Electrical Circuits SE (E&Tc/ELEX) 2020 Course
Electrical Circuits SE (E&Tc/ELEX) 2020 Course
Electrical Circuits SE (E&Tc/ELEX) 2020 Course
Course Outcomes
After successfully completing the course students will be able
1. Analyze basic AC & DC circuit for voltage, current and
power by using KVL, KCL, and network theorems.
Prerequisite for Unit I
Students should have the knowledge of
1) Basic electrical concepts such as voltage, current, power, ac
signal, dc signal, etc;
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Electrical Networks Vs Electrical Circuits
1. An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical
elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, transmission
lines, voltage sources, current sources, and switches.
That means all circuits can be networks but all networks cannot be
Circuit Network
Mesh and Loop
Node and Branch
Basic concepts of network theory …
Gustav Kirchhoff
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Mixed Sources
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Network Theorems:
Though the techniques of nodal and mesh
analysis are reliable and extremely powerful
methods, both require a complete set of
equations to describe a particular circuit, even if
only one current, voltage, or power quantity is of
interest. The theorems to be considered in detail
include the superposition theorem, Thevenin’s &
Norton's theorem, maximum power-transfer
theorem, Millers Theorem & its dual.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
Linear Element: A linear element is a passive element that has a
linear voltage-current relationship i.e. Multiplication of the current
through the element by a constant K results in the multiplication of
the voltage across the element by the same constant K. for e.g. In
case of a resistor v(t) = R i(t) is clearly linear i.e. If v(t) is plotted as a
function of i (t), the result is a straight line.
Bilateral Element: A bilateral network is one whose properties or
characteristics are same in either direction. For example, a
transmission line is a bilateral network, because it can be made to
perform the function equally well in either direction. Conduction of
current in both directions in an element (example: Resistance;
Inductance; Capacitance) with same magnitude is termed as
bilateral element.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
A. Superposition Theorem:
In any linear network containing bilateral linear impedances and energy sources,
the current flowing in any element is the vector sum of the currents that are
separately caused to flow in that element by each energy source.
B. Thevenin’s Theorem :
Any two-terminal linear bilateral network can be replaced by an
equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source and an impedance
(resistor for dc circuit) in series.
Thevenin’s theorem: Any two- terminal linear n/w containing
energy sources and impedances can be replaced with an equivalent
circuit consisting of a voltage source Voc or VTH in series with an
impedance Ƶth, where the value of Voc is open circuit voltage
between terminals of the network and Ƶth is the impedances
measured between the terminals of the network with all energy
sources eliminated (but not their impedances).
*If dependent sources are also present along with Independent
sources then
Ƶth = Voc / ISC ; So need to calculate ISC
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
B. Thevenin’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
B. Thevenin’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
C. Norton’s Theorem :
Any two-terminal linear bilateral network can be replaced by an
equivalent circuit consisting of a current source and an impedance
(resistor for dc circuit) in parallel.
Norton’s theorem: Any two- terminal linear n/w containing energy
sources and impedances can be replaced with an equivalent circuit
consisting of a current source ISC or IN in parallel with an impedance
Ƶ, where the value of ISC is short circuit current between terminals
of the network and Ƶ is the impedances measured between the
terminals of the network with all energy sources eliminated (but
not their impedances).
*If dependent sources are also present along with Independent
sources then
Ƶth = Voc / ISC So need to calculate Voc
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
C. Norton’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
C. Norton’s Theorem :
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques
For AC Circuit:
Maximum power will be delivered by a active network to load
impedance ZL when load impedance is complex conjugate of the
impedance ZTH of the network, measured looking back into the
terminals of the network.
Basic Circuit Simplification Techniques