Roll. (2) Huma Mukhtar
Roll. (2) Huma Mukhtar
Roll. (2) Huma Mukhtar
Roll No. 02
Session 2018-22
Assigned By
Prof.Muhammad Usman
Why VoIP?
What Is VoIP ?
How Does VoIP Work ?
Step involved for originating a call
Basic Configurations
PC-to-PC architecture
the phone-to phone architecture
VoIP Standard/Signaling
H.323 Standard
The H.323 Architecture
Protocol Relationships in H.323
The Seven Phases of an H.323 Call
Technical Challenges of VoIP
What Is VoIP ?
VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) is the transmission of
voice and multimedia content over an internet connection.
VoIP allows users to make voice calls from a computer,
smartphone, other mobile devices, special VoIP phones and
WebRTC-enabled browsers
How Does VoIP Work ?
VoIP comprises several interconnected processes that
convert a analogue voice signal into digital format and a
stream of packets, transmit them on a packet-switched
network, and convert them back into voice at the destination
Transmitting on packet switch
Converting voice
into packet streams
Converting back
node into voice
The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are
conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format
translation of the digital data into packets for transmission over the
Internet. The process is reversed at the receiving end
The digital speech data is processed in units known as frames, with each
frame containing a portion of a speech signal of a specific duration.
These frames are inserted into IP packets, which contain additional
information (overhead) such as packet sequence numbers, IP addresses,
and timestamps, all of which are necessary for the packet to traverse the
network successfully.
To reduce the inefficiencies caused by this overhead, it is common to
pack several voice frames into one IP packet. Packetization of voice is
illustrated in Figure 2.18(a). The IP packets are received in a play out
buffer at the receiver, decoded in sequential order and played back
Header Voice frame 1 Voice frame n
Packetization of voice
packetsizer internet decoder
Dynamic Receiver
basic processes in VoIP.
Basic Configurations
describes protocols for the provision of audio-visual (A/V) communication sessions on
all packet networks
H.323 provides standards for equipment, computers and services for multimedia
communication across packet based networks and specifies transmission protocols for
real-time video, audio and data details.
The H.323 Architecture
H.323 specifies four kinds of components, which, when networked together, provide
the point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communication services.
• terminals
• gateways (GWs)
• gatekeepers (GKs)
• multipoint control units (MCU
Gatekeepers The gatekeeper can be considered the brain of the H.323 network.
Although they are not required, gatekeepers provide functions such as
authorization and authentication of terminals and gateways,
bandwidth management
provide call-routing services.
Clients register with the gatekeeper when they go online. One of its most
important functions, bandwidth management, is done through admission
control. Terminals must get permission from the gatekeeper to place or
accept a call. This permission includes a limit on the amount of bandwidth
the terminal may use on the network.
MCUs support conferences of three or more H.323 terminals. All terminals
participating in a conference establish a connection with the MCU. The MCU manages
conference resources, negotiates between terminals for the purpose of determining
the codecs to use, and may handle the media stream
Protocol Relationships in H.323
1. Call admission RAS RAS Request permission from GK to make/receive a call. At the
end of this phase, the calling endpoint receives the Q.931
transport address of the called endpoint.
1. Call setup Q.931 Set up a call between the two endpoints. At the end of this
phase, the calling endpoint receives the H.245 transport
address of the called endpoint
1. Stable call RTP/RTCP Two parties in conversation. RTP is the transport protocol for
packetized voice. RTCP is the counterpart that provides control
1. Call disengage RAS Release the resources used for this cal
We will assume a network that uses a gatekeeper and will also assume the
signalling flows via the
So, let's have two endpoints (IP phones) and a gatekeeper. The telephone numbers
assigned to the endpoints are 121 and 122, respectively. Let us assume the two
endpoints are registered with the gatekeeper.
Now, someone at the number 121 dials "122".
This is what is going to happen:
1. The endpoint that initiates the call knows the called number (122) but it does not know
the IP address associated with that number. At the same time, since it is registered with
the gatekeeper, it must ask the gatekeeper for a permission to place the call. It does so
by sending the Admission Request message to the gatekeeper. The Admission
Request (ARQ) will contain the called number (122), indicating to the gatekeeper that
the endpoint needs to have the number resolved to an IP address.
the protocol used to communicate with the gatekeeper is H.225.0-RAS
2. The gatekeeper will check it's database of registered endpoints whether it contains the number 122.
If so, the gatekeeper will check if 121 is allowed to call 122 and if it is possible to place the call — for
example, if there is enough bandwidth After that, the gatekeeper will form an answer — the
message Admission Confirm (ACF) with an IP address and send the ACF to the calling endpoint.
3. The enpoint 121 will now open a call signalling channel to the address provided by the
gatekeeper in the ACF message.
• With the gatekeeper-routed call model, the endpoint 121 will open a TCP channel to
the gatekeeper and send the Q.931/H.225.0 message Setup.
• The gatekeeper will in turn open a second TCP channel to the endpoint 122 and
forward the Setup message.
4. The endpoint 122 will first respond with the Q.931/H.225.0 message Call
Proceeding to indicate it has started working on setting up the call and the
gatekeeper will forward the message to the calling endpoint. After that, 122 will ask
the gatekeeper for a call permission (Admission Request, ARQ) and the gatekeeper
will respond with Admission Confirm (ACF). This is shown in Figure C.
5. The called telephone (122) starts ringing and this is signalled to the other party with
the Q.931/H.225.0 message Alerting, as shown in Figure D.
6. The called party picks up the handset and the endpoint can signal the call has been
accepted. This is done by sending the Q.931/H.225.0 message Connect.
At this point, the parties will need to negotiate parameters for audio (and optionally
video) channels. The protocol H.245 is used for this negotiation.
. Since the call uses gatekeeper-routed call model, the gatekeeper will usually replace
the H.245 address with it own H.245 address, so that it can inspect H.245 messages as
well. In Figure D, the rewritten H.245 address is denoted with asterisk.
7. The calling endpoint opens a TCP channel to the H.245 address it has received in
the Connect message, and the gatekeeper will establish the second "half" of the
H.245 signalling channel. The endpoints can start exchanging H.245 messages. The
H.245 negotiation has three parts:
• Deciding which endpoint is the "master" and which is the "slave". This has
more of an importance for conferences with multiple participants, rather than
for a two-party call. It is done nonetheless.
• Exchanging information about the capability set of each party. The endpoints
need to know what audio and video codecs the other party supports.
• Deciding about the actual parameters for the audio (and optionally video)
channels - i.e. what codecs will be used and what are the IP addresses and
ports for the RTP streams. This is known as the negotiation of logical
8. Finally, the two endpoints can start sending the RTP streams and the two
people will hear one another.
The steps 7 and 8 are shown in Figure E.
Let's now have a look at what happens when the call is over:
The two endpoints stop sending the RTP streams. They announce the closing of logical
channels (H.245 Request CloseLogicalChannel).
The H.245 signalling channel is closed (H.245 command
message EndSessionCommand followed by closing of the TCP connection).
The main signalling connection is also closed — the endpoints exchange Q.931/H.225.0
messages ReleaseComplete and the TCP connection is closed.
Each of the two endpoints informs the gatekeeper about the completed call with the H.225.0-
RAS message Disengage Request (DRQ) and the gatekeeper confirms with Disengage
Confirm (DCF).
And now the call is really over!