Cashew Nut Growing Guide: Native To Brazil
Cashew Nut Growing Guide: Native To Brazil
Cashew Nut Growing Guide: Native To Brazil
Cashew Nut Growing Guide
Anacardium occidentale
Origin and Distribution
1. It is grown for its fruits as well as nuts. The kernel is obtained by shelling the
roasted nuts.
2. The shells yield oil which is used as medicine, preservative and water proofing
agent. The oil is also used in the manufacture of insulating varnishes and acid
proof cements, tiles and inks.
3. The raw cashew nut apple (Fig. 2) is edible and is a valuable source of sugar,
minerals and vitamins. Nutritive values of cashew apple and nut are very high.
Cashew nut apple is a very good source of Vitamin C. It contains 12.3%
carbohydrate and 10% phosphorus and calcium.
4. Cashew nut (kernel) contain protein (21.2%) and fat 46.9%) and carbohydrate
(22.3%). It also contains comparatively good amount of minerals, iron and
phosphorus. The wood and shells are used as fuel.
What climate do cashews grow in? native to Brazil
Rainfall Rainfall should be between 500mm to 1200mm per year. Dry weather is required for the cashew nut
plant to flower. A period of at least 4 to 5 months of dry weather after the rains is required for optimal yields.
Excessive humidity leads to emergence of many fungal diseases for the cashew nut plant.
Cashew nut prefers a deep (>2m) well-drained and light textured soil.
Cashew nut can be described as a sand-loving plant. The optimum
range of pH for this crop is between 4.5 and 6.5 and the minimum pH
is 3.8. Cashew nut is not tolerant to saline soils and does not grow well
in valleys, flood plains and swampy areas with poor drainage.
Cashew nut propagation
Cashew nut propagation
Cashew nuts are usually propagated through seed or grafted seedlings. In propagation by
direct seeding 3 seeds are planted in the planting hole and two months after germination
the weak seedlings are uprooted leaving the strong one to grow.
First step is visual selection of seeds to remove diseased or deformed seeds. The selected
seeds are taken through flotation test in water. Seeds that sink are planted in germination
Cashew nut
Air layering
Seedlings are ready for grafting when they attain more than two functional leaves and
the cotyledons are still attached to the young stem. Grafting is done 3-4 weeks after
transplanting into potting bags.
Scions for grafting are harvested from select mother plants. The following procedure
for grafting is recommended:
a. Cut and remove the actively growing part of the rootstock, leaving two
functional leaves
b. Vertically cut down the stock between the two leaves to a depth of 2.5 – 3.0cm
c. Make a wedge cut of the scion of a similar length of 2.5-3.0 cm and sharpen it
d. Insert the scion to the rootstock and tie them together
e. Cover the scion and the rootstock by wrapping with grafting tape
f. Wait for 2-3 weeks and unwrap the scion
Cashew nut propagation
Dig holes one or two months before planting. The depth should be 60cm x 60cm x 60 cm (2ft x 2ft x 2ft) . Mix the top
soil with two buckets of well decomposed farmyard manure and 150g (7.5 table spoonful) of DAP
Carefully remove potting bag without disturbing the roots and plant at the centre of the hole. Plant the cashew nut
seedling at the same soil level as that of the soil when the seedling was in the potting bag i.e. avoid burying the graft
union. Prepare a shallow basin and cover with mulch and water after planting
Intercrop with short duration perennials e.g. papaya or
food crops e.g. maize, cassava, cowpeas - Vegetables e.g.
tomatoes, melons, pumpkins, chilies, egg plants (brinjals)
- Ensure that the orchard is always free from all kinds of
Mature cashew nut tree
a height of 10-12m tall
Pollination requirements
b) c)
Powdery mildew (Oidium anacardii)
- Mildew (ash white covering) occurs on tender leaves, young shoots,
- Flowers are most susceptible
- Seriously attacked flowers die in a few days
- Can cause over 80% loss of yield
- - Fungus infects most at temperatures of 26-30o C and relative
humidity of 90- 100%
- - Common in cool and cloudy weather
Cultural control: Removal
and burning of infected plant
anthracnose a. Black spots on inflorescences, b. Abortion of
parts before the start of the
flowers, c. Black spot in nut.
cashew nut fruiting season -
Chemical control: Use of
copper-based fungicides
Die Back (Phomopsis anacardia)
Disease causes drying up of flower stalks and young
twigs of the current year
- Drying up accompanied by a change of colour from
green to brown, death of leaves and overhanging of
- - Gummy exudates oozes out of attacked parts
Thylacoptila paurosema
Meyrick, Hyalospila
leuconeurella Ragonet,
Nephopteryx sp. and Anarsia
epotias Meyrick (Lepidoptera)
Roasted Cashews in the Oven