Stanley Yelnats: The Main Character of (Holes)
Stanley Yelnats: The Main Character of (Holes)
Stanley Yelnats: The Main Character of (Holes)
The Warden
friends Zero
Person that affects Stanley
• Mr Pendenski
Stanley thought that he was the nicest person
in Camp Green Lake. In reality, Mr Pendenski
was not a good character. He cheated Stanley
and told Stanley that “Digging can build charac
ter” instead of finding treasure. Finally S realiz
es the true meaning. Character building is thro
ugh learning, not digging.
Person that affects Stanley
• The Warden:
the person that Stanley is afraid of. Stanley fe
ars her because she scratched Mr Sir’s face wit
h her venom nails. She has a bottle of poison o
f rattle snake venom. Also, Stanley is afraid of
her because he realizes that she is a felonious
S learns to be more cautious in his behaviour.
Person that affect Stanley
• Zero
The only friend that Stanley has. Zero made Sta
nley knew what friendship is. When Zero left th
e camp after 4 days, Stanley even left the camp t
o try to find him even though it was dangerous.
Zero made Stanley understand the real meaning
of life because S realized that even after digging
S’s hole he had energy to learn and that gives hi
m incentive to become a better person.
Person that affects Stanley
• Stanley’s father
Stanley’s father is an inventor. Stanley thinks t
hat it is destiny that the smelly shoes falls on h
im and he can take them to his father for his
foot odour research.
S’s father is persevering and in the end when S
and Z are in the desert, the two boys also pers
evere in trying to survive.
Changes in Stanley
Simple: later, street smart (bribes X-ray)
Honest: later lies to his Mom (doesn’t want her to w
orry about him)
Selfish : later cares for his friend Zero (looks for him
in the desert,
finds out the real meaning of friendship
Gives S half of his treasure.
Physical change: fat, becomes stronger and lost weig
Changes in Stanley
Other changes
After a short while in Camp Green Lake, his hands hardened: al
so his heart (that is why initially he refused to teach Zero.)
Becomes mature: moved by Z who can dig S’s hole and
yet has energy to learn.
Caring: learns about fraternity (brotherhood) while going thro
ugh their ordeal in the desert.
Resilient: at first he can’t tolerate the hardship of digging at CG
L but in the desert, he is more resilient and tough
Becomes unselfish: shares half his “treasure” with Zero