Lesson 4 5global Labor Market
Lesson 4 5global Labor Market
Lesson 4 5global Labor Market
Manpower is
replaced by
1. Shifting demographics, dynamic workforces
Demographic -statistical data relating to the population and
particular groups within it."the demographics of book buyers“
-labor shortages
-aging and declining birth
Four a. Talent workers
changes -A more intense search for talent is beginning, and we are already
seeing interesting people practices emerge. Aerospace companies,
shaping faced with graying workforces, have pioneered flexible working,
phased retirements, “encore careers,” and a slew of knowledge
the labor transfer programs to train the next generation. Companies that can’t
find the talent they need in one country use remote working to
market employ people elsewhere. Around the world, employers are
experimenting with new policies to better appeal to
underrepresented groups—women, young people, minorities, people
with disabilities, migrants, etc.
a. The new mindset
-most millennials expect to pursue multiple
2. The rise of careers and change directions a few times over
individual their working lives.
choice -the goal today is to be employable
-to develop the skills, experience and expertise
necessary to move on or up, regardless of your
-As a result of rapid technological change,
companies today face shorter business
3. The cycles and truly global competition. Few
technological industries are safe from disruption.
revolution Automation, facilitated by better artificial
intelligence, is poised to have a major
impact on jobs.
Sophisticated- developed to a high degree of
4. Client a. HR is being more complex
sophistication 1. Employee engagement
and the dawn
2. Productivity
of data
3. performance
b. Data is one click
-transparent information
Challenges of Global
Labor Market
The lack of access to the labor market can lead to long term
deterioration of skills and motivation
formal labor
the lack of recognition of overseas qualifications is a significant
barrier to employment.
Where assessment is lacking, refugees would accept any jobs,
regardless of the formal or informal sector, that can provide them
2. Lack of with a livelihood. In Canada, up to 65 and 54 per cent of refugee
women and men are overqualified for their jobs.
of skills and
-poverty can limit one’s access to basic services
-Poverty has detrimental impact on one’s access to housing and
basic services.
-In the UK, asylum seekers are not allowed to work for 12 months
upon entry. After receiving a positive decision, they are required to
leave their government-provided housing in a maximum of 28 days.
The majority of them cannot cover rent deposits and are unable to
3. Poverty access social welfare immediately.
Surveys from UK and Australia revealed the lack of reference, local
experience, and formal social networks as major barriers to employment.
This resonates with evidence about social capital and ethnic enclaves,
namely in Denmark where 26 per cent of non-Western immigrants found
4. Lack their first job through contacts, in Switzerland where refugees from the
same nationality helping each other, in Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa
established where Somali refugees tend to find jobs in conational or Muslim
businesses. Asylum populations and immigrants from the same nationality,
work and religious background, or country of origin tend to help each other.
the employment rate among asylum women is lower than asylum men
-associated with their lower education level,
Low language fluency and literacy,
and poorer access to formal networks (such as religious groups and
While the knowledge of host country language tends to increase over
time, the higher the language proficiency and education level are
associated with significant employment gains. In a six-months internship
programme for refugees at IKEA Switzerland, tandem programmes and
online courses were proposed as solution to improve the language
proficiency of employees. SAP SE, another software company which
offers internship programmes for refugees pointed out that interns may
6. not raise questions on technical issues due to language barriers.
Therefore, the company developed a multi-lingual educational software
Language and to address gaps in language and skills.
skills training
Top market trends
that will lead in the
-is the buying and selling of
1. E-commerce good or services via the
internet, and the transfer of
money and data to complete the
sales. It's also known
as electronic commerce or
internet commerce.
2. Entertainment
in the Company
The rise of emotic company
Ex. Mental health related markets
Ethics in companies
Halo- an app as an example of emotic market
2. Emotic
4. Digital
Zero effort
Example. Mcdonalds interface
X onyx- online work out tracker
Zero Thinking
-The market will leave the decision making part to the consumers.
-Ex. Hotel with room packages offers.
Cannabis Industry Package and Shipping Industry