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The Electronics Engineering Profession

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What is Electronics Engineering?
Legal Basis
Republic Act 9292
Electronics Engineering Law of 2004

Act providing for a more responsive and comprehensive

regulation for the registration, licensing and practice of
Professional Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engineers and
Electronics Technicians, repealing Republic Act. No. 5734,
otherwise known as “Electronics and Communications Act of
the Philippines” and for other purposes.
Categories of Electronics Engineering
◇ Electronics Technician (ECT)
◇ Electronics Engineer (ECE)
◇ Professional Electronics Engineer (PECE)
Electronics Engineer
Shall embrace and consist of any work or activity relating to
the application of engineering sciences and/or principles to
the ;

◇ Investigation, analysis, synthesis, planning, design,

specification, research and development
◇ Provision, procurement, marketing and sales,
◇ Manufacture and production
◇ Construction and installation
◇ Tests/measurements/control, operation, repair, servicing,
◇ Technical support and maintenance
Electronics Engineer
Of electronic components, devices, products, apparatus,
instruments, equipment, systems, networks, operations and
processes in the fields of:

◇ Electronics
◇ Telecommunications
◇ Information and communications technology (ICT)
◇ Computers and their networking
◇ Hardware/firmware/software development and
◇ Broadcast/broadcasting
◇ Cable and wireless television
◇ Consumer and industrial electronics
Electronics Engineer
◇ Electro-optics/photonics/optoelectronics
◇ Electromagnetics
◇ Avionics
◇ Aerospace
◇ Navigational and military applications of electronics
◇ Biomedical electronics
◇ Robotics
◇ Cybernetics
◇ Biometrics
◇ And all other related and convergent fields
Electronics Engineer
It also includes the administration, management, supervision
and regulatory aspects of such works and activities.

Similarly included are those teaching and training activities

which develop the ability to use electronic engineering
fundamentals and related advanced knowledge in electronics
engineering, including lecturing and teaching of technical
and professional subjects given in the electronics
engineering and electronics technician curriculum, and
licensure examinations.
Electronics Technician
Shall embrace and consist of any
“NON-ENGINEERING” work or activity relating to the
scope of practice of Electronics Engineers
Professional Electronics Engineer
The scope and nature of practice of the Professional
Electronics Engineer shall embrace and consist of all of the
above plus the sole authority to provide consulting services
and to sign and seal electronics plans, drawings, permit
applications, specifications, reports and other technical
documents prepared by himself/herself and/or under his
direct supervision.
I want to be part of the
ECE Community!!
All applicants seeking to be registered and
licensed as Electronics Engineers and Electronics
Technicians, shall undergo the required

“ examinations to be given by the Board of

Electronics Engineering of the Professional
Regulations Commission
Electronics Technician
In order to be allowed to take the examination the applicant must be:

A graduate of an Associate, Technician, Trade or

Vocational course in electronics


Completed at least the minimum third-year equivalent

of a Bachelor of Science program in Electronics and
Communications Engineering or Electronics
Engineering program
Electronics Engineer
In order to be allowed to take the examination the applicant must be:

A holder of a degree of Bachelor of Science in

Electronics and Communications Engineering or
Electronics Engineering
Electronics Engineers seeking to upgrade to
Professional Electronics Engineers do not need to

have licensure examination, but must prove his
qualifications to the Board of Electronics
Professional Electronics Engineer
In order to be upgraded as Professional Electronics Engineer, the
applicant must be:

A licensed Electronics Engineer of active self practice

and/or employment either in government service or in
the private sector for a period of at least seven (7) years
(inclusive and/or aggregate), at least two (2) years of
which are in responsible charge of significant
engineering work.
The Professional Organization
Institute of Electronics Engineers of
the Philippines
The Future that I’m
heading to….
What career lies ahead for
BSECE graduates?
Electronic Product Development

Radio and TV Broadcasting

Information and Communications

Aviation Industry

Biomedical Electronics

Construction and Building Technology

Space Exploration and Research

When did TSU Offer BSECE?
History of TSU-ECE
June 2002
Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering
(BSECE) was offered under the deanship of Engr. Renato A. Galvez

March 2007
17 First Batch Graduates, 11 successfully passed ECE licensure exam

June 2008
Renamed Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering in accordance
to RA 9292

As of 2018
470+ Graduated
120+ are already licensed ECE
My Study Plan
2018 ECE Curriculum
What are my subjects?
FIRST YEAR - First Semester

No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

M113 Calculus 1 3 0 3  

S113 Chemistry for Engineers 3 0 3  

S111L Chemistry for Engineers Lab 0 1 3  

B111L Engineering Drawing and Plans 0 1 3  

A111L Computer Fundamentals and Programming 1 0 1 3  

G113 Mathematics in the Modern World 3 0 3  

G133 Understanding the Self 3 0 3  

G153 Readings in Philippine History 3 0 3  

PE1 Physical Education 1 2 0 2  

NSTP1 NSTP 1 3 0 3  
FIRST YEAR - Second Semester

No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

M123 Calculus 2 3 0 3 M113

S123 Physics for Engineers 3 0 3 M113

S121L Physics for Engineers Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite: S123

G183 GEC Elective 1 3 0 3  

G123 Ethics 3 0 3  

G143 Science, Technology and Society 3 0 3  

G163 Purposive Communication 3 0 3  

B121L Computer-aided Drafting 0 1 3 B111L

PE2 Physical Education 2 2 0 2 PE 1

NSTP2 NSTP 2 3 0 3  
SECOND YEAR - First Semester

No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

M213 Differential Equations 3 0 3 M123

EEP213 Electrical Circuits 1 3 0 3 S123, M123

EEP211L Electrical Circuits 1 Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite: EEP213

S213 Physics 2 3 0 3 S123

S211L Physics 2 Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite:S213

ECEP211L Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 0 1 3 A111L

G213 Art Appreciation 3 0 3  

M233 Engineering Data Analysis 3 0 3 M113

G253 The Contemporary World 3 0 3  

PE3 Physical Education 3 2 0 2 PE 1

SECOND YEAR – Second Semester
No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

ECEP223 Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE 3 0 3 M213

ECEP221L Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP223
EEP243 Electrical Circuits 2 3 0 3 EEP213
EEP241L Electrical Circuits 2 Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite: EEP243
ECEP243 Electronics 1: Electronics Devices and Circuits 3 0 3 EEP213, S213
Electronics 1: Electronics Devices and Circuits
ECEP241L 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP243
ECEP264 Electromagnetics 4 0 4 M213, EEP213
G223 GEC Elective 2 3 0 3 G183
PE 4 Physical Education 4 2 0 2 PE 1
THIRD YEAR - First Semester
No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

Electronics 2: Electronic Circuit Analysis and

ECEP313 3 0 3 ECEP243
Electronics 2: Electronic Circuit Analysis and
ECEP311L 0 1 3 Co-requisite:ECEP313
Digital Electronics 1: Logic Circuit and Switching
ECEP333 3 0 3 ECEP243
Digital Electronics 1: Logic Circuit and Switching
ECEP331L 0 1 3 Co-requisite:ECEP333
B313 Engineering Economics 3 0 3 M213
ECEP353 Signal, Spectra and Signal Processing 3 0 3 ECEP223
ECEP351L Signal, Spectra and Signal Processing Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite:ECEP353
Communications 1: Principles of Communication
ECEP373 3 0 3 ECEP243
Communications 1: Principles of Communication
ECEP371L 0 1 3 Co-requisite:ECEP351L
Systems Lab
G313 GEC Elective 3 3 0 3 G223
THIRD YEAR - Second Semester
No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

ECEP323 Feedback and Control Systems 3 0 3 ECEP353, EEP243

ECEP321L Feedback and Control Systems Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP323
Digital Electronics 2: Microprocessor and
ECEP343 3 0 3 ECEP333
Microcontroller Systems Design
Digital Electronics 2: Microprocessor and
ECEP341L 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP343
Microcontroller Systems Design Lab
ECEP363 Electronics 3: Electronic Systems Design 3 0 3 ECEP313, ECEP333
ECEP361L Electronics 3: Electronic Systems Design Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP363
ECE Laws, Contracts, Ethics, Safety and
ECEP303 3 0 3 ECEP313
A363 Environmental Science and Engineering 3 0 3 B313,S113
Communications 2: Modulation and Coding
ECEP383 3 0 3 ECEP373
Communications 2: Modulation and Coding
ECEP381L 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP383
Techniques Lab
No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

Must have finished 1st -3rdyr

ENGG OJT Engineering On-the-Job Training 3 0 240 hrs
FOURTH YEAR - First Semester
No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

A412 Material Science and Engineering 2 0 2 A363

ECEP323, ECEP 343, ECEP 363,
ECEP411L ECE Capstone Project 1 0 1 3
ECEP 383
Communications 3: Transmission Media and
ECEP433 3 0 3 ECEP383
Antenna Systems
Communications 3: Transmissions Media and
ECEP431L 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP433
Antenna Systems Lab
ECEP453 Communications 4: Data Communications 3 0 3 ECEP383
ECEP451L Communications 4: Data Communications Lab 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP453
M233, ECEP323, ECEP363, ECEP
ECEP473 Methods of Research 3 0 3
ECE Elective 1: Broadcast Production
ECEP493 3 0 3 ECEP383
ECE Elective 1: Broadcast Production
ECEP491L 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP493
Engineering Lab
G413 Life and Works of Rizal 3 0 3  
FOURTH YEAR - Second Semester
No. of Units
Course Code Description Prerequisite
Lec Lab /week

ECEP421L ECE Capstone Project 2 0 1 3 ECEP411L

ECE Elective 2: Broadcast Transmission and
ECEP443 3 0 3 ECEP493
ECE Elective 2: Broadcast Transmission and
ECEP441L 0 1 3 Co-requisite: ECEP423
Distribution Lab
ECEP461L ECE Seminars and Colloquium 0 1 3 ECEP 411L
A422 Engineering Management 2 0 2 A412
ECEP483 Elective 3: Electronics Ancillary Systems 3 0 3 ECEP433, ECEP453, ECEP303
ECEP481L Elective 3: Electronics Ancillary Systems Lab 0 1 3 Co-Requisite: ECEP483
ECEP462 ECE Correlation 2 0 2 ECEP411L
B423 Technopreneurship 3 0 3 ECEP473
Where are they?
Your Future Mentors
TSU Faculty Handling Major Subjects in
Electronics Engineering

Engr. Robert V. Marcos Engr. Don Louie A. Sanvictores

ECE, PhD Math ECE, MSECE (Thesis)

Engr. Alejandro D. Caranto Engr. Aldrin Joar R. Taduran

PECE, PhD Dev Ed ECE, MSECE (Thesis)

Engr. Idris Jeffrey M. Manguera Engr. Aldrin M. Villanueva

ECE, MSECE (Thesis) ECE, MEP ECE (Units)
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is

the LORD’s purpose that prevails.
- Proverbs 19:21 NIV
Thanks for
Engr. Idris Jeffrey M. Manguera, ECE




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