ABR Short
ABR Short
ABR Short
ABR Generators
ABR Recording
• 4 stages:
Identifying the purpose of performing ABR
Skin preparation/electrode application
Setting up the test parameters and
The measurement starts and the test
parameters are manipulated to obtain the
required ABR waveforms
A typical electrode placement for ABR recording
ABR Interpretation…
• ABR waveform is interpreted in terms of:
Morphology (shape or pattern)
Amplitudes (less important)
• Latencies:
Absolute latency (e.g. wave I)
Interpeak latency (e.g. wave I – V)
Interaural latency difference (between ears)
• Intensity levels are often expressed in dBnHL
ABR Interpretation…
ABR Interpretation
ABR Interpretation…
• For instance, at 80 dBnHL, the normal
absolute latencies are around:
Wave I: 1.5 ms
Wave II: 2.8 ms
Wave III:3.5 ms
Wave IV: 4.2 ms
Wave V: 5.5 ms
• Wave V is the most robust component of ABR
and used in hearing threshold estimation
Factors Influencing ABR Results
• Factors that can affect ABR results:
Subject issues (age, gender, condition,
state of arousal and body temperature)
Sedatives/anesthetic agents
Examiner’s competency
Stimulus parameters
Acquisition parameters
Clinical Applications of ABR
• For objective hearing threshold estimation
in “special” patients (e.g. infants, difficult-
to-test children, non-organic hearing loss
cases etc.)
• For differential diagnosis (e.g. cochlear vs.
retrocochlear pathology)
• Newborn hearing screening (i.e. AABR)
• For intra-operative monitoring
• For medico-legal reasons
ABR in Threshold Estimation…
• Click stimulus produces the most robust
ABR and agrees well with PTA (by 5-10
dB) at 2000 – 4000 Hz region
• That is, although it is a broadband
stimulus, when produced by most
headphones and earphones, it has the
greatest energy around 3000 Hz
• Therefore, only “1 point audiogram”
ABR in Threshold Estimation…
• Spectral energy of
clicks by TDH-39
headphone and ER-3A
earphone (note the
peak around 3 kHz)
ABR in Threshold Estimation…
• ABR obtained
with a click
stimulus at
different intensity
levels for a
normal subject
• Note the
threshold is at 16
ABR in Threshold Estimation…
• Tone bursts are the better option but they give
less neural synchrony (smaller response)
• As a result, big discrepancies are found
between ABR threshold and PTA (ABR > PTA
by up to 20-25 dB), especially for lower
• At higher frequencies (e.g. 2 and 4 kHz), ABR
agrees well with PTA (within 5-10 dB)
• Some clinics apply “correction factors” to
account for the disagreements
ABR in Type of Loss Estimation
• Each equipment should have its own
normative data
• Estimation of type of loss can be done by:
By plotting latency-intensity function
Performing bone conduction ABR
Inspecting ABR waveforms at one specific
intensity level (e.g. 80 dBnHL)
ABR in Type of Loss Estimation…
• Interpeak latency
for tumor
ABR in Type of Loss Estimation…
• “Between ears” comparison (at 80 dBnHL):
Comparing wave V absolute latency
between tumor ear and non-tumor ear
(positive if >0.2 ms)
Comparing interpeak latency (I-V or I-III)
between tumor ear and non-tumor ear
(positive if >0.2 ms)
These methods work well if the non-tumor
ear is normal
ABR in Type of Loss Estimation…