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Riza Pahlawi
Energi dan Konsumsi Oksigen
Performa Otot dalam Olahraga
Energy Release
from Food
The energy released from macronutrient breakdown
serves one crucial purpose—to phosphorylate ADP to
reform the energy-rich compound ATP

Carbohydrate represents the

only macronutrient
whose potential energy
generates ATP aerobically
and anaerobically.
During light and
Carbohydrates’ primary moderate aerobic
function supplies energy exercise, carbohydrate
supplies about half
for cellular
of the body’s energy
work. requirements
• Processing fat through the metabolic mill for
energy requires some carbohydrate catabolism.

• Aerobic breakdown of carbohydrate for energy

occurs at about twice the rate as energy
generated from lipid breakdown. Thus,
depleting glycogen reserves reduces exercise
power output.
• In prolonged, highintensity, aerobic exercise,
such as marathon
running, athletes often experience nutrient
related fatigue, a state associated with muscle
and liver glycogen depletion.

The fuel
reserves in an average
Stored fat represents the young man :
body’s most plentiful • 60,000 and 100,000
source of potential kCal from fat cell
• 3000 kCAl from
Relative to carbohydrate intramuscular
and protein, stored fat
provides almost
unlimited energy.

When carbohydrate level

decreases, the oxaloacetate
Interestingly, fatty acid level
breakdown depends in may become inadequate and
part on a continual reduce fat catabolism. In
background level of this
carbohydrate sense, fats burn in a
carbohydrate flame
Regardless of Source
Convert to Fat
Energy Transfer
During Exercise
Immediate Energy – The Adenosine
Triphospate-Phospocreatine System
Performances of short duration and high intensity, such as the 100-m sprint, 25-m
swim, smashing a tennis ball during the serve, or thrusting a heavy weight upward,
require an immediate and rapid energy supply.

Each kilogram (kg) of skeletal muscle stores approximately 5 millimoles (mmol) of

ATP and 15 mmol of PCr

If physical activity activates 20 kg of muscle, then stored phosphagen energy could

power a brisk walk for 1 minute, a slow run for 20 to 30 seconds, or all-out sprint
running and swimming for about 6 to 8 seconds.

In the 100-m dash, for example, the body cannot maintain maximum speed for
longer than this time, and the runner actually slows down toward the end of the race.
The quantity of intramuscular phosphagens substantially influences “all-out” energy
for brief durations.
Short Term Energy – The Lactic Acid
2 System
During intense exercise, intramuscular stored
glycogen provides the energy source to
phosphorylate ADP during anaerobic
glycogenolysis, forming lactate.

With inadequate oxygen supply and

utilization, all of the hydrogens formed in
rapid glycolysis fail to oxidize; in this case,
pyruvate converts to lactate in the chemical

Pyruvate + 2H Lactate.
This enables the continuation of rapid ATP
formation by anaerobic
Long Term Energy – The Aerobic
3 System

Glycolysis releases anaerobic energy rapidly,

yet only a relatively small total ATP yield
results from this pathway.

In contrast, aerobic metabolic reactions

provide for the greatest portion of energy

Oxygen uptake increases rapidly during

the first minutes of exercise and reaches a
relative plateau between minutes 4 and 6.

Oxygen uptake then remains relatively stable throughout the

remainder of exercise. The flat portion, or plateau, of the oxygen
uptake curve represents the steady rate of aerobic metabolism
Long Term Energy – The Aerobic
3 System

Oxygen Uptake

Oxygen-consuming reactions supply the

energy for steady-rate exercise; any lactate
produced either oxidizes or reconverts to
glucose in the liver, kidneys, and skeletal
muscles. No net accumulation of blood
lactate occurs under these steady-rate
metabolic conditions.
Long Term Energy – The Aerobic
3 System

Oxygen Defficit

The oxygen deficit quantitatively represents

the difference between the total oxygen
consumed during exercise and an
additional amount that would have been
consumed if a steady-rate aerobic
metabolism occurred immediately at the
initiation of

Considered as the formation of oxygen debt.

Long Term Energy – The Aerobic
3 System
Oxygen Debt

The extra oxygen that must be used in the oxidative energy processes after a period of strenuous
exercise to reconvert the lactic acid build up to glucose as well as the return of the decomposed
ATP and creatine phosphate to their original states
Jenis Otot
Perbedaan ukuran panjang dan diameter otot-otot dalam
tubuh kita menyebabkan karakteristik kontraksi dari setiap
otot juga berbeda, tergantung dari fungsi otot itu sendiri.
1/5 detik
Otot Besar : Soleus

1/12 detik

1/40 detik
Otot-otot bola Mata
Berdasarkan Kecepatan Kontraksi

Type I Type II
Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers
Slow Oxidative (S.O) (Serabut Tipe Cepat)
(Serabut Tipe Lambat)

Type IIa - Fast Oxidative

Glycolitic (F.O.G)

Type IIb – Fast Twitch

Glycolitic (F.T.G)
Type I Slow Twitch Fibers

Kontraksi dapat
dipertahankan dalam
Efisien Oksigen waktu yang lama

ATP lebih banyak

Type I Slow Twitch Fibers

Serabut otot berwarna merah Digunakan untuk aktifitas daya

Kontraksi secara perlahan
Menghasilkan gaya yang lebih
Sistem Aerobik sedikit

Jumlah mitokondria dan

myoglobin lebih banyak
Type II Fast Twitch Fibers

Sistem Anaerobik Cepat lelah

kekuatan dalam
waktu yang cepat
Type II Fast Twitch Fibers

Serabut otot berwarna putih Digunakan untuk aktifitas

Kontraksi Cepat
Menghasilkan gaya yang besar
Sistem Anaerobik
Mudah kelelahan
Type IIa - Fast Oxidative Glycolitic (F.O.G)

Merupakan kombinasi dari serabut otot tipe I dan tipe II.

Dapat mengahasilkan energy baik dari sistem aerobic maupun


Dengan cara merubah karbohidrat menjadi asam piruvat

Motor Neuron lebih besar dari Tipe I

Type IIb – Fast Twitch Glycolitic (F.T.G)

The pure fast twitch fibers

Digunakan untuk aktifitas dengan instensitas yang sangat


Dapat mengahsilkan gaya yang sangat kuat

Motor Neuron : lebih besar

Serabut otot : lebih besar dan lebih tebal

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