Foreign Currency Derivatives: Futures and Options
Foreign Currency Derivatives: Futures and Options
Foreign Currency Derivatives: Futures and Options
Foreign Currency
Futures and
Learning Objectives
• If the current spot rate falls on the side of the option’s strike
price—which would induce the option holder to exercise the
option upon expiration—the option also has an intrinsic value.
• The sensitivity of the option premium to a small change in the
spot exchange rate is called the delta.
• Delta varies between +1 and 0 for a call option and -1 and 0
for a put option.
• As an option moves further in-the-money, delta rises toward
1.0. As an option moves further out-of-the-money, delta falls
toward zero.
• Rule of Thumb: The higher the delta (deltas of .7, or .8 and
up are considered high) the greater the probability of the
option expiring in-the-money.