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Effect of Power Optimizations on Soft Errors

With advances in technology scaling, CMOS circuits are increasingly more sensitive to transient pulses caused by single event (SE) particles. The reduced nodal capacitances, supply voltages and transistor drive currents coupled with more dense chips are increasing soft error rates and making them an important design issue.

Another important issue a circuit designer faces today is the increasing power consumption. As technology scaling continues, the leakage or static power consumption of a circuit increases.

In order to reduce power consumption in chips, one common approach has been the scaling of the power supply voltage. This should be accompanied by threshold voltage reduction in order to keep circuit speed and high current drive to avoid performance penalties.
However, the threshold voltage reduction results in great amount of increase on the sub-threshold leakage subcurrent

Subthreshold leakage is the current that flows between the source and drain of a MOSFET when the transistor is in subthreshold region, or weak-inversion region ( for gate-tosource voltages below the threshold voltage)

The transistor in this region is not completely turned OFF. OFF Instead, a small current still flows between the source and drain terminals.


Dynamic power dissipation resulting from continuous switching of transistors and charging and discharging of capacitances, previously contributed the most to the total chips power dissipation in CMOS digital circuits thus most efforts were devoted towards reducing it.

Dynamic power dissipation

Load cap. Consists of diffusion capacitance of the drains of the inverter transistors, the total interconnect capacitance, and the input gate oxide capacitance of the driven gates that are connected to the inverter's output.

The average dynamic power dissipation of the inverter can be calculated from the energy required to charge up the output node to VDD and discharge the total output load capacitance to ground (GND). The generalized expression for the switching power dissipation of a CMOS logic gate can be written Pavg =

Cload VDD 2 fCLK;

is the switching activity factor of the gate

But as technology advances into the sub-100nm regime, leakage power dissipation, which is a static power, increases at a much faster rate than dynamic power and it is expected to dominate the chips total power dissipation.

we started to see these effects with DSM technology

But as technology advances into the sub-100 nm regime, leakage power dissipation increases in a much faster rate than dynamic power.

Leakage power is static power dissipation and can be described as the power that is dissipated through transistors without producing any useful outcome. For example, even if the gate voltage of a transistor is lower than the threshold voltage required to turn it ON, the transistor is not completely off and a small current still flows causing what is known as sub-threshold leakage current.

Total power dissipation then can be written as:

The second term corresponds to the static power dissipation where Ileak corresponds to the total static leakage current.

The active and leakage power trends for process technologies

Since leakage power dissipation is approaching 40% of todays high performance microprocessors total power dissipation, new techniques and new technology innovations are urgently needed to reduce leakage current components.

The continuous scaling down of technology minimum feature size increases the Short Channel Effects.

A MOSFET device is considered to be short when the channel length is the same order of magnitude as the depletion-layer widths (xdD, xdS) of the source and drain junction.

In short channel devices source and drain depletion regions penetrate significantly into the channel and control the potential and the field inside the channel. This is known as the short channel effect Due to the short channel effect, Vth reduces with reduction in channel length (Vth roll off), and with an increase in the drain bias (Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL))

If the drain voltage is increased, the potential barrier in the channel decreases, leading to drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL). The reduction of the potential barrier eventually allows electron flow between the source and the drain, even if the gate-to-source voltage is lower than the threshold voltage. . The channel current that flows under this conditions (VGS<VT) is called the sub-threshold current subcurrent.

To effectively control channel, reducing gate oxide thickness tox helps in controlling Short Channel Effects, but the reduction in tox results also in higher gate leakage current.

Large leakage power can lead to dramatic effects that may cause circuits to fail to function properly. Large leakage currents will: Degrade noise immunity in dynamic circuits which may lead to circuit failure. Increase the standby power dissipation to unacceptable levels. Lead to excessive heating which may make components susceptible to failure and, as stated above, will consequently require complicated cooling and packaging techniques. Even they affect IDDQ testing

Leakage current is also an important factor in setting total supply current (IDDQ) value, which is used as a pass/fail threshold for testing chips. IDDQ value is now determined by the sum of leakage currents of those transistors that can leak. Setting this value too high would cause some defective chips to be considered non-defective; similarly if this value is set too low, functional chips may be considered defective.

Effect of Channel Length In short channel transistors, the drain and source depletion regions are in a near proximity of each other. They enter more into the channel length and as a result part of the channel gets depleted. Consequently, less gate voltage is needed to turn the transistor on. This means that the threshold voltage is lower for the short channel transistor and sub-threshold current is higher.

Equation shows the various parameters that affect the threshold voltage of a transistor such as doping densities, source to substrate bias, and some other process parameters:

Vth0 is the zero-bias threshold voltage and depends on the manufacturing process, is the body effect coefficient (typically equals to 0.4 V0.5) and it depends on the gate oxide capacitance, silicon permittivity, doping.

F is the surface potential at threshold (typically | 2 F | equals 0.6 V); VSB is the source-to-body voltage; VDS and the term represents the effect of Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) is the DIBL coefficient and it is in the range of 0.020.1

Body bias:
Increasing the source-to-body biasing results in increasing the transistors threshold voltage as indicated by equation below and this effect is known as the Body Bias effect

Vth = Vth0 +

|2 F| + VSB |2 F | VDS

and hence it reduces the sub-threshold leakage current.

The increasing use of portable devices and higher demand on battery life has made power consumption even more important in todays CMOS designs. Subsequently, there have been several efforts spanning from the circuit level to the architectural level at reducing the consumed energy.

Circuit mechanisms include adaptive substrate biasing, dynamic supply scaling, dynamic frequency scaling, and supply gating.

[1] L. Wei, K. Roy, and V. K. De. Low voltage low power CMOS design techniques for deep submicron ICs. In VLSI Design, 2000. Thirteenth International Conference on, pages 24-29, 2000. [2] K. Roy, S. Mukhopadhyay, and H. Mahmoodi-Meimand, Leakage current mechanisms and leakage reduction techniques in deep-submicrometer CMOS circuits, Proceedings of the IEEE, 91(2):305-327, 2003.

Circuit Level Leakage Reduction Techniques

Leakage reduction circuit techniques can be put into four categories : A. Transistor stacking Techniques B. Multi-Vth Techniques C. Input Vector Control Techniques D. Body Biasing Techniques

A.Transistor Stacking Techniques All these techniques are based on the fact that when there are two or more stacked transistors which are switched OFF, we will have approximately an order of magnitude lower subthreshold leakage. Transistor stacking has a dual effect in reducing the sub-threshold leakage current, it increases the source bias of upper transistors in the stack and also lowers the gate-to source voltages of these transistors,

A. Transistor Stacking Techniques Serious connected off Transistors (Transistor Stacking) can reduce leakage current greatly Reducing leakage through the use of transistor stacks depends on the choice of input pattern during standby periods since it determines the number of OFF transistors in the stack.

Leakage currents dependencies on circuit state can be exploited and used to determine a low leakage state by searching the minimum leakage input vector, which is fed into the circuit during sleep mode After this input vector is found, the circuit is evaluated and additional leakage control transistors are inserted in the non-critical paths where only one transistor is originally turned OFF.

B. Multi-Vth Techniques This is one of the most common approaches to reduce leakage currents where two different types of transistors are fabricated on the chip, a high-Vth to lower subthreshold leakage current and a low-Vth to enhance circuit performance by increasing its speed. Obtaining two different sets of transistors each with either a low or a high is usually done by changing the channel doping profile, having two different oxide thicknesses, or by changing channel lengths

It is designed using an NMOS and a PMOS transistor that have different threshold voltages than the CMOS logic circuit. The CMOS logic circuit is designed with low thresholds as usual to ensure speed and performance.

The separate NMOS and PMOS transistors will have a high threshold voltage and will not suffer significant leakage currents. These will be used to isolate the CMOS logic circuit by being placed in series with the CMOS structure and in essence will isolate the logic circuit in stand-by mode and prevent any significant leakage power. the stand-by transistor design standcreates a virtual power supply and/or virtual ground.

There are two families of the MTCMOS technique, the first family uses a high-Vth device to supply voltages TO a low-Vth logic block thus creating a virtual power rail instead of directly connecting the block to the main power rail as shown.

The voltage continues scaling down with every highgeneration, employing a high-Vth would not be practical with supply voltages equal or lower than 0.7 V. Other techniques such as Super Cutoff CMOS (SCCMOS) provide a solution to this potential problem. SCCMOS technique is another multi-Vth circuit technique used to reduce leakage currents. In this technique, instead of using a high-Vth transistor to provide the supply voltage, a low-Vth PMOS switch is used whose gate is overdriven to VDD + 0.4 V through the use of a MOS charge pump (to fully cut-off leakage)

The Super Cutoff CMOS (SCCMOS) technique


C. Input Vector Control Techniques The basic idea behind input vector control techniques for leakage reduction is to force the circuits combinational logic into a low-leakage state during standby periods. This low-leakage state forces the largest number possible of transistors to be turned OFF so as to reduce leakage and make use of multiple OFF transistors in stacks. Leakage current can be reduced to 10 times lower if input vector control is used

An alternative approach is to exploit transistor stacks already embedded in the logic, by preferring to put each gate in a low leakage state, for example, by inputting all 0s for a NAND gate. Controlling each gate directly is too expensive in terms of area and power, so typically one wants to find an input vector (to a combinational circuit) that minimizes total leakage current.

C. Input Vector Control Techniques contd. There are three main methods for selecting the required input vector: (1) Analyzing the circuit and looking for a good input vector; (2) Employing an algorithm that searches for the best input vector; (3) Simulating the circuit with a large number of input test patterns and selecting the one that results in the lowest leakage power among these test patterns.

D. Body Biasing Techniques

A) Variable Threshold CMOS (VTCMOS)

To overcome subthreshold leakage, the threshold voltage can be adjusted. This is accomplished by changing the substrate-bias voltage as noticed in Equation

In Variable Threshold CMOS (VTMOS) technique, deep reverse body bias is applied during standby, a higher than VDD bias for PMOS transistors transistors, and lower than GND bias for NMOS transistors to further increase the threshold voltage and further push the transistors in the OFF region to achieve lower subthreshold leakage currents;

Body bias applied in the reverse bias regime, where threshold voltage increases as body-to-source reverse bias is made larger to reduce leakage.

3V 1V


3V For controlling substrate voltage, triple well technology or SOI needed


B) Dynamic Threshold MOS (DTMOS)

As mentioned earlier, whenever VDD is scaled to reduce power consumption, it should be followed by threshold voltage reduction in order to keep circuit speed and high current drive to avoid performance penalties.
However, the threshold voltage reduction results in great amount of increase on the sub-threshold leakage current

. One solution to this problem is a dynamic threshold

(DTMOS) operation which applies an active body-bias to MOSFETs Technique applies a low threshold voltage during the logic transition and high threshold voltage during the offstate, the dynamic threshold circuit operates at high speed with low power. Dynamic threshold technique however can only be used for low voltage (0.6 V and below) VLSI circuits.

In a Standard DTMOS logic gate, all transistors gates are tied to their substrates

In comparison to VTCMOS, DTMOS operates in the exact opposite regime.

Namely, the body-source junction is forward biased (at less than 0.6 V), forcing the threshold voltage to drop.

VSB=0-0.6= -0.6 V
0.6 V Logic High


NMOS threshold reduces while it is switching which makes it faster

0V Logic LOW

High threshold (normal threshold applied to OFF NMOS)


0.6 V Logic High

threshold reduces via body to source voltage.


The high speed operation is provided by forward bias to switching transistors, while low leakage is obtained by applying zero bias to other transistors PMOS gets 0 bias having low leakage while NMOS gets a forward bias speeding up

During switching, the body-source junction is forward biased (at less than 0.6 V), forcing the threshold voltage to drop.

All of these power optimizations AFFECT the susceptibility of the circuits to soft errors. As circuit designers try to address the excessive power consumption problem, they need to be aware of the impact of the power optimizations on circuit SE robustness. This sort of analysis is important because it helps us in making clever design choices that reduce static power consumption and improve soft error reliability of the newer designs.

There has been some work to examine the effect of power optimizations on the soft errors. Degalahal et al. have analyzed the effect of increasing threshold voltage (widely used for reducing static power consumption) on circuit soft error rate (SER) and found that increasing threshold voltages cause devices to slow down which in turn increase CL circuit susceptibility to Single Event transients.
V. Degalahal, R. Ramanarayanan, N. Vijaykrishnan, Y. Xie, M. J. Irwin, "The Effect of Threshold Voltages on the Soft Error Rate", 5th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'04), pp. 503-508, 2004.

For increasing CL soft error tolerance, Dhillon et al. have proposed a technique that used optimal assignment of gate sizes, supply voltages, and threshold voltages while meeting timing constraint.

Y. S. Dhillon, A. U. Diril, A. Chatterjee, and A. D. Singh, Analysis and optimization of nanometer CMOS circuits for soft-error tolerance, in IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 514-524, 2006.

Later work has presented a power-aware methodology for soft error hardening using dual supply voltages. In this methodology, a higher supply voltage is assigned to the gates that have large error impact and contribute most to the overall SER.
Kai-Chiang Wu and Diana Marculescu, "Power-Aware Soft Error Hardening via Selective Voltage Scaling", Proc. of Int'l Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), pp. 301-306, 2008.

Recently, we have studied the radiation tolerance of Dynamic Threshold based MOS Design (DTMOS) Technique.

Various DTMOS inverter schemes have been proposed to improve Standard DTMOS logic inverter. In order to reduce standby leakage current, Chung et al. have proposed a new scheme with minimum size small subsidiary transistors The subsidiary transistors increase the current drive by managing the body bias The input load of the inverter circuit is reduced since the output charges are used to raise the body potential of the main transistors.

Later Gil et al. proposed another scheme with subsidiary transistors that achieved better performance in terms of speed

Another Dynamic Threshold Inverter Scheme

Below scheme is another DTMOS with subsidiary transistors, but this time the gates of subsidiary devices are tied to main transistors drain instead of gate This configuration reported to perform best in terms of power-delay product when compared to previous schemes

Soleimani et al. [16] reported even better power efficiency with the following

stability with respect to temperature was an issue

ANALYSIS In our initial analysis, we studied the effect of decreasing threshold on SEU and soft delay tolerance. In order to analyze the effect of decreasing the threshold voltage on SE Transients and delay effects, we have used a string of six inverters shown

For measuring SE Transients, the input of first inverter is tied to logic 1, and for soft delay measurements, it is tied to a switching input waveform. In our analysis, we have considered 65 nm technology with parameters obtained using Predictive Technology Model

A soft error occurs when the collected charge Qcol at a particular node exceeds the critical charge Qcrit. When this happens, the generated SE pulse can be latched, resulting in bit flip in storage element or soft error. The critical charge here can be defined as the minimum charge collected due to a particle hit that can cause a change in circuit output

In order to determine critical charge, the deposited charge is slowly increased until the SET pulse appears at the output of inverter string and hence cause a bit flip in storage element.

Since our aim here is to examine the effect of decreasing threshold on circuit SET, the threshold voltage value has been modified via vth0 parameter using delvto option in Hspice. Results show that a 100 mV reduction from normal threshold value increases Qcrit by 33%.

This indicates that if threshold voltage can be reduced, the circuit robustness to SETs could be increased as the critical charge value of a node becomes larger. This confirms the results of Degalahal et al.

We have also studied the effect of threshold on soft delay effect. This has not been done before to our knowledge. For soft delay measurement, a pulse signal has been connected to the input of the first inverter in the inverter string

For soft delay measurement of a series of six inverters, a pulse input signal has been connected to the input of the first inverter. Since soft delay occurs when a particle strikes a sensitive node during signal transition, a radiation hit has been injected around halfway during falling transition at the output of first inverter using double exponential current source.

For soft delay calculation, the 50% delay at the output of the last inverter gate is first recorded in the presence of an SE charge. The delay measurement is then repeated with SE current source removed (no SE charge). The difference between the two is recorded as soft delay at the output of the inverter string. In our simulations, we have assumed the critical delay of the circuit is 200 ps meaning any delay increase more than 200 ps results in a timing violation and an SDE.

The minimum charge that creates this critical delay has been recorded as critical charge Qcrit-delay. The result shows that circuit robustness to soft delay effect also increases with decreasing threshold voltage.

Fig. Critical Charge Qcrit vs. (Vth for a soft delay of 200 pS.

DTMOS Schemes Our initial analysis on threshold voltage has shown that decreasing threshold voltages increase the critical charge of logic circuits hence provide more robustness to SE transients and Soft Delay effects. In normal DTMOS scheme, the body-source junction is forward biased (at less than 0.6 V), forcing the threshold voltage to drop and hence this effect can be exploited for Single Event mitigation. Therefore, in this work, we study various Dynamic Threshold (DTMOS) schemes for the purpose of mitigating SE transients and soft delay errors.

Based on these results, we have examined various dynamic threshold based schemes for their vulnerability to SET and soft delay errors. These methods are widely used for high speed and low power operations. Results are then compared to that of Conventional configuration where transistor body terminals connected to source terminal.

Various Dynamic Threshold Inverter Schemes Reported

In the comparison, five different circuits including benchmark circuits have been utilized. These circuits are 6-stage inverter chain, c17 ISCAS-85 and c432 ISCAS85 benchmark circuit, Full Adder module in ISCAS-85 c6288 and ALU module in AM2901 4-bit microprocessor bit-slice. Although it is dated, the ALU module alone contains 83 gates, 12 input and 10 outputs and 276 SE vulnerable nodes.

Fig. ISCAS-85 benchmark Circuit

The sizes of all gates are taken as minimum size with power supply voltage used in these configurations is 0.6V. The hit locations for these circuits at nodes close to primary inputs. For example, in c17 benchmark circuit given, node g7 was selected for hit location and noise has been propagated to the output for observation. The critical charge values Qcrit and Qcrit-delay for each circuit have been determined using the procedure explained before.

ALU module in AM2901 4-bit microprocessor 4-


6-stage inverter Configuration Qcrit (fC) Normal Body Tie Standard DTMOS Fig. 4.a [11] Fig. 4.b [12] Fig. 4.c [13] Fig. 4.d [14] Qcrit-delay (fC) Qcrit (fC) Qcrit-delay (fC) Qcrit (fC) Qcrit-del (fC) Qcrit (fC) Qcrit-del (fC) Qcrit (fC) Qcrit-del (fC) c17 ISCAS-85 ISCAS-85 c432 ISCAS-85 c6288 AM2901 ALU Module

2.46 3.72 3.27 3.53 2.66 3.22

6.51 11.05 7.96 8.33 10.00 9.39

1.70 2.64 2.31 2.50 1.80 2.12

2.07 4.56 2.65 2.55 3.55 3.24

2.63 3.76 3.42 3.59 2.84 3.34

6.51 10.30 8.14 7.94 9.42 9.26



2.03 3.01 2.87 3.44 2.16 2.56

1.99 3.74 2.53 2.56 2.84 3.02

3.79 10.86 3.48 3.64 2.84 3.36 7.82 7.98 9.46 8.81

For all four example circuits considered, body tie design achieves the smallest critical charge among all techniques and hence it is the most vulnerable one to SETs and soft delay effects.


6-stage inverter Configuration Qcrit (fC) Normal Body Tie Standard DTMOS Fig. 4.a [11] Fig. 4.b [12] Fig. 4.c [13] Fig. 4.d [14] 2.46 Qcrit-del (fC) 6.51 Qcrit (fC) 1.70 Qcrit-del (fC) 2.07 Qcrit (fC) 2.63 Qcrit-del (fC) 6.51 Qcrit (fC) 2.58 Qcrit-del (fC) 6.34 Qcrit (fC) 2.03 Qcrit-del (fC) 1.99 c17 ISCAS-85 ISCAS-85 c432 ISCAS-85 c6288 AM2901 ALU Module

3.72 3.27 3.53 2.66 3.22

11.05 7.96 8.33 10.00 9.39

2.64 2.31 2.50 1.80 2.12

4.56 2.65 2.55 3.55 3.24

3.76 3.42 3.59 2.84 3.34

10.30 8.14 7.94 9.42 9.26

3.79 3.48 3.64 2.84 3.36

10.86 7.82 7.98 9.46 8.81

3.01 2.87 3.44 2.16 2.56

3.74 2.53 2.56 2.84 3.02

Standard DTMOS technique shows superior characteristics in terms of SEU robustness due to highest critical charge for all cases. The critical charge value needed for soft error in Standard DTMOS is 50% more than what is required for normal body tie scheme, and hence more robust in terms of SEU tolerance.

The reason can be explained as follows: Referring to Fig. when input to DTMOS inverter is low, the body for PMOS is low and hence PMOS has a forward bias. Since, this , increases the drivability of PMOS transistor a negative transistor, SET pulse at the output can be easily dissipated due to increased PMOS current drive.

A similar explanation can be made for the case that input is high and a positive SET pulse present at inverter output.

For soft delay error, the critical charge values for Standard DTMOS is more than 60% higher in all cases compared to Normal body tie configuration. Let us assume the input waveform is a rising from logic low to high. During the falling waveform at the output of inverter, if a positive charge is deposited by an SE particle, this may result in delay increase or soft delay. When input rises from Low to High, body of NMOS follows the input and as a result NMOS gets a forward bias. This causes output waveform to switch more rapidly and results in a reduced soft delay.

0.6 V Logic High

Hardening Against Combinational Circuit Related Soft Errors Using DTMOS Researchers have proposed many circuit level techniques to mitigate SE Transients in CL: The Spatial redundancy techniques such as Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) circuits triplicate the CL to be protected and then use a voting circuit to filter out the transient. Temporal methods sample the data with different delays and produce the output to a voting circuit to eliminate an SET pulse.

The driver sizing technique proposed increases device capacitance and drive current to decrease the device vulnerability to SEUs Larger drive strengths of NMOS and PMOS quickly dissipates the collected charge, reduces the vulnerability to Single Event particles. Other techniques such as the one BELOW use different circuit layouts at the gate and transistor levels to reduce the chance of a SE to become a transient.
M. P. Baze, S. P. Buchner, D. McMorrow, A Digital CMOS Design Technique for SEU Hardening, IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, vol. 43, no.6, Dec. 2000.

Our proposed hardening technique is based on use of Standard DTMOS scheme along with driver sizing. This combine approach results in considerable area saving compared to driver sizing alone. This is possible since a Standard DTMOS gate is more SE robust compared to a conventional one.

In sizing simulation, we consider the 6-stage inverter chain consisting of conventional inverters and apply various deposited charges in between 10-150 fC. For each charge level, we determine the necessary hit inverter size to eliminate the soft error effect. We size up the gate transistors until the soft error is eliminated.

We then repeat the same for soft delay. In this case, the hit driver should be sized up such that the delay should be reduced to less than 200 ps. This process is then applied for the Standard DTMOS inverters.

Above procedure has been repeated for all four example circuits, and necessary gate sizes have been determined to eliminate soft error and soft delay error effects.

Again, these circuits are 6-stage inverter chain, c17 ISCAS-85 and ISCAS-85 c432 benchmark circuit, Full Adder module in ISCAS-85

6-stage inverter Deposited Charge c17 ISCAS-85 ISCAS-85 c432 ISCAS-85 c6288
AM2901 ALU Module

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

10 fC 25 fC 50 fC 100 fC 150 fC

5X 3X 11X 7X 21X 15X 42X 29X 62X 43X

2X 1X 3X 2X 6X 4X 12X 7X 18X 11X

7X 5X 17X 11X 34X 22X 67X 44X 100X 66X

4X 2X 9X 4X 17X 8X 34X 15X 50X 22X

4X 3X 10X 7X 19X 14X 38X 28X 57X 42X

2X 1X 4X 2X 7X 4X 13X 9X 19X 13X

4X 3X 9X 6X 17X 11X 33X 17X 50X 21X

2X 1X 4X 3X 7X 5X 13X 9X 19X 14X

5X 4X 11X 8X 20X 16X 36X 29X 51X 42X

4X 3X 11X 6X 23X 11X 47X 23X 83X 33X

6-stage inverter Deposited Charge

c17 ISCAS-85

ISCAS-85 c432

ISCAS-85 c6288

AM2901 ALU Module

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS 4X 2X 9X 4X 17X 8X 34X 15X 50X 22X

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

SEU Normal / DTMOS

SDE Normal / DTMOS

10 fC

5X 3X 11X 7X 21X 15X 42X 29X 62X 43X

2X 1X 3X 2X 6X 4X 12X 7X 18X 11X

7X 5X 17X 11X 34X 22X 67X 44X 100X 66X

4X 3X 10X 7X 19X 14X 38X 28X 57X 42X

2X 1X 4X 2X 7X 4X 13X 9X 19X 13X

4X 3X 9X 6X 17X 11X 33X 17X 50X 21X

2X 1X 4X 3X 7X 5X 13X 9X 19X 14X

5X 4X 11X 8X 20X 16X 36X 29X 51X 42X

4X 3X 11X 6X 23X 11X 47X 23X 83X 33X

25 fC

50 fC

100 fC

150 fC

Results show that Standard DTMOS technique can be used along with gate sizing in mitigating the Single Event Transients and Soft Delays with considerably less area overhead.

CONCLUSION As designers address the static power consumption via optimizations, they need to be aware of the impact on SEU robustness. We have analyzed various DTMOS schemes for their soft error tolerance. We have found that DTMOS increase circuit robustness due to increased current drive and hence can be combined with driver sizing technique to mitigate SET transients and soft delay effects. This approach results in considerable area saving compared to driver sizing alone.

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