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Activity and Exercise

.Define terms mobility,joint mobility,body alignment,body mechanics
.explain types of exercise and joints
. Benefits of activity and exercise.
. Identify principles of gravity that affect balance.
. Factors affecting mobility.
. Effects of immobility on body.
. Musculoskeletal system and characteristics of normal movement.
. Apply nursing process while planning for client with altered muscular
skeltal muscle.
.different body positions and Its advantages and disadvantages
. Ability to move freely,easily,rhythmically and purposefully in the

Joint mobility.
Joint mobility is
defined as degree to w
Which articulation
Can move before
being restricted by
Surroundings tissues.
Refers to how head, shoulder,
Spine,hips,knees and ankles
relate and live up with each other
Proper alignment of body put
less stress on spine and helps
you to have good posture.
Body mechanics.
The term use to describe ways we move as we go
about our daily lives. It include how we hold our
bodies when we sit,stand,lift, carry,bend
Principles of mechanics.

1.Keep your body in proper alignment where lifting or moving object.

2.The wider the base of support greater is stability .
3.The lower the center of gravity greater is stability.
4.Equilibrium is maintained as long as line of gravity pass through its
base of support
5.Stronger the muscle group the greater amount of work can safely be
Types of exercise and joints
• Types of exercise
• Isotonic dynamic exercise ( those in which muscles shortens to produce mu
(Contraction running swimming walking )
• Isometric (static or setting ) without moving joint ( squeezing the towel or p
While at the same time strengthing the muscle
•Iskokinetic resistive exercise(muscle contraction or tension against resistenc
Special machines
• Aerobic (Amount of oxygen is greater)
Tag heart rate
Talk test
Borg scale
Types of joints
• Flexion (decreasing angle of joint) bending elbow
• Extension(increasing angle of joint) Straightening arm
• Hyperextension(further extension of joint (bending the head backword
• Abduction( Movement of bone away from midline)
• Adduction( movement of bone toward midline)
• Rotation(movement of bone around its central axis)
• Circumduction (movement of distal part of bone in a circle while proximal end
remains fixed
• Eversion (turning sole of foot outward)moving ankle joint
• Inversion ( turning sole of foot inward by moving ankle joint
Characteristics of normal movement
• Proper body alignment and posture
• Joint mobility.
• Balance.
• Coordinated movement.
Principles of gravity that affect balance.

• Center of gravity.
• Center of gravity occur in the body at a point where weight is equally
distributed on all sides.Center of gravity can also be refferd as center of mass
from this point body can pivot in any direction and remain balanced when
standing evenly over your center of gravity,you are in state of equilibrium.
• Line of gravity.
• Line of gravity is imaginary line that crosses through your center of gravity
dividing the mass of the body into two equal halves.The line changes
depends on body weight distribution .It is vertical line running from top of
head usually around ear down to ground to keep your body in balance your
posture must correspond with your line of gravity.
Benefits of activity and exercise.

1. Musculoskeletal system (exercise increase joint flexibility and range of motion

2. Bone density is maintained
3. Osteoblast Bone forming cells
4. Osteoclast bone reabsorption cells
5. Cardiovascular system( increased herat rate)
6. Improve blood supply
7. Exercise increase cardiac output 30 l /min
8. Normal co is 5 l/ min
9. Respiratory system ( Increased ventilation into lungs)
10. Improve gaseous exchange
11. Increase oxgyen deleivery to brain and body tissue
12. Gastrointestinal system (Improves apetite)
13. Facilitale peristalsis
14. Improve digestion
15. Releive constipation
16. Metabolic system ( increase metabolic rate) increade hdl level
17. Decrease ldl level
18. Urinary system Excretion of urine is improved
19. Urinary stasis is preventes
20. Immune system lymph circulation increase
21. Destruction from pathogen
22. prevent from disesae
Factors affecting mobility
1. Growth and development( a persons age and musculoskelteal system development affect posture Body
porpotion, body mass , reflex
2. Physical health ( acute or chronic illness)
3. Mental health( any mental disorder depression ; chronic stress)
4. Nutrition ( both undernutrion overnutrition affect body mobility)
5. Personal values and attitudes (family habits ,behaviour)
6. External factors (excessive high temperature ; Rain; humidity)
7. Prescribed limitations ( health movement; healing device such as cast; splint
• Musculoskeltal system
1. disuse atrophy decrease in size of muscle
2. Osteoprosis bones become brittle and weak
3. Contracture refers to permanet tightening and shortening of tissue
4. Stiffness and pain in joint
• Cardiovascular system( diminshed cardiac reserve
1. Orthostatic hypotension ; venous vasodilation( slow blood flow
2. Dependent edema ( Gravity effect pulling fluid downward pool in lower parts of body
hands and legs
3. Thrombous formation low level of hdl

• Respiratory system
1. Atlectasis (Collapse of lung)
2. Hpostatic pneumonia ( collection of fluid in dorsal region
• Metabolic system
1. Decreased apetite ( anorexia)
2. Negative nitrogen balance
3. Negative calcium balance
• Urinary system
1. Renal calculi
2. Urinary retention
3. Urinary infection
• Gastrointestinal ( Constipation due to decreased peristalasis
• Integumentary System ( reduced skin turgor ; skin breakdown
• Psychoneurological ( behaviour ; frustration aphaty
Muscles of face and neck

Musculoskeletal system
Review A&P of musculoskeletal system and
characteristics of normal movement.
Anatomy of musculoskeletal system. Bones. Muscles. Joints
Muscle of face
Axial skeleton
Muscle of trunk
1.Skull Muscle of upper
2.Vertebral column limbs
3.Thoracic cage
Appendicular skeleton
1.Shoulder griddle
Upper limbs
2.Pelvic gridle
Fibrous joints
Cartilaginous joint
Synovial joint

Attach muscle to bones.
Attach bone to bone
Physiology of musculoskeletal system.

1. Providing the body framework.

2. Giving attachment to muscles and tendons.
3. Bones provide hematopoiesis.
4. Bones provide storage to minerals
5. Joints provide mobility and range of motion.
6. Muscle give shape to the body and protect underlying blood vessels
Nursing process while planning for client
with altered muscular skeletal system.
Nursing process
Different body positions
• Prone position
• The person lies flat with chest down and back
• Advantage :
• Helps to prevent flexion contracture of hip and knee joint
• Promotes drainage for mouth
• Useful in surgery of mouth and throat
• Disadvantage
• The pull of gravity on earth produce a marked lordosis
• Position is not recommended for people having spine issue
• It also cause plantor flexion
• Supine position
• When a person is lying on her back by sides palms facing upward and feet put together the
position is supine
• Advantage
• Normal body position
• Provide excellent surgical access intracranial procedure
• Disadvantage
• Heart has to perform extra work due to decrease venous return
• It is associated with obstructive sleep apnea
• Does not allow lungs to inflate completely
• The patients who depend on toilet aida for urinating may feel difficult to use in supine
position and most prone to constipation and UTI
• Right lateral recumbent
• It means the patient is lying on her/his right side
• Used for surgical access to thorax ;kidney
• The position makes easier to access patient left side

• Left lateral recumbent

• Opposite of right lateral recumbent
• Patient is lying on her right side
• Easy to access patients right side
• Dorsal recumbent position
• Client head and shoulder are elevated on small pillow
• Position is user to provide comfort antd healing from surgery and anesthesia
• Trendelenburg position
• The body is laid supine or flat on the back of 15-30 degree incline
With feet elevated above and head
• Fowlers position
• Its a semi setting position in which head and trunk are rasied 45_60 degree
• Position for client who has diffuicult breathing and heart problem
• Error
• Nurse place overly large pillow behind head and develop neck flexion contracture
• In low fowler head and trunk are raised 15-45 degree
• Sims position
• Named after gynecologist j.marrion sims
• Used for rectal examination treatment enemas
• Performed by having Sims position
• Named after gynecologist j.marrion sims
• Used for rectal examination treatment enemas
• Performed by having a patient on left side left hip and lower extremely straight
• It is also called lateral recumbent position

• a patient on left side left hip and lower extremely straight

• It is also called lateral recumbent position

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