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Electrical Circuits SE (E&Tc/ELEX) 2020 Course

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Electrical Circuits

SE (E&Tc/ELEX) 2020 Course


Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 3hrs/week Insem: 30 marks
Practical: 2hrs/week End Sem: 70 marks
Term work: 25 marks
ECM: Teaching Manual for Unit I
Text Books:
T1:Electrical Machines By Abhijit Chakrabarti & Sudipta
Debnath, Tata McGraw-hill Publication

T2:William H Hayt, Jack E Kimmerly and Steven M. Durbin,

Engineering Circuit Analysis,
Tata McGraw Hill
ECM: Teaching Manual for Unit I
Reference Books:
R1: Electrical Machinery By A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley &
Jr. Stephen D. Umans, Tata McGraw-hill Publication 6th Edition

R2: Electrical Machines By I.J Nagarath & D.P Kothari Tata

McGraw-hill Publication 4th Edition

R3: Brushless permanent-magnet and reluctance motor drives


R4: Electric Machines and Drives: A first course, Ned Mohan,

Basic Circuit Analysis and
Simplification Techniques: Unit I
Course Objectives
1. Analyze AC and DC networks with network simplification

Course Outcomes
After successfully completing the course students will be able
1. Analyze basic AC & DC circuit for voltage, current and
power by using KVL, KCL, and network theorems.
Prerequisite for Unit I
Students should have the knowledge of
1) Basic electrical concepts such as voltage, current, power, ac
signal, dc signal, etc;

2) Properties of Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor

3) Basic Mathematical concepts such as Cramer's rule, Polar to

rectangular conversion & vice versa.
Basic Circuit Analysis and
Simplification Techniques: Unit I
1.1 Kirchhoff’s Current and Voltage Laws,
Independent and dependent sources and their
interconnection, and power calculations.

1.2 Network Analysis: Mesh, Super mesh, Node

and Super Node analysis. Source transformation
and Source shifting.

1.3 Network Theorems: Superposition Theorem,

Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Maximum
Power -Transfer Theorem, Millers Theorem and its
Voltage and Current Source

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Sources of Electrical Energy:

Independent Sources: The value of the source quantity is not
affected by current or voltage quantities in remainder circuit.

Ideal Voltage Source: An ideal voltage source is a two terminal

element which maintains a terminal voltage v(t) regardless of the
value of the current through its terminals.
Practical Voltage Source: In a practical voltage source, the voltage
across terminals of the source reduces as current through it
increases. This behaviour can be represented by putting a resistance
in series with an ideal voltage source.
Ideal Voltage Source Practical Voltage Source
Circuit Elements

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Ideal Current Source: An ideal current source is a two

terminal elements which maintains a current i(t)
flowing through its terminals regardless of the value
of the terminal voltage.
Practical Current Source: In a practical current source
the current through the source decreases as the
voltage across it increases.
Ideal Current Source Practical Current Source
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Controlled or Dependent Sources:

The source quantity is determined by a current or voltage

existing at some other location in the system/circuit being

Types of Dependent or Controlled Sources:

1. Voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS)
2. Current controlled voltage source (CCVS)
3. Voltage controlled current source (VCCS)
4. Current controlled current source (CCCS)
Voltage source in Parallel

Current source in Series

I=I1=I2 15
Parallel Combination

Electrical Networks Vs Electrical Circuits
1. An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical
elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, transmission
lines, voltage sources, current sources, and switches.

2. An electrical circuit is a network that has a closed loop, giving

a return path for the current.

A network is a connection of two or more components, and may

not necessarily be a circuit. 
Is it Network or Circuit?
Is it Network or Circuit?

That means all circuits can be networks but all networks cannot be

Circuit Network
Mesh and Loop

Node and Branch

Basic concepts of network theory …

1.Circuit Element: Any individual circuit component like

inductor, resistor, capacitor, generator with two terminals.

2. Branch: A group of circuit elements usually in series and with two


3.Network and Circuit: An electric network is any possible

interconnection of electric circuit elements and branches.
An electric circuit is closed energized network. A network is
not necessarily a circuit. e.g. T network.

4.Lumped Network: A network in which physically separate resistors,

capacitors, inductors are present.
Basic concepts of network theory …

5. Distributed network: In this network, resistors, capacitors

and inductors cannot be electrically separated and
individually isolated as separate elements. e.g.
Transmission line.

6. Linear Network: A network for which the principle of

superposition holds.

7. Mesh and Loop: A set of branches forming a closed path

such that removal of any branch makes it open. Mesh must
not have any other closed circuit inside it. Loop may have
other loops or meshes inside it.

8. Node or Junction: A point at which two or more elements are joints

together is called node. While a point where three or more branches
meet together is called a junction.
Ohms Law

Combining the elements of voltage, current, and

resistance, Ohm developed the formula: V = I . R
V = Voltage in volts
I = Current in amps
R = Resistance in ohms
This is called Ohm’s law.
Let’s say, for example, that we have a circuit with
the potential of 1 volt, a current of 1 amp, and
resistance of 1 ohm. Using Ohm’s Law we can say: 1V
= 1A. 1Ω
Ohms Law

The statement of Ohm’s law: is simple, and it

says that whenever a potential difference or
voltage is applied across a resistor of a closed
circuit, current starts flowing through it.
This current is directly proportional to the voltage
applied if temperature and all other factors remain
constant. Thus we can mathematically express it
as: V α I
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL): The algebraic sum

of all branch voltages around any closed loop of a
network is zero at all instants of time.
V(t) (Zero ) = V0 +V1 +V2
Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL): The algebraic sum
of branch currents at anode is zero at all instants
of time.
I(t) = I0+I1 +I2

Gustav Kirchhoff
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Source Transformation and Source Shifting:

a) Current source and its equivalent voltage source

Current-Source to Voltage-Source Transformation

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

b) Voltage Source and its equivalent current


Voltage -Source to Carrent – Source

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

c) Equivalent of two voltage sources in series

Voltage Sources in Series

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

e) Equivalent current and voltage sources from

mixed source

Mixed Sources
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

f) Transformation of voltage sources without


Voltage - Source Shifting

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

g) Current source with no parallel resistance

Current - Source Shifting

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

Series Equivalent:-
The total resistance of resistors in series is equal
to the sum of their individual resistances:
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

Inductors follow the same law, in that the total
 inductance of non-coupled inductors in series is
equal to the sum of their individual inductances:
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

Capacitors follow the same law using the
reciprocals. The total capacitance of capacitors in
series is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of
the reciprocals of their individual capacitances:
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

Cells and batteries:
A battery is a collection of electrochemical cells. If the
cells are connected in series, the voltage of the battery
will be the sum of the cell voltages. For example, a 12
volt car battery contains six 2-volt cells connected in
series. Some vehicles, such as trucks, have two 12 volt
batteries in series to feed the 24 volt system.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

In a series circuit the current is the same for all of elements.
Parallel equivalent:
To find the total resistance of all components, add the reciprocals of
the resistances  of each component and take the reciprocal of the
sum. Total resistance will always be less than the value of the smallest

For only two resistors, the unreciprocated

expression is reasonably simple:
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

Inductors follow the same law, in that the
total inductance of non-coupled inductors in
parallel is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the
reciprocals of their individual inductances:
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is
equal to the sum of their individual capacitances:
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

• Voltage division rule:

• Current division rule:

• Star to Delta and Delta to star conversions:

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

If two or more components are connected in parallel
they have the same potential difference (voltage) across
their ends. The potential differences across the
components are the same in magnitude, and they also
have identical polarities. The same voltage is applicable
to all circuit components connected in parallel. The total
current is the sum of the currents through the individual
components, in accordance with Kirchhoff's current law.
In a parallel circuit the voltage is the same for all
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Series parallel equivalent of R, L, C, V & I

The current in each individual resistor is found
by Ohm’s law. Factoring out the voltage gives

For Current sources:

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Mesh Current Analysis Method:

Basis of Mesh Current Analysis Method is Kirchhoff’s voltage
law (KVL).
Steps :
1. Determine no of meshes in the circuit.
2. Mark arbitrarily current directions for each mesh.
3. Apply KVL to each loop.
4. No of equations =No of Meshes.
5. Solve the equations simultaneously to determine
Mesh currents.
6. From mesh currents determine branch currents
and node voltages.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Mesh Current Analysis Method:

Basis of Mesh Current Analysis Method is
Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL).
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Node Voltage Analysis Method:
Basis of Node Voltage Analysis Method is Kirchhoff’s Current Law.
Steps :
1. Simplify the circuit by combining impedances in parallel or series and
combining current sources in parallel.
2. Determine number of nodes in the circuit.
3. Choose reference or datum node at zero potential.
4. Mark potentials at nodes as V1,V2,V3……. VN.
5. Mark branch currents in arbitrary directions.
6. Apply Kirchhoff’s current law at each node.
7. No. of equations=No. of nodes - 1
8. Solve the equations simultaneously to obtain unknown node
9. From node voltages determine branch currents.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Super mesh and Super node:
(a) Super mesh: Super mesh is formed when two meshes have current source as
a common element, this means that the current source is in the interior of the
super mesh. Reduce the number of meshes by 1 for each current source
present. If the current source lies on the perimeter of circuit, then single mesh
in which it is found, is ignored.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
(b) Super node: Super node is formed by two nodes separated by voltage source
with no series resistor. The KCL is applied to both the two nodes at the same
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Network Theorems:
Though the techniques of nodal and mesh
analysis are reliable and extremely powerful
methods, both require a complete set of
equations to describe a particular circuit, even if
only one current, voltage, or power quantity is of
interest. The theorems to be considered in detail
include the superposition theorem, Thevenin’s &
Norton's theorem, maximum power-transfer
theorem, Millers Theorem & its dual.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

Linear Element: A linear element is a passive element that has a
linear voltage-current relationship i.e. Multiplication of the current
through the element by a constant K results in the multiplication of
the voltage across the element by the same constant K. for e.g. In
case of a resistor v(t) = R i(t) is clearly linear i.e. If v(t) is plotted as a
function of i (t), the result is a straight line.
Bilateral Element: A bilateral network is one whose properties or
characteristics are same in either direction. For example, a
transmission line is a bilateral network, because it can be made to
perform the function equally well in either direction. Conduction of
current in both directions in an element (example: Resistance;
Inductance; Capacitance) with same magnitude is termed as
bilateral element.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
A. Superposition Theorem:
In any linear network containing bilateral linear impedances and energy sources,
the current flowing in any element is the vector sum of the currents that are
separately caused to flow in that element by each energy source.

The principle of superposition states that the response (desired current or

voltage) in a linear bilateral circuit having more than one independent source
can be obtained by adding the responses caused by the separate independent
sources acting alone.
Fundamental Concept: Look at each independent source one at a time with the
other independent sources “turned off” or “zeroed out” or “deactivated”. The
reason behind zeroing out the sources is that it leads to the simplest circuit.
Dependent sources are in general active during analysis. {Pl note: Dependent
sources are not sources of energy i.e. if all independent sources are removed
from a system, all currents and voltages must be zero.}
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
A. Superposition Theorem:
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

B. Thevenin’s Theorem :
Any two-terminal linear bilateral network can be replaced by an
equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source and an impedance
(resistor for dc circuit) in series.
Thevenin’s theorem: Any two- terminal linear n/w containing
energy sources and impedances can be replaced with an equivalent
circuit consisting of a voltage source Voc or VTH in series with an
impedance Ƶth, where the value of Voc is open circuit voltage
between terminals of the network and Ƶth is the impedances
measured between the terminals of the network with all energy
sources eliminated (but not their impedances).
*If dependent sources are also present along with Independent
sources then
Ƶth = Voc / ISC ; So need to calculate ISC
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

B. Thevenin’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

B. Thevenin’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

C. Norton’s Theorem :
Any two-terminal linear bilateral network can be replaced by an
equivalent circuit consisting of a current source and an impedance
(resistor for dc circuit) in parallel.
Norton’s theorem: Any two- terminal linear n/w containing energy
sources and impedances can be replaced with an equivalent circuit
consisting of a current source ISC or IN in parallel with an impedance
Ƶ, where the value of ISC is short circuit current between terminals
of the network and Ƶ is the impedances measured between the
terminals of the network with all energy sources eliminated (but
not their impedances).
*If dependent sources are also present along with Independent
sources then
Ƶth = Voc / ISC So need to calculate Voc
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

C. Norton’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

C. Norton’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

D. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

For DC circuit:
Maximum power will be delivered by a active network to load
resistance when load resistance is equal to the resistance RTH of the
network, measured looking back into the terminals of the network.

For AC Circuit:
Maximum power will be delivered by a active network to load
impedance ZL when load impedance is complex conjugate of the
impedance ZTH of the network, measured looking back into the
terminals of the network.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques

D. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
The introduction of an impedance that connects amplifier input and output
ports adds a great deal of complexity in the analysis process. One technique that
often helps reduce the complexity in some circuits is the use of Miller's
Miller's theorem applies to the process of creating equivalent circuits. This
general circuit theorem is particularly useful in the high-frequency analysis of
certain transistor amplifiers at high frequencies.
Miller’s theorem generally states,
Given any general linear network having common terminal and two terminals
whose voltage ratio, with respect to common terminal is given by; V2 = K V1
If the two terminals of the network are then interconnected by impedance Z, an
equivalent circuit can be formed . This equivalent circuit consist of the same
general linear network and two impedances; each of which shunt a network
terminal to common terminal. Two impedances have value, Z1 = Z/1-K and
Z2=K Z/K-1, Where K=V2/V1
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
If there is a branch in the circuit with impedance Z connecting a node , where
two currents I1 & I2 converge, to ground, we can replace this branch by two
conducting referred currents , with impedances respectively equal to (1+α) Z
& (1+ α) Z/ α, where α = I2/I1

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