incremental updates
BitMap Indexes
 An alternative representation of RID-list
 Specially advantageous for low-cardinality domains
 Represent each row of a table by a bit and the table
as a bit vector
 There is a distinct bit vector Bv for each value v for
the domain
 Example: the attribute sex has values M and F. A
table of 100 million people needs 2 lists of 100
million bits
Bit Map Index
Base Table Region Index Rating Index
Cust Region Rating Row ID N S E W Row ID H M L
C1 N H 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
C2 S M 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0
C3 W L 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0
C4 W H 4 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0
C5 S L 5 0 1 0 0 5 0 1 0
C6 W L 6 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0
C7 N H 7 1 0 0 0 7 1 0 0

Customers where Region = W And Rating = 1

BitMap Indexes
 Comparison, join and aggregation operations are
reduced to bit arithmetic with dramatic
improvement in processing time
 Significant reduction in space and I/O (30:1)
 Adapted for higher cardinality domains as well.
 Compression (e.g., run-length encoding) exploited
 Products that support bitmaps: Model 204,
TargetIndex (Redbrick), IQ (Sybase), Oracle 7.3
Issues in Handling of Aggregate
 Important component for ROLAP Servers
 Representation in the context of star schema
• Query Expressions
• Materialized Views
 Logic for Aggregation Navigation
• make optimum use of materialized aggregates to answer a query
 Choice of aggregate views to materialize
 HP Intelligent Warehouse pioneered some of the
SQL Extensions for Front End
 Extended Family of Aggregate functions
• rank (top 10) and N-Tile (“top 30%” of all products)
• Median, mode…..
 Reporting Features
• running total, cumulative totals
 Results of multiple group by:
• total sales by month and total sales by product
 SQL comes in the way of sequential processing and
columnar aggregations
• changes in total sale from 1994 to 1996, aggregated by brand
Query Processing in MOLAP
 The storage model is an n-dimensional array
 Front end multidimensional queries map to
server capabilities in a straightforward way
 Direct Addressing abilities
 A straightforward array representation has
good indexing properties but very poor
storage utilization when the data is sparse
Query Processing in MOLAP
2-dimensional dense arrays indexed by B-Trees


dense arrays
Population & Refreshing the
 Data extraction
 Data cleaning
 Data transformation
• Convert from legacy/host format to warehouse format
 Load
• Sort, summarize, consolidate, compute views, check
integrity, build indexes, partition
 Refresh
• Propogate updates from sources to the warehouse
Data Cleaning
 Why?
• Data warehouse contains data that is analyzed for business decisions
• More data and multiple sources could mean more errors in the data and
harder to trace such errors
• Results in incorrect analysis
 Detecting data anomalies and rectifying them early has huge
 Important to identify tools that work together well
 Long Term Solution
• Change business practices and data entry tools
• Repository for meta-data
Data Cleaning Techniques
 Transformation Rules
• Example: translate “gender” to “sex”
• Products: Warehouse Manger (Prism), Extract (ETI)
 Uses domain-specific knowledge to do scrubbing
 Parsing and fuzzy matching
• Multiple data sources (can designate a preferred source)
• Products: Integrity (Vality), Trillum
 Discover facts that flag unusual patterns (auditing)
• Some dealer has never received a single complaint
• Products: QDB, SBStar, WizRule
 Issues:
• huge volumes of data to be loaded
• small time window (usually at night) when the warehouse can be taken off-line
• When to build indexes and summary tables
• allow system administrator to monitor status, cancel suspend, resume load, or
change load rate
• restart after failure with no loss of data integrity
 Techniques:
• batch load utility: sort input records on clustering key and use sequential I/O;
build indexes and derived tables
• sequential loads still too long (~100 days for TB)
• use parallelism and incremental techniques
 Issues:
• when to refresh
– on every update: too expensive, only necessary if OLAP
queries need current data (e.g., up-the-minute stock quotes)
– periodically (e.g., every 24 hours, every week) or after
“significant” events
– refresh policy set by administrator based on user needs and
– possibly different policies for different sources
• how to refresh
Refresh Techniques
 Full extract from base tables
• read entire source table or database: expensive
• may be the only choice for legacy databases or files.
 Incremental techniques (related to work on active dbs)
• detect & propagate changes on base tables: replication servers (e.g., Sybase,
Oracle, IBM Data Propagator)
– snapshots & triggers (Oracle)
– transaction shipping (Sybase)
• Logical correctness
– computing changes to star tables
– computing changes to derived and summary tables
– optimization: only significant changes
• transactional correctness: incremental load
Metadata Repository
 Administrative metadata
• source databases and their contents
• gateway descriptions
• warehouse schema, view & derived data definitions
• dimensions, hierarchies
• pre-defined queries and reports
• data mart locations and contents
• data partitions
• data extraction, cleansing, transformation rules, defaults
• data refresh and purging rules
• user profiles, user groups
• security: user authorization, access control
Metdata Repository .. 2
 Business data
• business terms and definitions
• ownership of data
• charging policies
 operational metadata
• data lineage: history of migrated data and sequence of
transformations applied
• currency of data: active, archived, purged
• monitoring information: warehouse usage statistics, error
reports, audit trails.
Warehouse Design Tools
 Creating and managing a warehouse is hard.
 Development tools
• defining & editing metadata repository contents (schemas, scripts,
• Queries and reports
• Shipping metadata to and from RDBMS catalogue (e.g., Prism
Warehouse Manager).
 Planning & analysis tools
• impact of schema changes
• capacity planning
• refresh performance: changing refresh rates or time windows
Warehouse Management Tools
 Monitoring and reporting tools (e.g., HP Intelligent Warehouse
• which partitions, summary tables, columns are used
• query execution times
• for summary tables, types & frequencies of roll downs
• warehouse usage over time (detect peak periods)
 Systems and network management tools (e.g., HP OpenView, IBM
NetView, Tivoli): traffic, utilization
 Exception reporting/alerting tools 9e.g., DB2 Event Alerters,
Information Advantage InfoAgents & InfoAlert)
• runaway queries
 Analysis/Visualization tools: OLAP on metadata
State of Commercial Practice
 Products and Vendors [Datamation, May 15, 1996; R.C. Barquin, H.A. Edelstein: Planning and Designin
gthe Data Warehous. Prentice Hall. 1997]
• Connectivity to sources
– Apertus CA-Ingres Gateway
– Information Builders EDA/SQL IBM Data Jioner
– Informix Enterprise Gateway Microsoft ODBC
– Oracle Open Connect Platinum Infohub
– SAS Connect Software AG Entire
– Sybase Enterprise Connect Trinzic InfoHub
• Data extract, clean, transfomr, refresh
– CA-Ingres Replicator Carleton Passport
– Evolutionary Tech Inc. ETI-Extract Harte-Hanks Trillium
– IBM Data Joiner, Data Propagator Oracle 7
– Platinum InfoRefiner, InfroPump Praxis OmniReplicator
– Prism Warehouse Manager Redbrick TMU
– SAS Access Software AG Souorcepoint
– Sybase Replication Server Trinzic InfoPump
State of Commercial Practice..2
 Multidimensional Database Engines
Arbor Essbase Comshare Commander OLAP
Oracle IRI Express SAS System
 Warehouse Data Servers
• CA-Ingres IBM DB2
• Information Builders Focus Informix
• Oracle Praxiz Model 204
• Redbrick Software AG ADABAS
• Sybase MPP Tandem
• Terdata
 ROLAP Servers
• HP Intelligent Warehouse Information Advantage Asxys
• Informix Metacube MicroStrategy DSS Server
State of Commercial Practice..3
 Query/Reporting Environments
Brio/Query Business Objects
Cognos Impromptu CA Visual Express
IBM DataGuide Information Builders Focus Six
Informix ViewPoint Platinum Forest & Trees
SAS Access Software AG Esperant
 Multidimensional Analysis
Andydne Pablo Arbor Essbase Analysis Server
Business Objects Cognos PowerPlay
Dimensional Insight Cross Target Holistic Systems HOLOS
Information Advantage Decision Suite IQ Software IQ/Vision
Kenan System Acumate Lotus 123
Microsoft Excel Microstrategy DSS
Pilot Lightship Platinum Forest & Trees
Prodea Beacon SAS OLAP ++
Stanford Technology Group Metacube
State of Commercial Practice..4
 Metadata Management
• HP Intelligent Warehouse IBM Data Guide
• Platinum Repository Prism Directory Manager
 System Management
• CA Unicenter HP OpenView
• IBM DataHub, NetViewInformation Builder Site Analyzer
• Prism Warehouse Manager SAS CPE
• Tivoli Software AG Source Point
• Redbrick Enterprise Control and Coordination
 Process Management
• At& T TOPEND HP Intelligent Warehouse
• IBM FlowMark Platinum Repository
• Prism Warehouse Manager Software AG Source Point
 Systems integration and consulting
Research Issues
 Data cleaning
• focus on data inconsistencies, not schema differences
• data mining techniques
 Physical Design
• design of summary tables, partitions, indexes
• tradeoffs in use of different indexes
 Query processing
• selecting appropriate summary tables
• dynamic optimization with feedback
• acid test for query optimization: cost estimation, use of transformations,
search strategies
• partitioning query processing between OLAP server and backend server.
Research Issues .. 2
 Warehouse Management
• detecting runaway queries
• resource management
• incremental refresh techniques
• computing summary tables during load
• failure recovery during load and refresh
• process management: scheduling queries, load and
• use of workflow technology for process management

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