Vietnam IGCSE
Vietnam IGCSE
Vietnam IGCSE
• Until 1939 Vietnam had
been part of the French
• At the start of World
War II the Japanese
invaded Vietnam and
the French left.
• Vietnamese freedom
fighters – Viet Minh
under Ho Chi Minh
began fighting against
the Japanese
Ho Chi Minh
• Ho Chi Minh was a
communist who fought
for a free and
independent Vietnam.
Studied Comm. In
USSR in 1920s
• He led the Vietminh, a
guerrilla army that
used hit and run
1945: Japan
• When the Japanese were defeated in
1945, Ho had control of the north -
• However, the French returned to
reclaim Vietnam.
• This was not what Ho Chi Minh and his
Viet Minh had fought the Japanese for.
• The Vietminh now began fighting
against the French.
Vietminh V the French
1946 - 1954
• The Vietminh
continued to use hit
and run tactics against
the French – 90,000
casualties from this
• After 1949 the
Vietminh received help
from Communist
• The US supported the
French – 80% of
France’s war costs
paid by USA.
The French are beaten
• The French were
finally defeated at
the Battle of Dien
Bien Phu in 1954.
50k VM (+50k in
reserve) vs 15k Fr
• French – 3,000 dead,
8,000 POW die later
• Launched 1965 to destroy North Vietnamese economy but
Johnson decided to start the bombing on the North-South
Viet border to avoid wider conflict and not Hanoi.
• Then targets increased to bombing Ho Chi Minh Trail
• Supposed to last 3 months, lasted 3 years - 8 million tons
dropped 1965-72
• More bombs dropped on Vietnam than on Germany and
Japan in WW2
Operation Rolling Thunder
Level of Success
• Bombing from 1970-72 on Hanoi led Ho
to negotiate peace terms
• Economy affected but VC still received
weapons from China / USSR.
• Bad publicity for U.S at home – Napalm,
Chemical weapons – innocent maimed
/killed –lost hearts & minds of the world
• USA lost 14,000 planes
• 1967 – USA American Life magazine –
• costs USA $400,000 to kill 1 VC fighter –
unsustainable – the cost included using
75 bombs and 400 artillery shells
Search and
Launched 1965. Use helicopters to drop in soldiers
on villages to look for VC/tunnels
Level of Success
• Difficult to ‘spot’ – who is the enemy as all were peasants.
• Peasants resented disruption and destruction villages burnt –
supported VC even more.
• The raids were done on poor intelligence
• Inexperienced troops were walking into traps
• Innocent villages mistaken for VC bases
• VC moved back into the villages when US troops left
• Ratio of 1 VC killed = 6 innocent civilians – Hearts & Minds
• Also led to U.S massacres – frustration e.g. My Lai
Operation Ranch Hand
= Chemical Weapons
Used chemicals to destroy jungle (Agent
Orange – weed-killer – 82 million litres) and
destroy crops that could be useful to VC
(Agent Blue)
Also used NAPALM – burnt skin to the bone
1964 – 1970 -24% of South Vietnam was
sprayed with Agent chemical weapons
Level of Success
Population starving, Chromosomal damage,
Hurt U.S economy more - $900 million of
aircraft shot down. – Hearts & Minds = Anti
US feeling among peasants, USA and World
which led to peace protests – bad publicity.
What problems did the
Americans face in Vietnam?
• After 1967 – men 18-26 were drafted (conscripted) – unpopular
• By end of the war – 650,000 soldiers had been drafted
• The average age of the American soldier was 19. They were
inexperienced as had just left school.
• The US soldiers did not have a true cause to fight for compared to the
VC and Ho
• Fragging occurred – 3% of US officer deaths was caused by their own
• The US soldiers were not used to or trained for fighting in Guerrilla
• 18% of US casualties was not by combat but
by other ways – drug abuse / crashes
• 500,000 US soldiers deserted – led to the US
Commander – Westmoreland to make a 1 yr tour
of service – Issue – no determination to fight and
the veterans being replaced with new inexperienced
500 women, children + old people massacred at My Lai, a small village
in 1968 by Charlie Company.
Army tried to cover it up – Report said only 20 civilians were killed. The
story only broke in 1969 when Ronald Ridenhour sent a letter about the
Life Magazine printed photos taken by the army photographer of
civilians killed in ditches – genocide – New Nazis – propaganda against
1969 - Lieutenant William Calley was put on trial for killing 109 people
– 1971- found guilty for 22 – justice?
He was sentenced to spend 20 yrs in prison – did 3 under house arrest
and President Nixon pardoned him in 1974
What it seemed to prove to the U.S public was that discipline + morale
was gone in the army / innocent people were being killed – Hearts &
Minds – war was lost.
Vietnam and
the Media
Early Stages of the war - 1963-66
•US media – pro-war
•US army created MACV – Military Assist Command Vietnam – the
journalists were allowed to go to the battlefields / interview army leaders
/ have copies of the reports BUT only allowed to print pro-war news
•Media companies did not want to print anti-war for being blamed if USA
lost or if it impacted on readers / viewers
U.S actions seen as cruel and unfair by increasing numbers in U.S + in other countries
eg: GB + Fr.
Patriotic Americans no longer saw the Vietnam war as a crusade against the spread of
Communism – a war of confusion and defeat
Student population – you could be exempt from the draft if went to college / uni –
mainly whites could afford this which led to further protests from Civil Rights groups
1968 – 100 protests = 40,000 students who sang a mocking song to Johnson / burnt
the USA flag / Draft card / sit-ins / marches / refusal to go to class
High profile demonstrations = bad publicity for U.S govt eg: Kent State University
Protest 1970 due to Nixon declaring war on Cambodia – led to 4 students being killed
by the National Guard – possibility of Civil War – Hard hat riot attacked anti-war
protestors that were demonstrating after Kent State shootings 1970.
The Peace
Movement in
It was expensive ($2 million a day / $167 billion in total). Also money could have been
spent on Johnson’s Great Society pledge – to end poverty and bring social change was
only partially successful – Medicare – free medical care for the poor – only given to elderly
Black Americans were unhappy within U.S. – fighting for Civil Rights and objected to being
sent to fight a “white mans war”.
Pressure of high profile figures in popular media eg: Martin Luther King jr. and Muhammed
Ali who said – ‘No Vietnamese never called me Nigger’,
Overall social background of the 60’s large youth population – ‘hippie’ ideals. Of peace love
and free expression encouraged by music, poetry, art, drugs.
Tet Offensive
• 1968 – NVA and VC do a diversion attack on Khe Sanh in the north of South Vietnam to keep
the US and South armies occupied
• The siege lasted 77 days until the US sent 6,000 troops + bombers = NVA defeated
• With US / South Vietnam‘s forces focused on Khe Sanh – led to VC / NVA launching a surprise
attack across all of South Vietnam – 26 cities =Tet Offensive
• Tet = Vietnamese New Year – South / USA soldiers partying or fighting at Khe Sanh
• One VC unit got into the US Saigon embassy – symbol of the war which the Americans had to
fight to regain -took 2 days to push VC out of Saigon
• Tet was a disaster for VC and Ho – lost 10,000 experienced soldiers / South-Vietnamese people
did not revolt to support NVA and VC
• However – turning point as led to questions being asked in USA eg:
• Walter Cronkite – Journalist for CBS news – ‘What the hell is going on.. I thought we were
winning this war‘ = the war is un-winnable – media = anti-war
• 500,000 troops in Vietnam, spending $20 billion a year – how did we not know about this
• US and South forces regained control of the towns and cities but at a price – ancient cities like
Hue was destroyed by artillery and bombing raids – Hearts & Minds lost.
• Tet offensive of January 1968 frightened the American public and U.S government- as the war
would still last many more years, draining America dry.
Ending the War
in Vietnam
1968- After Tet offensive - Johnson decided not to stand for re-
election – Admission of failure. Nixon replaced him on an
‘honourable peace’ promise – U.S withdrawal without looking as if
they’d lost to communism.
The more evidence people gave – clear that the US soldiers were
acting inhumanly – My Lai was not a 1 off.