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Unit-5: Memory Management

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Operating System (OS)

GTU # 3140702

• Concept of Memory
• Memory abstraction
• Logical and Physical address map
• Memory allocation
• Virtual Memory: Basics of Virtual Memory
• Paging
• Page Replacement Algorithms
• Segmentation
Concept of Memory
Section - 1
What is Memory?
🞂 Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing
information temporarily or permanently.
🞂 Types of memory
1. Random Access Memory (RAM), is a volatile memory that loses its
contents when the computer or hardware device loses power.

2. Read Only Memory (ROM), is a non-volatile memory, sometimes

abbreviated as NVRAM, is a memory that keeps its contents even if
the power is lost.

▪ Computer uses special ROM called BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
which permanently stores the software needed to access computer
hardware such as hard disk and then load an operating system into
RAM and start to execute it.
What is Memory?
🞂 Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing
information temporarily or permanently.
🞂 Types of memory
3. Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM), is a memory chip on
which you can store a program. But once the PROM has been used,
you cannot wipe it clean and use it to store something else. Like
ROMs, PROMs are non-volatile. E.g CD-R

4. Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM), is a special

type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light.

5. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM), is

a special type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to an
electrical charge. E.g Pendrive
What is Memory Hierarchy?
🞂 The hierarchical arrangement of storage in current computer architectures is called the
memory hierarchy.

• Faster
Register • Expensive
• Less Capacity

L1 Cache

L2 Cache

Main Memory

Local secondary storage • Slower

• Cheaper
Remote secondary storage • More Capacity
Memory abstraction
Section - 2
Memory abstraction
🞂 The hardware and OS memory manager makes you see the memory as a single contiguous
🞂 How do they do that?
⮩ Abstraction
🞂 Is abstraction necessary?
No memory abstraction
🞂 In this model the memory presented to the programmer was simply a single block of physical
⮩ having a set of addresses from 0 to some maximum
⮩ with each address corresponding to a cell containing some number of bits, commonly eight.
🞂 When program execute instruction like MOV REGISTER1, 1000
🞂 If at the same time another program execute same instruction then value of first program will
be overwrite. So only one process at a time can be running.
0xFFF… OS in ROM 0xFFF… Driver in ROM 0xFFF…

User Program
User Program
User Program

OS in RAM 0 0 OS in RAM 0

Even with no abstraction, we can have several setups!

No memory abstraction
🞂 What if we want to run multiple programs?
1. OS saves entire memory on disk
2. OS brings next program User Program Swapped out
3. OS runs next program Hard Disk
🞂 We can use swapping to run multiple programs Swapped in
concurrently. OS in RAM 0
🞂 The process of bringing in each process in its entirely
in to memory, running it for a while and then putting
it back on the disk is called swapping.
Ways to implement swapping system
🞂 Two different ways to implement swapping system
1. Multiprogramming with fixed partitions
2. Multiprogramming with dynamic partitions
Multiprogramming with fixed partitions
🞂 Here memory is divided into fixed sized partitions.
Partition 5
🞂 Size can be equal or unequal for different partitions.
🞂 Generally unequal partitions are used for better utilizations.
Partition 4
🞂 Each partition can accommodate exactly one process, means only single
process can be placed in one partition.
🞂 The partition boundaries are not movable.
Partition 3
🞂 Whenever any program needs to be loaded in memory, a free partition big
enough to hold the program is found. This partition will be allocated to that
program or process. Partition 2
🞂 If there is no free partition available of required size, then the process Partition 1
needs to wait. Such process will be put in a queue.
Multiprogramming with fixed partitions
🞂 There are two ways to maintain queue
1. Using Multiple Input Queues

Partition 5 Partition 5

Partition 4 Partition 4

Partition 3 Partition 3

Partition 2 Partition 2

Partition 1 Partition 1

Multiprogramming with dynamic partitions
🞂 Here, memory is shared among operating system and various
simultaneously running processes.
🞂 Initially, the entire available memory is treated as a single free partition.
🞂 Process is allocated exactly as much memory as it requires.
🞂 Whenever any process enters in a system, a chunk of free memory big
enough to fit the process is found and allocated. The remaining User
unoccupied space is treated as another free partition.
🞂 If enough free memory is not available to fit the process, process needs to
wait until required memory becomes available.
🞂 Whenever any process gets terminate, it releases the space occupied. If
the released free space is contiguous to another free partition, both the
free partitions are merged together in to single free partition. OS
🞂 Better utilization of memory than fixed sized size partition.
Multiprogramming with dynamic partitions




Memory compaction
🞂 When swapping creates multiple holes in memory, it is possible to combine them all in one big
hole by moving all the processes downward as far as possible. This techniques is known as
memory compaction.
🞂 It requires lot of CPU time.

Process - B
Process - B

Process - A Process - A

Multiprogramming without memory abstraction
0 32764
We can use static Using absolute CMP 16412

Program 2
relocation at program address is wrong 16408
load time here 16404
Program 1 Program 2 16392
JMP 28
0 16380 0 16380 0 16380
. . .
. . .
ADD 28 CMP 28 ADD 28

Program 1
MOV 24 24 MOV 24
20 20 20
16 16 16
JMP 24 8 8 8
JMP 28 JMP 24
4 4 4
0 0 0
Static relocation
When program was loaded at address 16384, the 0 32764
constant 16384 was added to every program .
address during the load process. .
• Slow CMP 16412

Program 2
• Required extra information from program
Program 1 Program 2 16392
JMP 16412
0 16380 0 16380 0 16380
. . .
. . .
ADD 28 CMP 28 ADD 28

Program 1
MOV 24 24 MOV 24
20 20 20
16 16 16
JMP 24 8 8 8
JMP 28 JMP 24 4
4 4
0 0 0
Logical and Physical address
Section - 3
Base and Limit register
🞂 An address space is set of addresses that a process can use to address 0 32764
memory. .
CMP 16412
🞂 An address space is a range of valid addresses in memory that are 16408
available for a program or process. 16404
🞂 Two registers: Base and Limit 16392
⮩ Base register: Start address of a program in physical memory. JMP 16412
⮩ Limit register: Length of the program. 16384
0 16380
🞂 For every memory access .
⮩ Base is added to the address .
ADD 28
⮩ Result compared to Limit MOV 24
🞂 Only OS can modify Base and Limit register. 20
JMP 24 4
Dynamic relocation
🞂 Dynamic relocation refers to address transformations being done during execution of a
🞂 Steps in dynamic relocation
1. Hardware adds relocation register (base) to virtual address to get a physical address
2. Hardware compares address with limit register; address must be less than or equal limit
3. If test fails, the processor takes an address trap and ignores the physical address.

Base Limit
Register Register

Logical Physical Yes

Address Address

Trap: Address error

Managing free memory
🞂 Two ways to keep track of memory usage (free memory)
1. Memory management with Bitmaps
2. Memory management with Linked List
Memory management with Bitmaps
A B C D E …….
0 8 16 24 32

11 111 00 0 🞂 With bitmap, memory is divided into allocation units.

11 111 11 1
🞂 Corresponding to each allocation unit there is a bit in a bitmap.
11 001 11 1
🞂 Bit is 0 if the unit is free and 1 if unit is occupied.
11 111 00 0
: 🞂 The size of allocation unit is an important design issue, the smaller the
: size, the larger the bitmap.
🞂 The main problem is that when it has been decided to bring a k unit
process, the memory manager must search the bitmap to find a run of k
consecutive 0 bits in the map.
🞂 Searching a bitmap for a run of a given length is a slow operation.
Memory management with Linked List
P 0 5 H 5 3 P 8 6 P 14 4

H 18 2 P 20 6 P 26 3 H 29 3 X

Hole Starts at 18 Length 2 Process

🞂 Another way to keep track of memory is to maintain a linked list of allocated and free memory
segments, where segment either contains a process or is an empty hole between two
🞂 Each entry in the list specifies a hole (H) or process (P), the address at which it starts the
length and a pointer to the next entry.
🞂 The segment list is kept sorted by address.
🞂 Sorting this way has the advantage that when a process terminates or is swapped out,
updating the list is straightforward.
🞂 A terminating process normally has two neighbors (except when it is at the very top or bottom
of memory).
Memory management with Linked List
P 0 5 H 5 3 P 8 6 P 14 4

H 18 2 P 20 6 P 26 3 H 29 3 X

Before P terminate After P terminate
A P B P is replaced by H A B

P is replaced by H
and two H are merged

P is replaced by H
and two H are merged

P is replaced by H
and three H are merged
Memory allocation
Section - 4
Memory allocation
🞂 Four memory allocation algorithms are as follow
1. First fit
2. Next fit
3. Best fit
4. Worst fit
First fit
🞂 Search starts from the starting location of the memory.
🞂 First available hole that is large enough to hold the process is selected for allocation.
🞂 The hole is then broken up into two pieces, one for process and another for unused memory.
🞂 Example: Processes of 212K, 417K, 112K and 426K arrives in order.
100k 500k 200k 300k 600k

100k 500k 288k 176k 200k 300k 600k 183k

212k 112k 417k

🞂 Here process of size 426k will not get any partition for allocation.
🞂 Fastest algorithm because it searches as little as possible.
🞂 Memory loss is higher, as very large hole may be selected for small process.
Next fit
🞂 It works in the same way as first fit, except that it keeps the track of where it is whenever it
finds a suitable hole.
🞂 The next time when it is called to find a hole, it starts searching the list from the place where
it left off last time.
🞂 Example: Processes of 212K, 417K, 112K and 426K arrives in order.
100k 500k 200k 300k 600k

100k 500k 288k 200k 300k 600k 183k 71k

212k 417k 112k

🞂 Here process of size 426k will not get any partition for allocation.
🞂 Search time is smaller.
🞂 Memory manager must have to keep track of last allotted hole to process.
🞂 It gives slightly worse performance than first fit.
Best fit
🞂 Entire memory is searched here.
🞂 The smallest hole, which is large enough to hold the process, is selected for allocation.
🞂 Example: Processes of 212K, 417K, 112K and 426K arrives in order.
100k 500k 200k 300k 600k

100k 500k 83k 200k 88k 300k 88k 600k 174k

417k 112k 212k 426k

🞂 Search time is high, as it searches entire memory every time.

🞂 Memory loss is less.
Worst fit
🞂 Entire memory is searched here also. The largest hole, which is largest enough to hold the
process, is selected for allocation.
🞂 Example: Processes of 212K, 417K, 112K and 426K arrives in order.
100k 500k 200k 300k 600k

100k 500k 83k 200k 300k 600k 388k276k

417k 212k 112k

🞂 Here process of size 426k will not get any partition for allocation.
🞂 Search time is high, as it searches entire memory every time.
🞂 This algorithm can be used only with dynamic partitioning.
Virtual Memory: Basics of Virtual
Section - 5
Virtual Memory
🞂 Memory is hardware that your computer uses to load the operating system and run programs.
🞂 Computer consists of one or more RAM chips that each have several memory modules.
🞂 The amount of real memory in a computer is limited to the amount of RAM installed. Common
memory sizes are 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB.
🞂 Because your computer has a finite amount of RAM, it is possible to run out of memory when
too many programs are running at one time.
🞂 This is where virtual memory comes into the picture.
🞂 Virtual memory increases the available memory of your computer by enlarging the "address
space," or places in memory where data can be stored.
🞂 It does this by using hard disk space for additional memory allocation.
🞂 However, since the hard drive is much slower than the RAM, data stored in virtual memory
must be mapped back to real memory in order to be used.
Virtual Memory
🞂 Each program has its own address space, which is broken up into
pages. RAM

🞂 Each page is a contiguous range of addresses. RAM

🞂 These pages are mapped onto the physical memory but, to run the Another
program, all pages are not required to be present in the physical HDD Process’
memory. s
🞂 The operating system keeps those parts of the program currently in
use in main memory, and the rest on the disk.
🞂 In a system using virtual memory, the physical memory is divided
into page frames and the virtual address space is divided in into
equally-sized partitions called pages. RAM
🞂 Virtual memory works fine in a multiprogramming system, with bits
and pieces of many programs in memory at once. Virtual
Address space HDD
Non-contiguous Memory Allocation
🞂 In this type of allocation, separate blocks of memory are allocated to a file/process.
🞂 It executes slowly in comparison to contiguous memory.
🞂 It is difficult to be controlled by the operating system.
🞂 More overhead since it needs to translate multiple addresses.
🞂 It includes paging.
🞂 It includes segmentation.
🞂 No memory is wasted.
🞂 External fragmentation occurs in this type of allocation.
🞂 The swapped-in processes can be arranged in any location in the memory.
Non-contiguous Memory Allocation
🞂 Paging and Segmentation are the two ways which allow a process’s physical address space to
be non-contiguous.
🞂 It has advantage of reducing memory wastage but it increases the overheads due to address
🞂 It slows the execution of the memory because time is consumed in address translation..
🞂 In non-contiguous allocation, Operating system needs to maintain the table which is called
Page Table for each process which contains the base address of the each block which is
acquired by the process in memory space.
🞂 In non-contiguous memory allocation, different parts of a process is allocated different places
in Main Memory. Spanning is allowed which is not possible in other techniques like Dynamic or
Static Contiguous memory allocation.
🞂 That’s why paging is needed to ensure effective memory allocation and to find optimal way to
load process in the partition.
🞂 Paging is done to remove External Fragmentation.
Section - 6
🞂 Paging is a storage mechanism used to retrieve processes from the secondary storage (Hard
disk) into the main memory (RAM) in the form of pages.
40K – 44K Page • The main idea behind the paging is to divide each process in the
11 form of pages. The main memory will also be divided in the
36K – 40K Virtual page
Page form of frames.
Virtual 32K – 36K
10 • One page of the process is to be stored in one of the frames of
28K – 32K Page 9 the memory.
24K – 28K Page 8
20K – 24K Page 7 Page frame Frame 20K – Memory
16K – 20K Page 6 6 24K Address
Frame 16K –
12K – 16K Page 5
5 20K
8K – 12K Page 4 Frame 12K –
4K – 8K Page 3 4 16K
0K – 4K Page 2 Frame 8K – 12K
4K – 8K
Page 1 Frame
0K – 4K
🞂 The pages can be stored at the different locations of the memory but the priority is always to
find the contiguous frames or holes.
🞂 Pages of the process are brought into the main memory only when they are required otherwise
they reside in the secondary storage.
🞂 The sizes of each frame must be equal. Considering the fact that the pages are mapped to the
frames in Paging, page size needs to be as same as frame size.
🞂 Different operating system defines different frame sizes.

Process 4 Frame 12 Process 3

Page 3 Frame 11 Page 3
Page 2 Frame 10 Page 2
Page 1 Frame 9 Page 1
Frame 8
Process 1 and process 4 are Frame 7
moved out from memory and
Frame 6
process 5 enters into memory.
Frame 5
Process 1 Frame 4 Process 2
Page 3 Frame 3 Page 3
Page 2 Frame 2 Page 2
Page 1 Frame 1 Page 1

Process 5 Frame 12 Process 3

Page 6 Frame 11 Page 3
Page 5 Frame 10 Page 2
Page 4 Frame 9 Page 1
Page 3 Frame 8
Page 2 Frame 7
Page 1 Frame 6
Frame 5
Frame 4 Process 2
We have 6 non contiguous Frame 3 Page 3
frames available in the memory Frame 2 Page 2
and paging provides the Frame 1 Page 1
flexibility of storing the process
at the different places.
• Size of Virtual Address Space is greater than that of main
memory, so instead of loading entire address space in to
40K – 44K memory to run the process, MMU copies only required
pages into main memory.
36K – 40K Virtual page
• In order to keep the track of pages and page frames, OS
Virtual 32K – 36K 5 maintains a data structure called page table.
28K – 32K
24K – 28K
20K – 24K 3 Page frame 5 20K – Memory
16K – 20K 4 4 24K Address
16K –
12K – 16K 0 3
8K – 12K 2 12K –
4K – 8K 1 1 16K
0K – 4K 2 0 8K – 12K
4K – 8K
0K – 4K
Logical Address vs Physical Address
🞂 Logical Address is generated by CPU while a program is running. The logical address is virtual
address as it does not exist physically therefore it is also known as Virtual Address.
🞂 Physical Address identifies a physical location of required data in a memory. The user never
directly deals with the physical address but can access by its corresponding logical address.
🞂 The hardware device called Memory-Management Unit is used for mapping (converting)
logical address to its corresponding physical address.
Conversion of virtual address to physical address
🞂 When virtual memory is used, the virtual address is presented to an MMU (Memory
Management Unit) that maps the virtual addresses onto the physical memory addresses.
🞂 We have a computer generated 16-bit addresses, from 0 up to 44K. These are the virtual
40K – 44K • With 44 KB of virtual address space , we get
36K – 40K Virtual page 11 virtual pages and with 24 KB of physical
Virtual 32K – 36K 5 memory, we get 6 page frames.
28K – 32K
24K – 28K
20K – 24K 3 Page frame 5 20K – Memory
16K – 20K 4 4 24K Address
16K –
12K – 16K 0 3
8K – 12K 2 12K –
4K – 8K 1 1 16K
0K – 4K 2 0 8K – 12K
4K – 8K
Conversion of virtual address to physical address
🞂 However, only 24KB of physical memory is available, so although 44KB programs can be
written, they cannot be loaded in to memory in their entirety and run.
🞂 A complete copy of a program’s core image, up to 44 KB, must be present on the disk.

40K – 44K
• Only required pages are loaded in the physical
36K – 40K Virtual page
Virtual 32K – 36K 5
• Transfers between RAM and disk are always in
28K – 32K
units of a page.
24K – 28K
20K – 24K 3 Page frame 5 20K – Memory
16K – 20K 4 4 24K Address
16K –
12K – 16K 0 3
8K – 12K 2 12K –
4K – 8K 1 1 16K
0K – 4K 2 0 8K – 12K
4K – 8K
Internal operation of the MMU
Outgoing physical address (24580)
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

15 000 0
14 000 0
13 000 0
12 000 0
11 111 1
10 000 0
9 101 1
12 bit offset
Page 8 000 0
7 000 0 copied directly from
6 000 0 input to output
Virtual page=2 5 011 1
is used as an 4 100 1
3 000 1
index into the
2 110 1 110
page table 1 001 1
0 010 1
Absent bit
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Incoming logical address (8196)

Internal operation of the MMU
🞂 The virtual address is split into a virtual page number (high order bits) and an offset (low-order
🞂 With a 16-bit address and a 4KB page size, the upper 4 bits could specify one of the 11 virtual
pages and the lower 12 bits would then specify the byte offset (0 to 4095) within the selected
🞂 The virtual page number is used as an index into the Page table.
🞂 If the present/absent bit is 0, it is page-fault; a trap to the operating system is caused to bring
required page into main memory.
🞂 If the present/absent bit is 1, required page is there with main memory and page frame
number found in the page table is copied to the higher order bit of the output register along
with the offset.
🞂 Together Page frame number and offset creates physical address.
🞂 Physical Address = Page frame Number + offset of virtual address.
Page table
🞂 Page table is a data structure which translates virtual address into equivalent physical
🞂 The virtual page number is used as an index into the Page table to find the entry for that virtual
page and from the Page table physical page frame number is found.
🞂 Thus the purpose of page table is to map virtual pages onto page frames.
🞂 The page table of the process is held in the kernel space.
Page table
Page frame number
Caching Disabled Referenced Modified Protection Present/ absent
🞂 Page frame Number: It gives the frame number in which the current page you are looking for is present.
🞂 Present/Absent bit: Present or absent bit says whether a particular page you are looking for is present or
absent. If it is not present, that is called Page Fault. It is set to 0 if the corresponding page is not in
memory. Sometimes this bit is also known as valid/invalid bits.
🞂 Protection bits: Protection bit says that what kind of protection you want on that page. In the simplest
form, 0 for read/write and 1 for read only.
🞂 Modified bit: Modified bit says whether the page has been modified or not. If the page in memory has
been modified, it must be written back to disk. This bit is also called as dirty bit as it reflects the page’s
🞂 Referenced bit: A references bit is set whenever a page is referenced, either for reading or writing. Its
value helps operating system in page replacement algorithm.
🞂 Cashing Disabled bit: This feature is important for pages that maps onto device registers rather than
memory. With this bit cashing can be turned off.
Definitions (Demand paging)
🞂 Demand paging: Demand paging is a technique used in virtual memory systems where the
pages are brought in the main memory only when required or demanded by the CPU.
• Suppose we have to execute a process P
having four pages as P0, P1, P2, and P3.
• We have page P1 and P3 in the page table.
• Now, if the CPU wants to access
page P2 of a process P
• search the page in the page table
• P2 is not available in page table so page
• OS bring P2 from HDD to RAM
• OS will update page table
• Process P will be executed.
Demand paging
🞂 Now, if the CPU wants to access page P2 of a process P, first it will search the page in the page
🞂 As the page table does not contain this page so it will be a trap or page fault. As soon as the
trap is generated and context switching happens and the control goes to the operating system.
🞂 The OS system will put the process in a waiting/ blocked state. The OS system will now search
that page in the backing store or secondary memory.
🞂 The OS will then read the page from the backing store and load it to the main memory.
🞂 Next, the OS system will update the page table entry accordingly.
🞂 Finally, the control is taken back from the OS and the execution of the process is resumed.
🞂 Hence whenever a page fault occurs these steps are followed by the operating system and the
required page is brought into memory.
🞂 Pre-paging: Many paging systems try to keep track of each process‘s working set and make
sure that it is in memory before letting the process run. Loading pages before allowing
processes to run is called pre-paging.
🞂 Working Set: The set of pages that a process is currently using is known as working set.
🞂 Thrashing: Thrashing is a condition or a situation when the system is spending a major portion
of its time in servicing the page faults, but the actual processing done is very negligible.
Issues in Paging
🞂 In any paging system, two major issues must be faced:
1. The mapping from virtual address to physical address must be fast.
2. If the virtual address space is large, the page table will be large.
Mapping from virtual address to physical address must be fast

Logical Address
Physical Address
P D F3 D


Performance is
reduced by half
For every instruction
Memory reference Memory
occur two time
Use a hardware
Page Table
TLB (Translation
Lookaside Buffer) Pag Fram
e e
P1 F2
P2 F3
P3 F1
Mapping from virtual address to physical address must be fast

Logical Address
Physical Address
P D F3
F1 D

P3 P2
Pag Fram
CPU e e
P1 F2 Memory
P2 F3

Page Table
Pag Fram
e e Data Structure
P1 F2 Inside kernel
P2 F3
P3 F1
Mapping from virtual address to physical address using TLB
🞂 Steps in TLB hit:
⮩ CPU generates virtual address.
⮩ It is checked in TLB (present).
⮩ Corresponding frame number is retrieved, which now tells where in the main memory page lies.

🞂 Steps in Page miss:

⮩ CPU generates virtual address.
⮩ It is checked in TLB (not present).
⮩ Now the page number is matched to page table residing in main memory.
⮩ Corresponding frame number is retrieved, which now tells where in the main memory page lies.
⮩ The TLB is updated with new Page Table Entry (if space is not there, one of the replacement technique comes
into picture i.e either FIFO, LRU or MFU etc).
Virtual address space is large, the page table will be large
🞂 Two different ways to deal with large page table problems:
1. Multilevel Page Table
2. Inverted Page Table
Multilevel Page Table

Logical Address
PT1 PT2 Offset Physical Address
F202 D
10 bit 10 bit 12 bits
2 P2
Pag Fram
e e
Page Pointe P1 F101
r P2 F102
1 Memory
Pag Fram
2 e e
3 P1 F201
P2 F202
Pag Fram
e e
P1 F301
P2 F302
Inverted Page Table

Current process ID - 245

Page No Offset Process IDs do not match.
2 So follow chaining pointer
Frame Page No Process ID Pointe
Hash No r
1 2 211
4 2 245
6 Process IDs match.
Frame No Offset So frame no added to
4 Physical Address physical address.
Inverted Page Table
🞂 Each entry in the page table contains the following fields.
⮩ Page number – It specifies the page number range of the logical address.
⮩ Process id – An inverted page table contains the address space information of all the processes in
▪ Since two different processes can have similar set of virtual addresses, it becomes necessary in Inverted Page Table
to store a processID of each process to identify it’s address space uniquely.
▪ This is done by using the combination of PID and Page Number. So this Process Id acts as an address space identifier
and ensures that a virtual page for a particular process is mapped correctly to the corresponding physical frame.
⮩ Control bits – These bits are used to store extra paging-related information. These include the valid bit, dirty
bit, reference bits, protection and locking information bits.
⮩ Chained pointer – It may be possible sometime that two or more processes share a part of main memory.
▪ In this case, two or more logical pages map to same Page Table Entry then a chaining pointer is used to map the
details of these logical pages to the root page table.
Page Replacement Algorithms
Section - 7
Page replacement algorithms
🞂 Following are different types of page replacement algorithms
1. Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm
2. FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm
3. The Second Chance Page Replacement Algorithm
4. The Clock Page Replacement Algorithm
5. LRU (Least Recently Used) Page Replacement Algorithm
6. NRU (Not Recently Used)
Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 The moment a page fault occurs, some set of pages will be in the memory.
🞂 One of these pages will be referenced on the very next instruction.
🞂 Other pages may not be referenced until 10, 100, or perhaps 1000 instructions later.
🞂 Each page can be labeled with the number of instructions that will be executed before that
page is first referenced.
🞂 The optimal page algorithm simply says that the page with the highest label should be
🞂 The only problem with this algorithm is that it is unrealizable.
🞂 At the time of the page fault, the operating system has no way of knowing when each of the
pages will be referenced next.
Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 Page Reference String:
⮩ 7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 7, 0, 1
⮩ Three frames

Page 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 0 2 0 1 7 0 1
Frame – 1 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Frame – 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Frame – 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7
Page Faults F F F F F F F F F
FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 The first in first out page replacement algorithm is the simplest page replacement algorithm.
🞂 The operating system maintains a list of all pages currently in memory, with the most recently
arrived page at the tail and least recent at the head.
🞂 On a page fault, the page at head is removed and the new page is added to the tail.
🞂 When a page replacement is required the oldest page in memory needs to be replaced.
🞂 The performance of the FIFO algorithm is not always good because it may happen that the
page which is the oldest is frequently referred by OS.
🞂 Hence removing the oldest page may create page fault again.
FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 Page Reference String:
⮩ 7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 7, 0, 1
⮩ Three frames

Page 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 7 0 1
Frame – 1 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7
Frame – 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Frame – 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1
Page Faults F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
Second Chance Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 It is modified form of the FIFO page replacement algorithm.
🞂 It looks at the front of the queue as FIFO does, but instead of immediately paging out that page,
it checks to see if its referenced bit is set.
⮩ If it is not set (zero), the page is swapped out.
⮩ Otherwise, the referenced bit is cleared, the page is inserted at the back of the queue (as if it were a new
page) and this process is repeated.

Page loaded 1 0 1 0 1 Most recently

first loaded page

0 1 0 1 0
Remove B C D E A Add at end

1 0 1 0 1
Second Chance Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 If all the pages have their referenced bit set, on the second encounter of the first page in the
list, that page will be swapped out, as it now has its referenced bit cleared.
🞂 If all the pages have their reference bit cleared, then second chance algorithm degenerates into
pure FIFO.

1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1
Clock Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 In second chance algorithm pages are constantly
moving around on its list. So it is not working 1
efficiently. A
🞂 A better approach is to keep all the page frames on a 1 10
circular list in the form of a clock. F G

🞂 When a page fault occurs, the page being pointed to by

the hand is inspected. A hand points to
1 01
⮩ If its R bit is 0, the page is evicted, the new page is inserted the oldest page.
into the clock in its place, and the hand is advanced one E C H
position. 10
⮩ If R is 1, it is cleared and the hand is advanced to the next H
LRU (Least Recently Used) Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 A good approximation to the optimal algorithm is based on the observation that pages that
have been heavily used in last few instructions will probably be heavily used again in next few
🞂 When page fault occurs, throw out the page that has been used for the longest time. This
strategy is called LRU (Least Recently Used) paging.
🞂 To fully implement LRU, it is necessary to maintain a linked list of all pages in memory, with the
most recently used page at the front and the least recently used page at the rear.
🞂 The list must be updated on every memory reference.
🞂 Finding a page in the list, deleting it, and then moving it to the front is a very time consuming
LRU (Least Recently Used) Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 Page Reference String:
⮩ 7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 7, 0, 1
⮩ Three frames

Page 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 7 0 1
Frame – 1 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Frame – 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
Frame – 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7
Page Faults F F F F F F F F F F F F
NRU (Not Recently Used) Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 NRU makes approximation to replace the page based on R (referenced) and M (modified) bits.
🞂 When a process is started up, both page bits for all pages are set to 0 by operating system.
🞂 Periodically, the R bit is cleared, to distinguish pages that have not been referenced recently
from those that have been.
🞂 When page fault occurs, the operating system inspects all the pages and divide them into 4
categories based on current values of their R and M bits
⮩ Case 0 : not referenced, not modified
⮩ Case 1 : not referenced, modified
⮩ Case 2 : referenced, not modified
⮩ Case 3 : referenced, modified
🞂 The NRU (Not Recently Used) algorithm removes a page at random from the lowest numbered
nonempty class.
NRU (Not Recently Used) Page Replacement Algorithm
🞂 For example if,
⮩ Page-0 is of class-2 (referenced, not modified)
⮩ Page-1 is of class-1 (not referenced, modified)
⮩ Page-2 is of class-0 (not referenced, not modified)
⮩ Page-3 is of class-3 (referenced, modified)
🞂 So lowest class page-2 needs to be replaced by NRU.
Belady’s Anomaly (in FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm)
🞂 Page Reference String: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Page Faults of 4 Frame > Page Faults of 3 Frame

Page 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5
Frame – 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
Frame – 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3

Frame – 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 4
Page Faults F F F F F F F F F
Page 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5
Frame – 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 4 4
Four Frames

Frame – 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 5
Frame – 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
Frame – 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
Page Faults F F F F F F F F F F
Belady’s Anomaly (in FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm)
🞂 Belady’s anomaly is the phenomenon in which increasing the number of page frames results in
an increase in the number of page faults for certain memory access patterns.
🞂 This phenomenon is commonly experienced when using the First-In First-Out (FIFO) page
replacement algorithm.
🞂 In FIFO, the page fault may or may not increase as the page frames increase, but in Optimal and
stack-based algorithms like LRU, as the page frames increase the page fault decreases.
🞂 A computer has four page frames. The time of loading, Pag Loaded Last used R M
time of last access and the R and M bit for each page e
given below. Which page FIFO, LRU and NRU will replace. 0 126 280 1 0
1 230 265 0 1
🞂 FIFO:- Page which is arrived first needs to be removed
first, so page-3 needs to replace. 2 140 270 0 0
3 110 285 1 1
🞂 LRU:- When page fault occurs, throw out the page that has been used for the longest time.
🞂 Page-1 is not used for the long time from all four, so LRU suggest replacing page-1.

🞂 NRU:-
⮩ Page-0 is of class-2 (referenced, not modified)
⮩ Page-1 is of class-1 (not referenced, modified)
⮩ Page-2 is of class-0 ( not referenced, not modified)
⮩ Page-3 is of class-3 (referenced, modified)
⮩ So lowest class page-2 needs to be replaced by NRU
Section - 8
Process P Segment Map Table
🞂 Segmentation is a memory management Physical
Sr Size Memor
technique in which each job is divided Segment 1 y Memory
into several segments of different sizes, Addres
one for each module that contains s
pieces that perform related functions. 1 300 100
🞂 Each segment is actually a different 2 500 400
logical address space of the program. Segment 2 3 100 900
🞂 When a process is to be executed, its 500
corresponding segmentation are loaded 600
into non-contiguous memory though 700
every segment is loaded into a Segment 3
contiguous block of available memory.
🞂 Segmentation memory management Segment N 1000
works very similar to paging but here 1100
segments are of variable-length where
as in paging pages are of fixed size.
Process P Segment Map Table
🞂 A program segment contains the Physical
Sr Size Memor
program's main function, utility Segment 1 y Memory
functions, data structures, and so on. Addres
🞂 The operating system maintains a 100
1 300 100
segment map table for every process. 200
2 500 400
🞂 Segment map table contains list of free Segment 2 3 100 900
memory blocks along with segment 400
numbers, their size and corresponding 500
memory locations in main memory. 600
🞂 For each segment, the table stores the 700
Segment 3
starting address of the segment and the 800
length of the segment. 900
🞂 A reference to a memory location Segment N 1000
includes a value that identifies a 1100
segment and an offset.
Paging VS Segmentation
Paging Segmentation
Paging was invented to get large address Segmentation was invented to allow programs
space without having to buy more physical and data to be broken up into logically
memory. independent address space and to add sharing
and protection.
The programmer does not aware that paging is The programmer is aware that segmentation is
used. used.
Procedure and data cannot be distinguished Procedure and data can be distinguished and
and protected separately. protected separately.
Change in data or procedure requires compiling Change in data or procedure requires compiling
entire program. only affected segment not entire program.
Sharing of different procedures not available. Sharing of different procedures available.
1. Explain multiprogramming with fixed partition.
2. Explain link list method for dynamic memory management.
3. How free space can be managed by OS.
4. Explain Swapping and Fragmentation in detail.
5. What is Paging? Explain paging mechanism in MMU with example.
6. Explain TLB and Virtual Memory.
7. Discuss demand paging.
8. Define following Terms: Thrashing
9. List different Page Replacement Algorithms? Discuss it in terms of page faults.
10. What is Belady’s anomaly? Explain with suitable example.
11. Consider (70120304230321201701) page reference string: How many page fault would occur
for following page replacement algorithm. Consider 3 frames and 4 frames.
1. FIFO 2. LRU 3. Optimal
12. Given six Partition of 300KB, 600KB, 350KB, 200KB, 750KB and 125KB(in order), how would
the first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit algorithms places processes of size 115 KB, 500KB, 358KB,
200KB and 375KB(in order)? Which algorithm is efficient for the use of memory?
13. Calculate the page fault rates for below reference string in case of FIFO and Optimal page
replacement algorithm. Assume the memory size is 4 page frames and all frames are initially
empty. 0,2,1,6,4,0,1,0,3,1,2,1
14. Consider the following reference string. Calculate the page fault rates for FIFO and OPTIMAL
page replacement algorithm. Assume the memory size is 4 page frame.
15. Consider the page reference string: 1,2,3,4,5,3,4,1,6,7,8,7,8,9,7,8,9,5,4,5,4,2 With four Frames
How many page faults would occur for the FIFO, Optimal page replacement algorithms? which
algorithm is efficient? (assume all frames are initially empty)

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