Conrad Monterola
• Separation of particles using Gravity
• Removal of solids from liquid sewage.
• Settling of crystals from mother liquor.
• Separation of liquid-liquid mixture from liquid extraction.
• Settling of solid from leaching operation.
Free Settling
• Interference is less than 1%
• Ratio of particle diameter to container diameter is less than 1:200
• Particle concentration is less than 0.2 volume %
• Other wise it will be Hindered Settling
Buoyant Force, FB
FB = Vpg
Buoyant force is equal to the weight of liquid
displace by the solid.
Vp is the volume of the particle
r is the density of the liquid
g is the acceleration due to gravity
Gravitational Force, Fg
Fg = mg
Drag Force, Fd
For Turbulent
region CD =0.44
Stoke’s Law
Reynold’s Number must be less than 1
according to Geankoplis p.817
Geankoplis Example 14.3-1
MRII Reviewer
8. Determine the terminal settling velocity of dust particles having a
diameter of 60 microns at 294.3 K and 101.32 kPa. The dust particles
can be considered spherical with a density of 1.280 kg/m3. For air
viscosity is 1.828 x10^-5 Pa.s and density of air 1.202 kg/m3. Please
check that the flow is laminar.
a. 0.18 m/s
b. 0.14 m/s
c. 0.2 m/s
d. 0.09 m/s
Hindered Settling
• The motion of a particle is impeded by other particles, which will
happen when the particles are near each other even though they are
not actually colliding.
Is the volume
fraction of the
liquid in the slurry
factor phi sub
Geankoplis Example 14.3-2
MRII Reviewer
9. Solid spherical particles having a diameter of 0.09 mm and a solid
density of 2002 kg/m3 are settling in a solution of water at 26.7 C. The
volume fraction of the solids in the solution is 0.45. The settling velocity
is _____. ( for water density is 994.7 kg/m3 and viscosity is 0.861 x 10^-
3 Pa.s)
a. 5.3 x10^-3 m/s
b. 3.269 x 10^-3 m/s
c. 2.369 x 10^-4 m/s
d. 3 x 10^-5 m/s
Sink and Float Method
• A liquid is used whose density is intermediate or between the high
density solid and low density solid.
• The heavy particle will sink and the light particle will float.
• Liquid used must be more dense than water since most solid are more
dense than water.
• Pseudo-liquids like galena with specific gravity of 7.5 or magnetite
suspension are generally use. Very fine particles are used to ensure
stable suspension.
• Application includes cleaning coal and concentrating ores.
Sink and Float Method
Differential Settling Method/Classification
• Separation of different size of particles based on settling velocity.
• The density of the medium is less than that of the solids so the solids
will sink.
The more dense particle will have higher
settling velocity if the particle size are the same.