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Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Kelas : X Waktu : 16.00 -
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer!

This text is for questions 1 and 2 Santi : Hi, Andi. I feel great, thanks.
Thursday, October 8, 2015. a. Long time no see.
1 p.m. b. Nice to meet you here.
c. Let me introduce my friend, Santi.
I was unfortunate today. I had waited for the bus
d. How are you doing?
for more than half an hour, but not even one e. May I know your name?
appeared. Suddenly, it rained hard. I had to run to
find a place to shelter. Unluckily, I slipped and fell Dialog for question 6 and 7
down. My shirt, shoes and the school bag were dirty. Kevin : Hello, my name is Kevin.
People who saw it laughed at me. I was very : Hi, I’m Andra.
ashamed. Andra : It’s nice to meet you. Welcome to
SMA Budi Utomo.
1. What is the text about?
Kevin : Thank you. It’s nice to meet you
a. A boring day too.
b. The writer’s bad feeling 6. Have Kevin and Andra known each other
c. The writer’s daily routine before?
d. The writer’s fortunate day a. Yes, they have.
e. A bad day when the writer went home b. No, they haven’t.
c. No, they are not.
d. Yes, they are.
2. “I was unfortunate today”. The opposite
e. No, they didn’t.
meaning of the underlined word is………
a. Unhappy d. Angry
7. Where does the dialog occur?
b. Lucky e. Shame a. In SMA Budi Utomo. d. In the morning.
c. Bad luck b. In the Bus stasiun. e. In Kevin’s
3. Fiona : Dad, I’d like you to meet Mr. c. In the street.
Bronson, my new English Dialog for questions 8 and 9
teacher. Mr. Bronson, this is Silvy : Hi, Oki. Please come in.
my father, Mr. Orlando. Oki : Thank you. Your house is nice Silvy.
Mr. Orlando : How do you do? Silvy : Thank you. Er…let me introduce
Mr. : ………………… you to my old friend. Oki, this is
a. How are you today? d. Have a nice day!
Bronson Amelia. Amelia, this is Oki, my close
b. How do you do? e. My pleasure. friend.
c. Let me introduce myself Oki : Hi, Amelia.
Amelia : Hi, Oki.
4. Dean : Hi, Matt. How are you doing?
Matt : ………………… 8. Silvy says,”Oki, this is Amelia. Amelia, this is
a. Nice to meet you. Oki, my close friend.”
b. How do you do? What does it mean?
c. I’m fine, thanks. a. She introduces Oki to her friend.
d. Thank you very much. b. She introduces herself to Oki.
e. I don’t know what to say. c. She asks Oki to introduce herself.
d. She asks Oki to let her friend come in.
5. Lita : Hi, Andi e. Amelia, Silvy’s old friend, introduce herself
Andi : Hi, Lita to Oki
Lita : Andi, ………………….. . Santi,
this is Andi, my classmate. 9. Who is Oki?
Andi : Hi, Santi. How’s life? a. Silvy’s old friend. d. Amelia’s old friend
b. Silvy’s close friend e. Silvy’s niece. a. To amuse the readers.
c. Amelia’s close friend b. To describe two good girls.
c. To tell someone’s experience.
10. Louis : Hello, I’m Louis. I just moved here. d. To tell us how to be a good person.
Harry : . Let me introduce e. To explain what a good person is.
you to the others.
Louis : Thanks. 15. “One of the girls held the woman’s hand and the
What should Harry say to respond to Louis’ other one took out something from her bag”
statement? (Paragraph 2). The underlined word phrase can
a. How are you? be best replaced by…
b. Glad to see you. d. carried out d. watched out
c. Is that you, Louis? e. looked out e. picked out
d. See you tomorrow. f. found out
e. Hi, Louis. I am Harry.
This text is for questions 16 to 20
11. Shandy : …………. Last month my family and I spent our four-day
Abi : I am very well. Thanks, and you?
holiday in Yogyakarta. On the first day, we visited
Shandy : Very well too.
a. How do you do? d. Are you O.K? Yogya Kembali Monument.
b. Are you, Abi? e. Hi Let me tell you this. It was easy to reach the
c. How’s life? monument. It was only half-an hour-drive from
our inn. We arrived there at 9 a.m. After getting the
12. Arman : Hi, Duta! Long time no see. Where tickets, we entered the location. We saw two cannons
have you been lately? in the yard, and also a flag pole. We decided to take
Duta : Hi, Arman. ……………
some photographs of those two weapons. Then, we
a. I am in Australia. d. How are you?
b. I am great, thanks. e. How do you do? walked down. We saw a war memorial, and some
c. Glad to see you. attractions, such as flying fox, tanem bikes, water
ballons, life boats, boom-boom cars, ad water bikes.
This text is for questions 13 to 15 There were food stalls as well.
Yesterday on my way home from school, I saw We entered the museum first. We enjoyed the
two angels. In fact, there were two good girls. I stories exhibited: when the Commander-In-Chief
saw them peddling their bikes while chatting. General Soedirman reported to the President of
Suddenly they stopped and parked their bikes on Indonesia, Soekarno, the he decided to lead the
the left side of the street. They came to the elder
woman who wanted to cross the traffic. She looked guerrilla war againts the Dutch, the general attack of
confused and worried. March 1, 1949, the withdrawal of the Dutch army
I wondered what those two girls were going to from Yogyakarta on June 29, 1949, and many others.
do. One of the girls held the woman’s hand and the Those taught us a lot. After that, we entered the
other one took out something from her bag. It was contemplation hall and spent half an hour there.
a whistle. Then, she stood on the middle of the We left the museum when the clock showed
street blowing the whistle. She stopped the traffic. 11
Soon, her friend help the woman cross the street.
a.m. We headed to the playground. I couldn’t wait
They had to be students who helped traffic police
officer to regulate the traffic. After that, they both
smiled to the woman and waved their hands to her. enjoy the attractions. The first thing was the
Then, they continued their way. flying fox, then the water ballon, the boom-boom
They did care other people. I admired their car, and the last was the tandem bicycle.
social concern. What about you? Do you care other Well, we left Yogya Kembali Monumen at about
people? 2 p.m. You know, the experiences really gave me
13. Which of the following statements is TRUE
a 16.
Thepleasure. You must go there someday.
text is about……
according to the story?
a. The woman crossed the street by herself. a. The writer’s family.
b. The two girls ignored the woman. b. The writer’s amazing life.
c. The writer knew who the girls were. c. Interesting tourist attractions.
d. Those girls were very helpful. d. An interesting tourist attraction.
e. The writer helped the woman. e. The writer’s holiday experience.

14. What is the purpose of the text? 17. Which is NOT TRUE about the text?


a. There was a war memorial in front of the b. That’s a good idea.
monument c. I know how it feels.
b. The writer stayed in a hotel on his/her trip in d. Congratulations then!
Yogyakarta. e. I’m sorry I can’t.
c. There were two cannons in the yard of
Yogya Kembali Monument. 24. Dinda : Listen! Angga got an accident
d. The visitors of Yogya Kembali Monument yesterday.
could enjoy some attractions. Lina : …………………
e. The writer learned a lot of things on his/her a. Nice to meet you. d. I agree with you.
visit to Yogya Kembali Monument. b. See you. e. What a coincidence.
c. Really? Poor he is.
18. “Those taught us a lot” (Paragraph 3). The
underlined word refers to….. 25. Mitha : I didn’t see you at school yesterday.
a. The two cannons Where were you? Were you sick?
b. The attractions people could enjoy. Marta : No, I was fine. Well, yesterday my
c. The stories exhibited in the museum.
uncle passed away and all of my
d. Some photographs the writer took.
family attended his funeral.
e. Experiences the writer got on his/her
trip. Mitha : …………….
19. The writer and his/her family spent …. hours a. Please accept my condolences!
in Yogya Kembali Monument. b. What a great news!
a. three d. six c. What’s wrong with you?
b. four e. seven d. Are you O.K?
c. five e. I’m delighted to hear that.

20. “…..he decided to lead the guerrilla war For questions 26 to 30, choose the correct
againts…” (Paragraph 3). The underlined word sentences to complete the dialog
can be best replaced by…. Seno : Tiara, did you (26)
a. to command d. to defeat
b. to protect e. to search about
c. to control Romy?
Tiara : No, I didn’t hear anything. What’s wrong
21. Raka : What’s wrong with you? You look with him?
unhappy today.
: I lost my purse this morning. Seno :Well, he (27) his motorbike
: Oh, how awful! I’m sorry to hear yesterday morning.
Raka that. Tiara : Really? (28) was he badly injured?
What does Raka express? Seno : Definitely. He was in so much pain.
a. His happiness. d. His sympathy. Tiara : (29)
b. His gratitude. e. His compliment.
c. His disappointment. Seno : He was. He couldn’t even walk. I think he
broke his leg.
22. Tania : Ouch! Tiara : (30) . Where is he now?
Rara : What happened?! Seno : He’s got medical treatment in Panti Rapih
Tania : I was nailing these beams together Hospital
and hit my finger with a hammer.
Rara : Tiara : Let’s visit him then.
I’m not pretty sure about that. Seno : Sure
b. You poor kid. Here, let me see.
c. I’ll be alright. Thanks for your attention. 26. a. hearing the recent news
d. Long time no see. How’s life with you? b. hear the recent news
e. Sorry, I’ve disappointed you. c. heard the recent news
d. hears the recent news
23. Boy : Where have you been? e. are hearing the recent news
Girl : I’ve just come from the vet’s.
: What happened?
Boy : My pet is seriously sick and it needs 27. a. fall off
a medical treatment. b. falling off
Girl : Oh, dear…………. c. fell off
a. I’m very happy. d. was falling off


e. falls off e. The studio will move to the new location on
October 24, 2015
28. a. That’s great!
b. I am agree with you! 33. “ So, visit us there.”
c. What should I do? What does the word “there” refers to?
d. What a coincidence! a. The new place of Fashionista Studio
e. How awful! b. The origin place of the studio.
c. The new area of a studio.
29. a. What a great news! d. The old Fashionista Studio.
b. What a poor boy! e. Fashionista Group.
c. It was fantastic!
d. Hope you will be fine. This text is for questions 34 to 36
e. What a terrible situation for you!
30. a. Poor you.
English Speaking
b. HopeClub
you will be fine.
c. I am delighted to hear that.
There will be d.
a program to develop our speaking skills. We’ll practice guiding tourist in Borobudur Temple. Please enroll soon
That’s terrible.
Day and Datee.: Sunday, October
Don’t worry. I am25, 2015
with you.
Departure time: 7.30 a.m.
Fee : Rptext
This 50.000,00 (including31
is for questions bustofare,
33 entrance ticket fare and lunch)
Contact person: Livia (X-6), Doni (X-7)
Fashionista Group
Farah AmaliaProudly announce:
A new location of

New concepts,
new designs…
A whole new
boutique 9 a.m – 7 p.m.)
experience… 34. Which statement is TRUE about the
So, visit us there. announcement of the English Speaking Club?
Opening: a. Livia and Doni are supervisors of the
Fashionista Studio program.
Jalan Merpati Dua number 24 Jakarta b. The program will be held on
October 24, 2015
Opens daily from 7668011
Contact number:
c. Each participant has to pay thirty thousand
9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Rupiah to the chief.
d. The aim of the program is to guide foreign
31. What is the text about? tourist.
a. The opening of a new photo studio. e. The participants will guide foreign tourists in
b. The information about a photo studio. Borobudur Temple.
c. The announcement of a new address of a 35. “Please enroll soon since there are limited
photo studio. seats.” The underlied word means….
d. The advertisement of a new photo a. record d. answer
studio. b. appeal e. register
e. The new concept of a photo studio. c. subscribe
32. Which of the following statements is NOT
TRUE according to the text? 36. “We’ll practice guiding tourist in Borobudur
a. The studio opens every day. Temple.” What does the word “we” refer to?
b. The studio closes at 9 p.m. on Friday. a. Farah Amalia
c. The studio opens for twelve hours on b. Livia and Doni
weekend. c. The English Speaking Club’s members.
d. The studio offers new concepts and new d. The participants and the tourist.
designs. e. The committee members.


For questions 37 to 40, choose the correct words c. sang
to complete the text.
At 6:35 a.m. in the morning, I was awake 43. I ......... a very interesting short story yesterday.
because of the jetlag, standing in this small hotel a. reads d. reading
room, and it (37) . The hotel moved as if it b. to read e. read
c. readed
were a paper construction. The potential strength of
the earthquake was palpable. Like the touch of a 44. She didn't ......... her holiday anywhere.
giant who had decided not to hurt you but whose a. spent d. spends
“caress” still sent you across the room. b. spend e. to spend
My first reflex was to grab my T-shirt and get c. spending
dressed. I didn’t want to stay and got buried in my
room. Then, I (38) my pasport and green 45. That girl ......... here yesterday.
a. am d. was
card and decided to carry them at all time. I
b. is e. were
wouldn’t let them in my hotel room as usually I do. I c. are
couldn’t risk it.
Ten minutes later, I was already outside the This text is for questions 46 to 48
hotel. Then, I received my friend’s SMS telling me In fact, I love math, but not today. I hate it! You
about the quake while I (39) my mobile know why? Because I only got seven.
net. He didn’t give any detail. But five minutes later, Mr. Demian entered the classroom, greeted
for sure I fouund it in the latest mobile news : a 5.3 us,
magnitude quake off the coast of Japan. Nothing and the disaster began. “Take a piece of paper
really but enough to make me think that I didn’t and your writing utensils. You may not use
want to die here, that I wanted to be back home as acalculator.” We tried to explain that we weren’t
quickly as possible, surrounded by friends and ready, but he insisted. At the end, I got seven. I
familiar faces. Furthermore, I’ve checked. There was may get seven today, but not in the future. I must
been no earthquake recorded in Washington DC (40) 46.
10, writer
perfect!tells us about her…
the past 100 years. a. nice day. d. test rules.
b. math teacher. e. lost writing utensils.
37. a. happened d. was happening c. bad mark in math.
b. would happen e. has happened
c. happens 47. “…..greeted the students, and the disater
38. a. look for d. is looking for The underlined word can be best replaced
b. was looking for e. would look for by….
a. ended d. occured
c. looked for b. continued e. improved
c. started
39. a. checked d. would check
b. was checking e. had been checking 48. The statements below are TRUE according to
c. were checking the text, except….
a. Usually Mr. Demian informed his students
40. a. in d. for before giving tests.
b. after e. on b. Usually the writer got the bad marks in
c. since his/her math tests.
c. The students were not allowed to use
41. Tika : Where …... you born, Lin? calculator in the test.
Lina : I was born in Bandung d. The students knew their marks on the day of
a. w d. were the test.
a e. have e. The students were not ready to do the test.
b. a
42. Ditar : Did you ….. at the concert last
e night?
c. i : Yes, I sang many songs.
a. sing
s d. have sung
b. sings e. am singing This text is for questions 49 to 50


a. The seminar is about how to learn English
ANNOUNCEMENT efficiently.
b. The seminar will be held in October
Come and join the seminar: 2015.
THE EFFICIENT WAYS IN LEARNING c. The seminar will be held in the evening.
ENGLISH d. There are some free tickets for early
Sunday, October 24, 2015 e. The seminar will be taken place in
At 9.a.m. a hotel.
In Graha City Hotel

FREE for the first 10 participants!

For more information,

Contact Sigit Aryadi ( 088812345678)

Don’t miss it!!!

49. Who will get free tickets?

a. The first ten participants.
b. The latest ten participants.
c. The first twenty participants.
d. The first participants.
e. Ten participants.

50. Which statements is NOT TRUE according to

the text?


Skor/nilai maksimal 100
1. E 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C
6. B 7.A 8.A 9. B 10.E
11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.E
16.E 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.A
21.D 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.A
26.B 27.C 28.E 29.B 30.D
31.C 32.C 33.A 34.E 35.E
36.C 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.D
41.D 42.A 43.E 44.B 45.D
46.C 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.C

Kunci jawaban kode A UTS Genap 2015-2016


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