Elective I Report May 14
Elective I Report May 14
Elective I Report May 14
Specific objectives
1. To identify current issue using literature review
2. To identify current practice and gaps
Gaberson et al.(2015)
Clinical nursing education 5/14/2019 13
Ethiopian context
• In Ethiopia Nationally harmonized Nursing curriculum (2014)
o student spent 68.65% of their time for the clinical skill
o preceptorship clinical education model
o teaching strategies
• like problem-based learning, bedside, seminar and various
written portfolio.
o Regarding evaluation, 360 evaluation and OSCE is indicated.
• No study to assess:-
• success and challenges of those methods
• attainment of curriculum competency.
1. Observation
2. Interview
o No Orientation
o Student not assigned to room and to
specific patient/room
• To concern
o how the skill was transferred in the nursing generation?
o How really schools assure competency attainment with the current practice
of CE?