Module - V: Electrical Measurements
Module - V: Electrical Measurements
Module - V: Electrical Measurements
Electrical Measurements
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Electrical instruments measure the various electrical quantities like
electrical power factor, power, voltage and current etc. All analog
electrical instruments use mechanical system for the measurement of
various electrical quantities but as we know that the all mechanical
system has some inertia therefore electrical instruments have a limited
time response. Electrical instruments are broadly classified into two
types as follows.
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Measuring instruments can be classified based on use as:
Example: galvanometer.
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Types of measuring instrument based on moving part:
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Measuring instruments are classified according to both the
quantity measured by the instrument and the principle of operation.
Three general principles of operation are available:
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The various effects that can be utilized for operating the measuring
instruments are,
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Essentials of Indicating Instruments
Indicating instruments
are those which indicate
the value of the quantity
that is being measured
at the time at which it is
measured. Such
instruments consist
essentially of a pointer
which moves over a
calibrated scale and
which is attached to a
moving system pivoted
in jewelled bearings.
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In indicating instruments, the moving system is subjected to the
following three torques :
1. A deflecting (or operating) torque
2. A controlling (or restoring) torque
3. A damping torque.
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Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instruments
Permanent Magnet moving coil instruments are based on the
principle that current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field
experiences a force. They work on electromagnetic effect.
Permanent magnet moving coil instruments have a light rectangular coil
wound on a metal frame which is pivoted between two poles of
permanent magnet. The coil has a cylindrical soft iron core which helps in
providing uniform magnetic field. Two phosphor bronze springs cooled in
opposite direction serve as leads for current. The moving spindle is
pivoted in jeweled bearing. Construction is shown in diagram:
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Dynamometer type instruments have two identical coils connected
in series and produce a uniform magnetic field which exerts a force on
light moving coil. Two control springs wound in opposite direction serve
as leads for current. Damping is provided by air friction. The
construction is as shown in fig.
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• Moving element:
a small piece of soft iron in the form of a vane or rod
• Coil:
to produce the magnetic field due to current flowing through it
and also to magnetize the iron pieces.
• In repulsion type,
a fixed vane or rod is also used and magnetized with the same
• Control torque
is provided by spring or weight (gravity)
• Damping torque
is normally pneumatic, the damping device consisting of an air
chamber and a moving vane attached to the instrument spindle.
• Deflecting torque
produces a movement on an aluminum pointer over a graduated
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Repulsion type
The sectional view and cut-away view of such an instrument are
shown in Fig. It consists of a fixed coil inside which are placed two soft-
iron rods (or bars) A and B parallel to one another and along the axis of
the coil. One of them i.e. A is fixed and the other B which is movable
carries a pointer that moves over a calibrated scale.
When the current to be measured is passed through the fixed
coil, it sets up its own magnetic field which magnetises the two rods
similarly i.e. the adjacent points on the lengths of the rods will have the
same magnetic polarity. Hence, they repel each other with the result
that the pointer is deflected against the controlling torque of a spring or
gravity. The force of repulsion is approximately proportional to the
square of the current passing through the coil. Moreover, whatever may
be the direction of the current through the coil, the two rods will be
magnetised similarly and hence will repel each other. In order to achieve
uniformity of scale, two tongue-shaped strips of iron are used instead of
two rods. As shown in Fig, the fixed iron consists of a tongue-shaped
sheet iron bent into a cylindrical form, the moving iron also consists of
another sheet of iron and is so mounted as to move parallel to the fixed
iron and towards its narrower end.
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Deflecting Torque
The deflecting torque is due to the repulsive force between the
two similarly magnetised iron rods or sheets.
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Attraction Type
The basic working principle of an attraction-type moving-iron instrument
is illustrated in Fig. It is well-known that if a piece of an unmagnetised
soft iron is brought up near either of the two ends of a current-carrying
coil, it would be attracted into the coil in the same way as it would be
attracted by the pole of a bar magnet. Hence, if we pivot an oval-shaped
disc of soft iron on a spindle between bearings near the coil (as shown in
Fig.), the iron disc will swing into the coil when the latter has an electric
current passing through it. As the field strength would be strongest at the
centre of the coil, the ovalshaped iron disc is pivoted in such a way that
the greatest bulk of iron moves into the centre of the coil. If a pointer is
fixed to the spindle carrying the disc, then the passage of current through
the coil will cause the pointer to deflect. The amount of deflection
produced would be greater when the current producing the magnetic field
is greater. Another point worth noting is that whatever the direction of
current through the coil, the iron disc would always be
magnetised in such a way that it is pulled inwards. Hence, such
instruments can be used both for direct as well as alternating currents.
A sectional view of the actual instrument is shown in Fig.. When the
current to be measured is passed through the coil or solenoid, a magnetic
field is produced, which attracts the eccentrically mounted disc inwards,
thereby deflecting the pointer, which moves over a calibrated scale.
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Ammeters and voltmeters
2. Moving-coil type
(a) permanent-magnet type (for D.C. only)
(b) electrodynamic or dynamometer type (for D.C./A.C.)
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Energy Meters
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Measurement of power in three-phase systems
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(ii) Two-wattmeter method for balanced or unbalanced loads
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The power factor may be determined from:
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Phase angle between Vab and Ia = 30˚+ θ
Vcn Vab
-120˚ θ
-120˚ Van
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Phase angle between Vcb and Ic = 30˚- θ
30˚- θ
Ic -Vbn
-120˚ Van
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Similarly, we can show that the average power read by wattmeter 2 is
Shows that the sum of the wattmeter readings gives the total average
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shows that the difference of the wattmeter readings is proportional to
the total reactive power, or
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the total apparent power can be obtained as
Thus, the two wattmeter method not only provides the total real and
reactive powers, it can also be used to compute the power factor.
we conclude that:
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Sl No Phase angle Φ p.f. Remarks
Purely inductive or
W1 is positive and capacitive. Readings
4 60° - 90° 0.5 - 0
W2 is negative are unequal and
opposite in sign
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(iii) Three-wattmeter method for a three-phase, 4-wire system
for balanced and unbalanced loads.
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