Humid: Hydrologic Unit Model For India Web Enabled Hydrologic Modelling System in Swat
Humid: Hydrologic Unit Model For India Web Enabled Hydrologic Modelling System in Swat
Humid: Hydrologic Unit Model For India Web Enabled Hydrologic Modelling System in Swat
Hydrologic Unit Model for InDia (HUMID) is a web-based interactive water quantity modeling system that employs
as its core modeling engine the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), an internationally-recognized public
domain model. HUMID provides users with interactive web interfaces and maps; pre-loaded input data; outputs
that include tables, charts, and raw output data; tools for analysis of model simulated outputs for decision making,
online development, execution, and storage of a user's modeling projects. The HUMID will be using the SWAT
version 670 as the core hydrologic model.
• Runoff
• Evapotranspiration
• Soil water content
• Percolation
• Base Flow
HUMID users can select from three scales such as sub-
basin, watershed, and micro-watershed scale to run
simulations. It also includes the gridded model scale at 5
km resolution. HUMID allows for further aggregation
and scalability of daily, monthly, and annual estimates of
water balance across the entire India. HUMID provides
tools for analysis of model derived results for derivation
of spatial products for applications like water harvesting
structures, irrigation planning and water availability
The World Bank supports and provides project management and funding for HUMID under the National Hydrology Project (NHP). National
Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad (NRSC - ISRO) and Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) have jointly developed the system
design, modeling, and software development with technical guidance from experts of Texas A&M University
This project is executed under the National Hydrology Project (NHP) sponsored by World Bank
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