Protecting The Legacy of Bhaktivedanta Institute
Protecting The Legacy of Bhaktivedanta Institute
Protecting The Legacy of Bhaktivedanta Institute
Bhaktivedanta Institute
Scientific Presentations of
Krishna Consciousness
The contradictions
Rasaraja’s Personal View
Srila Prabhupada’s Established Vision
Is the subject matter of ISKCON and
the Bhaktivedanta Institute different or
the same?
Rasaraja’s Personal View Srila Prabhupada’s Vision
“You (Srila Prabhupada) have set “The Institute will be primarily for
up ISKCON to help you those who have not entered our
extensively propagate temples. The subject matter
authoritative knowledge about will not be different from what
souls and their eternal is taught in our temples. There
relationship with Sri Krishna, will be no difference between
while you have established the the Institute and the
Bhaktivedanta Institute to temples…”
disseminate the Bhagavatam’s
(Letter to Svarupa Damodara - September
knowledge of matter, according 30th, 1975 - Bombay)
to the modern scientific way.”
“They will try to make a research and waste time and waste money,
public money, and pass on as great scientist, philosopher…”
(Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.10 -- September 16th, 1972 – Los Angeles)
According to Rasaraja, According to Srila
Bhaktivedanta Institute Prabhupada, Bhaktivedanta
should engage in Institute should present
speculative Krishna Consciousness
scientific research using modern scientific
on matter. terminologies.
When Srila Prabhupada said we could
convince the scientists ‘according to their
way’, did he mean we should compete
with them in speculative research or that
we should adopt the policy of using their
own words, terminologies and findings to
convince them?
Rasaraja’s Personal View Srila Prabhupada’s Vision
““According to their way” means we “And noòa means mortar and what
have to extract and develop is called, pestle? So it is your çila
scientific content in Srimad noòa . I take it and break your teeth.
Bhagavatam that pertains to (laughter) So take their, this jugglery
matter…” of words and break their teeth. That
should be the policy. “These
“…and first solve some molecules and this and that,” so
outstanding problems concerning many words. You have to simply
matter within science itself.” catch their words, and with their
words kill them. That is
(Rasaraja’s presentation to the GBC/RGB and intelligence. We are saying plainly.
Vyasa Puja offering 2005)
You say with these words which is
their çola, mortar and pestle, and
break their teeth. That’s all. Tor çila
tor noòa tor bhängi dänter goòa. This
policy should be adopted.”
“It is true that in the revised MoA “Regarding the tax exemption for
I have removed articles that research, we are doing actual
mention Ayurveda, Sanskrit research of the Vedic literatures…
and Scriptures…” Our ideas are not man-made
imperfect ideas, but perfect
(Rasaraja’s letter to BSDS,2005) scientific conclusion. In addition I
have a number of Doctorate
“The revised form of the MoA is students in various fields of
totally a practical move to science, Dr. Svarupa Damodara,
maximize the chances for Dr. Wolf-Rottkay, Dr. Rao, and
getting the prestigious DST others. They can act as the heads
recognition…” of the research. We are presenting
ideal living on Vedic principles of
(Rasaraja’s letter to RGB and BSDS, 2005) purified life…”
(Letter to: Giriraja – October 1, 1974 - Mayapur)
Indian Man: Is this a government recognized college now?
Prabhupada: No. Government recognition means we have to abide by
the orders of government. We cannot teach Bhagavad-gita only or
(Interviews with Macmillan and various English Reporters -- September 12, 1973, London)
1. The subject matter of ISKCON and B.I. is different 1. The subject matter of ISKCON and B.I. is the
2. B.I. cannot directly preach 2. B.I. is the most important preaching arm
3. Degrees in mundane subjects 3. Degrees in Vaishnava Siddhanta
4. Speculative scientific research on matter 4. Scientific presentations of Krishna Consciousness
5. Compete with speculative scientists 5. Use scientists’ terminologies to convince them of KC
6. Convert B.I. into a mundane scientific institute 6. No compromise of Vedic Ideology for monetary
for monetary gain and government recognition gain or government recognition
7. My theory and promises for the future 7. Theories are not science – No post-dated checks
Rasaraja’s Personal View? Srila Prabhupada’s Expressed
Autocratic Vision?